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Comparative Chart of Vowel Phonemes in Canadian English, General American and RP↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 17 из 17 Содержание книги
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1 I»j. lea], [09], Eu»] correspond to the QA дпи СЕ (»), [srj. [srj, There are three main types distinguished within RP pronunciation; 1) conservative — used by older generation, by certain professions or social groups, 2) the general RP used by the BBC, and 3) the advanced RP, used by young people, or in some circles for prestige purposes. The main differences between standard and advanced RP are the following: 1) The closing diphthongs are pronounced with the weakened or /tel/ instead of /teil/ /ou/ turns into /a:/, e. g. /Ьз:п/ instead of /boim/ /ai/ turns into /a3/ or /a/, e. g. /ba3d/, /bad/ instead of /baid/ /аи/ turns into /aa/, or /a/, e. g. /taa/, or /t<t/ instead of Даиз/ /oi/ turns into /o:/, e. g. /bo:/ instead of /boi/ {tall, call are exceptions) 2) The centring diphthongs are levelled with monophthongs: /ia/, /бэ/ turn into /e:/ or long /ж/, е- g. bared, fared, pared are pronounced as /bs:d/, /fs:d/, /pe:d/ /is/ is opposed to /еэ/ in open syllables, e. g. hear—hair, fear — fair. This opposition does not occur before voiceless, or before /1/. /л/ turns into /a/, e. g. /san/ instead oi /sAn/ 3) The glottal stop is used between words and syllables, e. g» 4) /r/ is pronounced like the GA retroflex /r/. Questions 1. What is standard pronunciation? 2. What are the main differences between the RP and GA a) systems of consonants; b) system^ of vowels; c) accentual structure and intonation? 3, What is "advanced" RP? Exercises 1. Read the words below according to the GA standard. • farm, bird, sister, leave, let, late, berry, merry, very, Bett у,.bottle* little, city, certainly, that one, mountain, which, what, when, due,1 new, suit, excursion, version, Persia, man, name, noun, nationa^ 2. Read the words below (a) with the vowel /i/ obscured: will, fill, building, river, spirit, miracle, beer (b) with the vowel lei lower than the RP /e/: jc) with the vowel /el diphthongized /W, /a»/: bet, get,-detr met,.neck,-check,iet; - Ш 3. Read the words below (a) with the OA Ы more frönt arid longer than the RP /je/: ask, dance, last, answer,' half, aunt (b) with the RP /se/ nasalized before I A, m, n/: 4. Read the words below according to the GA standard. hurry PWij, current /*кзтэп1:/, courage /^idg/, worry /lW3ri/„ furrow /'{эгэи/, squirrel />skw3r3l/, stirrup /Ыэгэр/, clerk /кЬЧ?/г derby /Wbi/ 5. Read the words below with the /r/-colouring terminally. winter, perceiver, doctor, mister, sister, Webster 6. Read the words below according to the GA standard- 7. Read the words below according to the GA standard, hop, rob, not, lock; doll, solve, on; frog, log, long; law, court 8- Read the words below. Compare the pronunciation of theJRP and GA diphthongs, of the Jong monophthongs /?:, a/. gate, date, late, Kate, mate, make; radio, goat, coat; far, formr fare, bare, poor, mare, near, door 9, Read the words below. Mind the tertiary stress differences in RP and OAl RP GA 'dictionary idictiojnary iFerbuary >FebrU|ary 'ordinary 'ordinary 'category icateigory •territory lterri|tcry 'cemetery 'cemetery 'monastery 'monastery 'matrimony 'matrimony 'testimony 'testimony 'necessarily 'necessarily 'ordinarily 'ordinarily 10. Read the words below. Mind the place of primary stress on thejsecond com RP GA 'apple'source 'appleisource 'beefsteak 'beefsteak 'elseiwhere 'elsewhere ifarraJhouse 'farmihouse 'mean'time 'meanitime White 'House «White iHouse J-midf<Jay 'working 'man 'mid|day 'working 11. Read the place names below. Mind a single primary stress in RP and a primary and a tertiary stress in GA.
