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yathāsrākṣīn nibodha me


yathāsrākṣīn nibodha me

Maitreya said: Thus I have described to you the power called time, belonging to the Supreme Lord. Now hear how Brahmā carried out the creation.

In the Twelfth Chapter, Brahmā, after creating the Kumāras, Marīci, dharma and adharma, produces a couple from his body to increase the population. Mahimā means power.

|| 3.12.2 ||

sasarjāgre ’ndha-tāmisram

atha tāmisram ādi-kṛt

mahāmohaṁ ca mohaṁ ca

tamaś cājñāna-vṛttayaḥ

Brahmā, the original creator, first produced the functions of ignorance: tamas, moha, mahāmoha, tāmisra and andha-tāmisra.

The functions of ignorance had already been established. At the beginning of the daily creation, they make their appearance in various forms starting with tamas, directly from the Brahmā. Tamas means ignorance of the svarūpa of the jīva. Moha means the identification of self with body etc. Mahāmoha means applying possessiveness to objects of enjoyment. Tāmisra means the appearance of anger within the mental functions when one’s enjoyment is obstructed. Andha-tāmisra means an unconsciousness state brought on by anger. This means death. Not present in the jīva, these were created by ignorance or avidyā. Viṣṇu Purāṇa says:


tamo ’viveko mohaṁ syād antaḥkaraṇa-vibhramaḥ

mahāmohastu vijñeyo grāmya-bhoga-sukhaiṣaṇā

maraṇaṁ hy andha-tāmisraṁ tāmisraḥ krodha ucyate

avidyā pañca-parvaiṣā prādurbhūtā mahātmanaḥ

Tamas means lack of discrimination. Moha means mistaken identify in the mind. Mahāmoha means the desire for happiness from material objects. Andha-tāmisra means death. Tāmisra means anger. These five types of ignorance made their appearance from Brahmā.


In Yogasūtras, Patañjali says avidyā asmitā rāgadveṣābhiniveṣāḥ: ignorance (tamas) false identity (moha), attachment (mahāmoha), repulsion (tāmisra) and fear of death (andha-tāmisra) are the five types of ignorance.


Viṣṇu-svāmī has said:

Ajñāna-viparyāsa-bheda-bhaya-śokāḥ vastutas tv avidyāyā āvaraṇa-vikṣepāv eva dvau dharmau, tāv eva avidyāsmitā-śabdābhyāṁ ajñāna-viparyāsa-śabdābhyāñ cocyete


Ignorance of svarūpa, false identity, hatred, fear and lamentation are actually only two functions of avidyā, āvaraṇa and vikṣepa. Āvaraṇa is called avidyā (tamas) or ajñāna and vikṣepa is called āsmitā (moha), or viparyāsa.


Attachment, hatred and fear of death (rāga, dveṣa, abhiniveśa), though they are qualities of the mind, are types of vikṣepa. Not being as prominent as vikṣepa, they are included in it.


|| 3.12.3 ||


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