dvāry etayor niviviśur miṣator apṛṣṭvā 

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dvāry etayor niviviśur miṣator apṛṣṭvā


dvāry etayor niviviśur miṣator apṛṣṭvā

pūrvā yathā puraṭa-vajra-kapāṭikā yāḥ

sarvatra te ’viṣamayā munayaḥ sva-dṛṣṭyā

ye sañcaranty avihatā vigatābhiśaṅkāḥ


The sages, who, without fear, unobstructed by anyone, would wander everywhere with undisturbed intelligence, entered the seventh door, made of gold and diamonds like the previous doors, without asking the door keepers.


This verse explains the reason for their anger. Without asking the two gate keepers who were watching (misatoḥ), disrespecting them, they entered the seventh door whose bolts were made of diamonds, and whose panels were made of gold, as were the previous doors. They did not ask because of their nature. Without anyone able to stop them going anywhere (avihatāḥ), they used to wander everywhere.


|| 3.15.30||

tān vīkṣya vāta-raśanāṁś caturaḥ kumārān

vṛddhān daśārdha-vayaso viditātma-tattvān

vetreṇa cāskhalayatām atad-arhaṇāṁs tau

tejo vihasya bhagavat-pratikūla-śīlau


Seeing the four young naked boys who were as old as Brahmā but appearing to be five years old, who had realized Brahman, the gate keepers forbade them from entering, though they acted against the nature of the Lord and should not have done so, ignoring their great power.


Generally they had no clothing, but actually they had small bells as decorations. Though they were as old as Brahmā, they appeared to be five years old boys. Seeing those brahma-jñānīs, the gate keepers prevented them from entering by placing their sticks horizontally in front and saying “Do not enter the palace of the Lord.” The Kumāras did not deserve to be stopped. Ignoring their greatness, the gate keepers thought that the boys were proud because of their brahma-jñāna. The gate keepers thus showed natures unfavorable to the Lord, who is affectionate to brāhmaṇas. Even the Lord’s servants should not obstruct his friendliness to brāhmaṇas, because they follow the qualities of the Lord’s mind. Being virtuous, the Kumāras should not have been punished.


|| 3.15.31||


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