RP * Birmingham 'Bloombury
(Buckingham iDartmöor ) Moorgate 'Newfoundland 'Peterborough 'Devonshire
'Ex moor 'Exmouth •Hampstead 'Highgate
'Hollywood 'Manchester 12. Read the GA general questions with a Jailing tone (the counterpart tone Are you going? Does he care? 13. Read the GA casual requests with the falling tone (this intonation in RP Come in, Sit down. Shut the door. Ojjen the book. KEY TO EXERCISES Exercises p. 14 1. witches /witj, -iz/, glasses /glas, -iz/, foxes /ftjks, -iz/, gases /gaes, -iz/V 2. begged /begd/, lived /!ivd/, opened /laupand/, travelled /Itrsevld/, cancelled 3. /Ineifcn—Insejanl/, /greiv—Ignsviti/, /pratvauk—pralvukstiv/, /zfcl— 4. /Jredbrest/ малиновка; /Iblitbe]/колокольчик; /Ibbsfeun/медный купорос;- ауптвахта; /Iblaäkrnss/ реквием 5, /stil/ неподвижный, спокойный; /sti:l/ сталь; /pml/ лужа, /pul/ тянуть; 8. Rhythm. 9. То give particular importance to the word think. _,. i0; (a) Tne sounds /s, J/ are repeated to express the idea of sea movement. Thls„\hIIPe helPs to Practise their differentiation. (b) The sounds /u, ae, i, л/ are repeated in the rhyme to practise thei* pronunciation and differentiation. .11. /bau-wau, mJiE-mjur, grAnt-grAnt, skwi:k,;tuihu:, kau-kau, kwffik-kwffikrmu;/. Onomatopoeia. Control Tasks p. 17 3
4. very— vary /Iveri — Ivean/; 2. personal —personnel /Ipaisnal — tpa:saln el1/; '227 paw /ря— риэ—рх/; 15. courage—carriage /Ikindg—Iksciij/; 16. inquire — acquire /mlkwais—elkwaia/ 6. wolves /wulf, -vz/, wives /waif, -vz/, lives /laif, -vz/, leaves /li:f, -vz/, б./эи—"D,3-9/;/ei—a.z—s/;/3—9/;/tu—u, z—s/; /v—S/; /i—«,v—f/; /v-f/; /v-f/ 7. /fmsilt—inlsAlt/ оскорбление—оскорблять; /lübdgikt—abtdsekt/ пред 8. Alliteration, rhyme, rhythm. 9. Through the repatition of the sounds /ju:, ei, ai, A/, syllabification and Exercises p. 33 8. In the articulation of /p, t, k/ the vocal cords are taken apart and do not vibrate. In the production of /b, d, g/ the vocal cords are drawn close together and vibrate. In the /p, t, k/ articulation the force of exhalation is much greater than that in the production of /b, d, g/, therefore /p, t, k/ are voiceless fortis and /b, d, g/ are voiced lenis. 4. In the articulation of /m, n, rj/ the soft palate is lowered. In the articu 5. In the articulation of /b/ the noise is produced when the flow of air 6. In the articulation of /w/the active organs of speech are the lips, which 8. The place of articulation (focus) in the production of /s/ (lenis) its between the teethridge and the front part of the tongue. There is groove-shaped depression in the front part of the tongue, through which the air passes with friction: it passes through a round narrowing. The place of articulation (focus) in the production of III is between the lower iip and the edge of the upper teeth. The air passes through this narrowing with friction. The narrowing in III articulation is more or less flat. 