Render the text, article making use of the following scheme 

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Render the text, article making use of the following scheme


The plan for rendering the text Some expressions to be used while rendering the text
1. The title of the article. The article is head-lined… The head-line of the article I have read is…
2. The author of the article; where and when the article was published. The author of the article is… The article is written by… It is (was) published in… It is (was) printed in…
3. The main idea of the article. The main idea of the article is… The article is about… The article is devoted to… The article deals with… The article touches upon… The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on… The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material (data) on…
4. The contest of the article. Some facts, names, figures. The author starts by telling the readers (about, that)… The author writes (states, stresses, thinks, points out) that… The article describes… According to the text… Further the author reports (says) that… The article goes on to say that… In conclusion… The author comes to the conclusion that…
5. Your opinion of the article. I found the article interesting (important, dull, of no value, too hard to understand…)



Supplementary Material for Grammar Revision


U N I T 1


The English Alphabet

1.1. Read the English alphabet aloud making a pause only at the end of each line.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn

Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu

Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz



The Noun (N)

Имя существительное

1.2. Review the following lists of words containing the names of living beings, things, materials and abstract notion (nouns). They belong to the school vocabulary minimum, make sure that you know the words.


List 1


answer             ответ                                 bus                         автобус

autumn            осень                                 cap                         кепка

bag                   сумка                                capital        столица

bed                  кровать                             car                          автомобиль

blackboard       классная доска                 centre                     центр

book                книга                                chair                       стул

box                  ящик                                 child                      ребенок

bread               хлеб                                  citizen        гражданин    

breakfast      завтрак                   city                        город

brother             брат                                   clock                      часы




  List 2       List 3  
colour цвет hand Рука
corner угол heart Сердце
country страна help Помощь
daughter дочь home жилище, дом
day день hope Надежда
desk стол, парта hour Час
door дверь house Дом
duty долг husband Муж
earth земля idea идея, мысль
east восток importance Важность
end конец ink Чернила
evening вечер institute Институт
exam экзамен interest Интерес
example пример interval Перерыв
eye глаз job Работа
factory фабрика journey Путешествие
family семья joy Радость
father отец key Ключ
flat квартира kind вид, сорт
Floor пол, этаж kitchen Кухня
forest лес knife Нож
friend друг knowledge Знание
fruit плод, фрукт land земля, страна
future будущее language Язык
glass стекло lecture Лекция
half половина lesson Урок


  List 4       List 5  
letter письмо peasant Крестьянин
library библиотека pen Ручка
life жизнь pencil Карандаш
light свет people люди, народ
magazine журнал picture Картина
man человек, мужчина place Место
map карта play игра, пьеса
member член question Вопрос



  List 4 (continued)       List 5 (continued)  
minute минута rain Дождь
mistake ошибка rest Отдых
money деньги return Возвращение
month месяц right Право
moon луна river Река
morning утро road Дорога
mother мама room Комната
name имя sea Море
newspaper газета sister Сестра
night ночь sky Небо
north север snow Снег
note записка son Сын
notebook тетрадь south Юг
page страница spring Весна
parents родители stay Пребывание
part часть street Улица
party партия summer Лето
peace мир, покой sun Солнце


                                                                                                            List 6    
table стол water Вода
talk разговор weather Погода
thing вещь week Неделя
time время west Запад
town город wife Жена
travel путешествие wind Ветер
tree дерево window Окно
university университет winter Зима
use польза wish Желание
victory победа woman Женщина
village деревня word Слово
walk прогулка work Работа
wall стена world Мир
war война year Год
watch часы youth молодость  

The Number of Nouns

Число существительных

1.3. Study the table to see how nouns form their plural.

  Singular (one) Plural (two, three, four, etc.)  
A. answer answers [z]
  bed beds [z]
B. book books [s]
  clock          clocks [s]
C. box; dress boxes; dresses [iz]
  brush; watch brushes; watches [iz]
D. hero heroes [z]
  potato potatoes [z]
  piano pianos [z]
  radio radios [z]
E. family families [z]
  factory factories [z]
F. knife knives [naivz]
  leaf leaves [li:vz]
G. man Men
  woman Women
  child Children
  foot Feet




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