ity upasthīyamāno ’sau 

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ity upasthīyamāno ’sau


maitreya uvāca

ity upasthīyamāno ’sau

munibhir brahma-vādibhiḥ

salile sva-khurākrānta



Maitreya said: After being thus praised by the sages with Vedic words, the boar, the protector, placed the earth on the water which had been attacked by his hooves.


Being praised and served by the sages (upasthīyamānaḥ) the boar placed the earth on top of the water, which had been attacked by his hooves. This shows the bestowal of the supporting śakti to the earth. Avitā means protector.


|| 3.13.47 ||

sa itthaṁ bhagavān urvīṁ

viṣvaksenaḥ prajāpatiḥ

rasāyā līlayonnītām

apsu nyasya yayau hariḥ


The Lord, Viṣvakesena, the lord of the living beings, having placed upon the water the earth which he had lifted from the water, then departed for his own abode.


Yayau means he departed for his abode, or disappeared.


|| 3.13.48 ||

ya evam etāṁ hari-medhaso hareḥ

kathāṁ subhadrāṁ kathanīya-māyinaḥ

śṛṇvīta bhaktyā śravayeta vośatīṁ

janārdano ’syāśu hṛdi prasīdati

The Lord, whose intelligence destroys the material suffering of the devotee and who possesses praiseworthy mercy, is easily pleased in his mind with that person who hears and lets others hear this auspicious, pleasing story of the Lord.  

Hari-medhasaḥ means “of the Lord whose intelligence (medhas) destroys (hari) the material life of the devotee.” Kathanīya-māyinaḥ means “of the Lord who has mercy (māyā) which should be praised” or it can mean “of the Lord who has svarupa-śakti which should be praised.” He should similarly make others hear (śravayeta). Uśatīm means pleasurable.


|| 3.13.49 ||

tasmin prasanne sakalāśiṣāṁ prabhau

kiṁ durlabhaṁ tābhir alaṁ lavātmabhiḥ


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