10. /Iptpl/, /Ipeipa/, /lpa:p3S/, /Ipusabl/, /put/, /pens/, /Ipiti/, /pua/, /Iptsiz/, /pst/, /Ipeni/, /t«k/, /taim/, /taun/, /taiz/, /items/, /tuk/. /Iteeksiz/, /hl/, /itfctjaz/, /ta:nd/, /Itsutl/, /tus/, /tm/, /Unz/, /to:ts/, /kauid/, /Ikeaful/, /kcu/, Дик/, /IkAirad/, /küst/, /kist/, /Iksmpas/, /lke:tli/, /Ikutwig/, /IkAraits/, /)кл1э/ Exercises p. 44 4. Cardinal vowel No. 1 is pronounced with the position of the tongue Cardinal vowel No. 2 is pronounced with the position of the tongue narrower than for the Russian /e/ in the words месть, тесть. Cardinal vowel No. 3 is similar to the Russian /э/ in the words ахо, это. 5. For instance: /t—d/bit—bid, bat—bad, debt —dead; /k~g/ duck —dug, П. The beginning of the articulation of (k —u>/ coincides with that of /i — u/
12. (a) /si:m—sins/ /mi:l—mil/ /mi:n—mins/ /sli.-p-slip/ /Ibst — list/ (c) /ttm—tim/ /Ш-fil/ /bto—ф / /3—dgtm/ /IfMin—Ifilirj/ /fct-it/ /slits—sits/ (g) /Itv-lw/ /Iffcve—Ihfti/ /Iblikan—bil/ /tj-fck—tjm/ /btt—bit/ 33. (a) /bed—b£ed/ /9en—Эаеп/ /tplenti—plasn/ /els—Iffilis/ /Itete—dsede/ (c) /frentj1-—ran/ /pens—psents/ /Ibenal—Ibawau/ /Itwenti —twffin/ /I mem—Imaetg/ (e) /ded—deed/ /leni —tjelrs/ /IJeb-Jal/ /)men — Imasrid/ /Ihenn —lhaepi/ <fi) /Iheti-hajt/ /Isentral—Isaandi/ /ltjev»t-lt,fenl/ /Iraem—rneep/ /ivesl—Ivsljus/ /leldah — lenkfts/ t4. (a) /kam—клт/ /ISa—1глтп/ (b) /riid—nd/ /Stfel — Stil/ /krfck—knk/ /slfct—sht/ /sfck—sik/ (d) /sfcn—sm/ /Idtb—Idina/ /htt—hit/' /bbt— bit/ (f) /f!:Z—fiz/ /mt—mist/ /Jffcz—9is/ /sttp—stik/ (h) /ht—him/ /Glim—9in/ /sfets—sits/ /Sti:p —Stlf/ /Jptpl-pit/ (b) /hed—had/ /ten—tsen/ /(eft—Ised/ /let—siaek/ /sillekt—nllseks/ (d) /end—and/ /Sen—Seen/ /leniwei—Ifsmih/ /bed—bsek/ /Ihelpin — Ihspi/ (f) /ten—tsen/ /men—man/ /sed—ssed/ /bed—bsed/ /t Jest-t Jap/ (h) /lern —teokjbs/ /bet—bffik/ /Iplenti—iplffltfo:m/ /fiej-flffij/ (b) /ant—Unda/ /had—Hundred/
/ban— IbAtn/ /Iak-Uk/ /Iklasiz— IbAsiz/ (c) /Imaval — 1шлш/ /l<tf—IIavIi/ /past —IpAzhrj/ /'makit—тлд/ /last—Плпаэп/ (e) /fanld —1лЗэг/ /Imasta — ImAgki /Istatid — IsUdi/ /lldlt
/last—l (g) /frans—frAnt/ /lhabaz—IrjAndnd/ /adlvccntids—al Ьллг/ /haf—tut/ /post—bAt/ (i) /stffl—stAn/ /kamt—клт/ /had—Jut/ /Itccgit—|tApans/ /mask —inAst/
15. /bid-bed-bffid/ 16. /э:1-з:1—Jffil/ [Control Tasks p. 57 2. The allophones of the It! phoneme are for example: labialized in: rockr roof, rook, raw; devoiced in: present, practice, problem, protract; affricated in: tree, trim, troop, try, drain, dry, drop, draw; single tap in; throw, throng, threepence, thrust. 3. As a result of palatalization in the Russian language consonants alwy 4, The examples may, for instance, be as follows: complementary distribu Exercises p. 62 1. Work of the vocal cords: voiceless fortis vs. voiced lenis: pin—bin, pack—back, pie—bye, tie—die. Ш Active organ of speech and the place of articulation; labial, bHabial vs. Singual forelingual apical alveolar; pen — ten, been—dean; labial bilabial vs. lingual backlingual: pole—coal, bait—gait; labial, labio-dental vs. labial bilabial: fee—we, felt — well; labial, labio-dental vs. pharyngal:/ee— he; lingual,»forelingual apical vs. lingual forelingual cacuminal: sob—rob, seal — real,.