tad viśva-gurv-adhikṛtaṁ bhuvanaika-vandyaṁ 

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tad viśva-gurv-adhikṛtaṁ bhuvanaika-vandyaṁ


tad viśva-gurv-adhikṛtaṁ bhuvanaika-vandyaṁ

divyaṁ vicitra-vibudhāgrya-vimāna-śociḥ

āpuḥ parāṁ mudam apūrvam upetya yoga-

māyā-balena munayas tad atho vikuṇṭham

Through the yoga-māyā of the Lord, the Kumāras attained Vaikuṇṭha, the transcendental place most worshipped by the world, glowing with various aircraft owned by the excellent devotees. They attained Vaikuṇṭha, under control of the Lord, and experienced the highest bliss.


This verse describes the Kumāras’ trip to Vaikuṇṭha. They attained that place not by their own powers, but upon receiving the power of the Lord’s śakti, by the desire of the Lord, by his yoga-māyā, so that they could experience the highest bliss by the Lord’s mercy. The words parām and apūrvam indicate that they experienced greater bliss in Vaikuṇṭha than in realizing impersonal Brahman. What is the nature of Vaikuṇṭha? It is under the control of the Lord (viśva-guru). This means that material māyā cannot exist there. The place glowed with the colorful airplanes possessed by the best of devotees. The phrase “guru of the universe” also indicates that he brought them to Vaikuṇṭha to teach them bhakti.


|| 3.15.27-28||

tasminn atītya munayaḥ ṣaḍ asajjamānāḥ

kakṣāḥ samāna-vayasāv atha saptamāyām

devāv acakṣata gṛhīta-gadau parārdhya-


matta-dvirepha-vanamālikayā nivītau


vaktraṁ bhruvā kuṭilayā sphuṭa-nirgamābhyāṁ

raktekṣaṇena ca manāg rabhasaṁ dadhānau

In Vaikuṇṭha, after passing through six gates, the sages with no attachment saw at the seventh gate two gate keepers adorned with armbands, earrings crowns, and attractive clothing. The gate keepers with four blue arms were holding clubs and were decorated with garlands surrounded by maddened bees. Their faces were slightly agitated with anger, expressed by frowning brows, heavily breathing nostrils and red eyes.


In Vaikuṇṭha (tasmin), passing through six walls with gates, the sages, without attachment, since they had realized Brahman from birth, saw the two doormen. They did not have any attraction by material intelligence to the gates, walls or to the aspects of form, fragrance or beauty they experienced there. At the seventh wall, they saw two guards Jaya and Vijaya holding clubs. Their faces were slightly disturbed with anger (manāg rabhasam). The symptoms are described. Their nostrils (noun must be supplied) were breathing heavily (sphuta-nirgamābhyām).


|| 3.15.29||


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