■sole—role, sip — rip, sight — right. Manner of noise production: occlusive vs. constrictive: pity — city, pay — say, pall — sail, pole—sole, peel — seal. Voice or noise prevalence: occlusive noise (plosives) vs. occlusive sonorants i(nasal): pine—mine, debt — net, kick — Nick; constructive noise (fricatives) vs. •constrictive sonorants: fell—well, those—rose, soul — role, sip — rip, sight—right. The number of noise producing foci: unicentral vs. bicentral: fell — well, fee—we. The shape of the narrowing; constrictive with a flat narrowing vs. constric- i ive with a round narrowing: fail — sail, fee — see, foot — soot, fat — sat, fell—sell- 3. fa) The force of articulation rather than the presence and absence of (b) Manner or noise production: occlusive /p/ vs. constrictive HI, It — s/, Active organ of speech: bilabial /p/ vs. backlingual /k/, backlingual /k/ vs. forelingual apical /t/. (c) Manner of noise production: occlusive /t/ vs. occlusive-constrictive /t|Y (d) Place of articulation and the nurober of foci: interdental /6/ vs. apical Manner of noise production: plosive /t/ vs. constrictive /3/. (e) Position of the soft palate: oral noise /b/ vs. nasal sonorant /m/, or /d/ 4. The sub-minimal pairs: marry — measure, genre — jar, teasure — Control Tasks p. 63 1. (a) man — nap, coming — cunning, seem — seen; (b) wield — yield, 2. (a) less — yes, drew — due, clue — cue, rung — young; (b) tame — 3. (a) pine — fine, bee — thee, came — lame; (b) fare — chair, work — 5. /I, r, j/ after /p/ are devoiced; after /t/ the position of the tongue for hi Exercises pi 67 1. (а) /в—ж/. Both are back vowels, but /13/ is an open vowel of broad variation and /a:/ is a mid vowel of broad variation. (b) /e—se/. Both vowels are front, but /e/ is a mid-open vowel of narrow (c) /9: — d:/, /3:/ belongs to the group of central mid-open vowels of narrow (d) /ш— u/, Both vowels belong to the group of back high vowels, but /ш/ (e) /se—ei/, /ее/1 is a frönt open vowel o! broad variation. The nucleus of the diphthong /ei/ is /e/ which is a front mid-open vowel of narrow variation. m /я—эи/. /о:/ is a raid fully back vowel of broad variation. The nucleus of the diphthong /эй/ is a central mid-open vowel. 3. (а) /и—ai/, /эй—аи/; (b) /в—еэ/ 4. The phonemes /fc,ei, ac.a:/ in the first row of each column are the longest, 5. Stability of articulation. Control Tasks p. 68 1. (a) /t—e—a/ bead—bed—bad, deed —dead—dad; (b) /аг —э:—a/ 2. cart—card Boz—bars don—down 3. {a) known — noun, phoned — found, hay — high, bay — buy, no — (b) hear — hair, beer — bear, ear — air, fear — fair, rear — rare, tear — tear Exercises p. 74 5. (a) kJ:p, ipi-siz, Itl-ffaz, Ipfcpl, Iparpas, Iksitn, ta:nd, lka:li, k<t, kxts,. (b) til, kist, tin, Ipiti, Ipeni, tel, Items, Ipendsltan, Iksempes, Iksembnan, (c) spent, stei, staun, IstAdi, stik, Istatid, (splendid, ifcslprerrans, iks'tensivh, 6. Iptpl, pet, Ipa:msn3nt', Ittiq; kamp, Ikitjan; Ibiljsdz; Iditarsnt, aildia; get, ipsigativ, lepildemik; lkEeps]u:Iz; bed; ibeta; Idifrant lpi:siz, pens, Ipeitferz; Itventi, Isikslttn, Itainirj; Ikeafli; beidz, big, (Anbilltvablr Idifrsnt, daunt; Iginrz, Igivirj, gauz Ipiisiz, nlpead, Ipaipss; tiez, teik, te:nd; btn, big, bed, bsek, Ьэи8; aildia, dilsaidid, Ididnt, dei; get, gest, geilz, Igsuirj Iptktjg, (ptanad, ikslpekt, pee; Kifttfcn, misted, Icttsst*, ktp, Ibaskit, vslkeijent pirjk, ikslpranans, Ipe^i, peitj tin, Iwnntid, teik, ternd; Idrinkirj, keim,. Iksandid, lfce:li; btri, Ibiikan, bit, basd, Iba'.tn; kanldi^gn, Inwdid, aildra; giv, get, ga:Iz islpejeli, Ipsetan; stil, pölteiteuz, Itjielip; kbp, glkeisenl, kaen, lukfupai; bt,. IJugabM, Ibakbaun; dt; dra, imAdi, da-.t; givz, Uuggast, Iregiulö ЫрЫщ, peid, Ipjurplz, Ip3:fikt; t!:tj\ stik,- ltju;zdi, tiaz; ki:p, llukirj, Iksrid3, keuld; bt, albeid, bask, baut; mldfcd, Idim, ldju;h, deit; Igivn, gest, algen,.algaU' Iptenin, pit, nlpeid, Ipaesmd33; stif, Isiti, greulteak, ta:nz; ktp, Ibreikin, kserid3, ksuld; Ibbin, best, bsek; 1Ьз:1эи; di:l, Iditiz, die, ded; tgetirj, geiv, gaui 7. Ihffipi, Iliikap,' IkAbad, |nju(:)lmaunJ8, 1ащ, 1р1лтэ, bum, Itpmas, Exercises p. 77 6. jan—jAn. пряжа—молодой 1клщ1т— 1клтщ приходить—приход sah—ял о солнце—пропетый klfcn — klm чистый—прилипать inutlBirj — 1плШд не вещь—ничто (дэЫгп— Igauirj входить — отъезд эип— 1эшд собственный—долг sein — IseiiQ нормальный—пословица < brerk/in — I breikrg врываться—торможение Uuklm—llukirj быстрый взгляд—смотрящий 6. brig, 1ллг, 'iggland, IJAgga, Iem8in els, lnA6irj av 9a' Ikamd, Iwihrjli, 7. Iraitirj, frtdirj, Igamrj, gtm, wen, sAg, Налддп, sAk, Btrj, Öifc, ihaerja, Exercises p. 84 4. thin — sin тонкий — грех thick — sick толстый —> больной thought — sought думал — искал Forth — force вперед — сила mouth — mouse рот — мышь thumb — some большой палец — какой-нибудь worth — worse ценность — худший thick — tick толстый — тикать thought — taught думал — учил three — tree три — дерево seethe — seize кипеть — хватать lathe — laze токарный станок — безделье then — den тогда — логово though — dough хотя — тесто seethe — seed — смятение — семя heath — heat пустошь — жара both — boat оба — лодка forth — fought вперед — боролся clothe — close одевать — закрывать breathe — breeze дышать — бриз there — dare там — визов other — udder другой — вымя worthy — wordy достойный — многословный months месяцы the eighth zone восьмая зона withstand противостоять clothes одежда sixth шестой is thin тонкий it's this это who's that кто это 6. faund^ieauzand, fa:st—63:st, fat—9si, Irk—Or*, fmz—6inz, def—depö II. o:l—hal весь— зал 1Э—hia ухо—слышать aut~-haus внешний —дом at—hat искусство—сердце at—hut следовало бы —горячий is—hiz есть—его aust—haus выгонять—-дом it—hit это—удар il—hil больной —холм sez—1иев как—имеет sed -— hged добавить—имел and —hsend и—рука am—ham рука—вред adz—hasndz добавляет—руки еэ—иеэ воздух-—волосы 14. sheep, sheet, sheen, ship, should, shook, shed, shell, shake, shave, shade, shame, shape, shy, shine; election, condition, delegation, competition, organization, station, pleasure, leasure, decision, vision, occasion, measure 16. П, Jtp, jAt, fij, brjij, lam;, Jfi/ra, Ispejal. Isteijsn, Ijusual 16, pas, isertnh, Isimk, sai3, liest?, ail, lhauziz, IhAzband, di!z9:t, Ifiziks, Issfata, ilnAf, draft, lef I tenant, mevju(:}, Imseoju:, lgac]zws:9i, ig Ivuik], IJepad, I Jugs, aljira, Ivsijan, Inaujan, Isaujal, Ik on Jans, IJivaln, tfeiz, Exercises p. 90 2. right, ride, ripe, cry, crisis, price, gray, bread, read, reap, reason, reach, 3. reits, red, ram, reust, raund, rsuz, lreko:d, iregj-ula, Ireilwei, 1глшп, Inalr, 5. /ля, ju:fl, ja:, je:, jet, Ijestadi, ljust tu, njnz, Ihjuansn, mju(:)lziam, sju:ft 9. The English /r/ is a cacuminal sounds the Russian /p/ is a trilled one. the Russian /й/, which results in the more "noisy" character of the /ft/ articulation. /1/ is "light", it is pronounced with the front secondary focus. The Russian /л/ is pronounced with the back secondary focus, /i/ is "dark" because it is pronounced with the back secondary focus. The Russian /л'/ is veiy "soft" which is the result of the front secondary focus in its articulation. /w/ is biiabial and bicentral, it is pronounced with the back secondary focus. The Russian /в/ is labio-dental and unicentral. 10. For instance: ел—ель, пол—Поль, кол—коль. 11. /W—v/, /e—ae/, /fc—i/, /re—e/ are separate phonemes. 12. Jes, alpmjen, Unjan, jttlnait, mjut, Injtute, Ijuarap, Isju(;)id5, wud, to:k, Exercises p. 93 2» ЛГ» dg/ are pronounced as* indivisible clusters of two sounds and represent single phonemes ДГ/ and /dj5/. The combinations /tr, dr, ts, tz, te, dflf/ consist °3/ end6nt phonemes each: /V+АЛ /d/+// /t// /t/+// /i/+/6A 3. chin, check, chess, chain, China, child, rich, much, chop, watch, chalk, 4. tfj:p, tJ4:k, pf, t/m, Itjfflnl, IdsentI, ld3ent!i, dgstmz, Istreindge, Imaentfista, itnaänjulfsektj'araz, mldpimant, 9!remd3mant, mlgeidjmant, diltstft, Itempritfa, Inselfaral 6. tfaild, Ineitfa, Ikwestfen, Irait/as, Imtstfif, d50i, dsem, djips, п, lbAd3it, апиМз, Igrsendäa, Isauld33, Id Control Task p. 105 (a) sit-down, read^,text 1, writedown, next^,time, glad^to see you, don't_Jike, I'd.__ like, mashed^potatoes, mustard_p lease, got^to eat, that^pub, ■work_now, difficult^to deal, silk^dress, but_good, hit^nose; (b) repeat^the noun, in^the noun, atwthe blackboard, clean_the board, (c) will^you read louder, will^you please, will^you tell^rae, tell^,the girl Exercises p. 115 I. , (a) si:, wi;, trt, Ы:, mi, hi, ft; (b) sl;m, rfcd, klfcn, sfcn, dtl, lpi:pl, IbziIi; |(c) tjfcp, swi:p, tftf, trtt, lfcst, krtk, wik 2. $Ъ, lv, IkDnkrfct, ftt, mit, nts, nlsfcv, faltfcg, IfcsBiit, kfc, kfc 3. m, il, big, wirjgz, pit, stik, klifs, зрпц, Bio, sik, nst, Isih, Ibtldtg, ig kalmit, lrna:si, ibritsn, Iwtndau, Imtsiz, Isimptamz, Jhtrlidi, Imtnstid, iklsaitid, '(в), Iheziteit, Ipnvilid3, Ikntisizm, ilnitnt, Imedsin 4. did, lid, IglEdli, IfrMi, lirjks, 1клп^, Ivilidj, IwdJiz, lrLK3is, Ibuksiz, 5. bed, sed, help, tel, ]et, hed, Items, Iwe3a, Imemba, lleta, drest, (sets, nlmemba, inldevs, hau I tel, misted, fat get, illevn 6. rsd, get, tent Isevn, hed, ded, et, 9э temz, Ibercal 7. glsed, baad, plsen, kasn, swaem, bl©ok, drajgk, sakt, sset, Ifaensi, Iglsadli, 8. Iksen, laempl, hav, Isaeman, plsed, Jsemlpem, laebssluitli, laebstrakt, I 9. ck, ba:, fa;, ka, a:m, ask, ka:d, past, fam, hctf, po:t, lads, frctns, gras, 10. ma-st, lansa, la:st, ta, pit, lcuf, Ibakh, lhafad, hat 11. un, nod, wuz, rod, wiont, двп, d3Db, tot, Ion, sun, 1ЬвЭэ, Ibunit, 12, hüt, Ision, Ifwm, Ikwohbi loümaritek, Iso:sid3, 'по1к1з, j'pt 13. тз:, dro:, o:l, кэ:1, bo:, ÖDit, ho:s, to:k, so:t, bo:t, d3s:d3, Jo:, b:\mz, , b:kistra, lo:[talgeSa, af tko:s, rfo:t[lfo: 14. port, fo;t, flo:, do:, kD:st ko:t, fo:, рэ:, гэ:, wo:, bro:d, bo:tf гз:0,:1, jo:n, pa:, 9э: 15. gud, rum, wud, kuk, fut, tuk, put, sut, Juk, lukt, Ibujrz, imanjulfäektjaz, 16. put, puj1, pul, Iwustid, wulf, luk, stud, tuk, kud, j"ud, Ikurra 17. flu, Ztt, tit, hu:, tlS, JUS, jtS, fju:, tru, /u:d, SlMl, skis], jufl, mU:V, ГЦ:Г, h]u:d3, nju:, Ijusuah, Isbsslicth, Inju(:)lmaunj3, Immvirj, Isevinju:, тртэ Ibjurfiful, rilvju:, irumd, Isjusaid, Ivffilju:, Iregjitla, Ipju^lz, Ihjttmsn, Iktltjj 18. blu:, md, ml, d3«:n, kitl, turn, gru:p, wund, bru:z, bru:, malnurva 19. tjun, Ihjunra, jits, kju:, Itjuzdi, sjust, Injista, fju-., Ibjir-tt, hjuz 20. WAn, глп, kn, jAn, bAs, fflAtJ", tAn, JAO, клт, 1лЭэ, 1злшэ, г 21. mAst, An!d3Ast, d3Ads, ШлтЬлд, dAz, frAnt, э1тл5/1тлш, flAd, ikApJ, TAf, Uf 22. wa:, hsid, wa:d, lws:kaz, ISarti, sta:, ta:nd, lte:nnj, lbs:tn, hs:, J3:z, iba:bu, 23. sts:, iffla:tl, lka:nl, Ьз:д, Iwarks, lta:na, ns;s,!a: 24. glgen, bUtjj]» slbaut, alkros, elbei, glpDn, falget, sslpraiz, [sigalret, ipikaldili, kgnlfes, pslhseps, salpauz, kanldijan, pglsent, hslself, ts ipli:z, ta 'step, Ээ Isüg, ta Idu;, te IfiJ, 0э lga:lz, 1рв:щэпэп1, Iprnbebli, Ifamsli, iwAndalsend Iwudlsnd, idekareit, ighmarm, Imsenijists, Idesalit, Irekagnaiz, Itrsevls, Ibselksni Exercises p. 134 1. (a) When preceded by /w, I, 0, s, d, tf, r, j, h, m, n/ the /i:/ phoneme is pronounced: as labialized in /wi:/; with the labiodental, position. for /f/ in /Ifi:v9/; with the interdental position of the tip of the tongue in /6i:m/; with the apical constriction (round narrowing) in /si:/; with the apical occlusion for /d/ in /di:l/; with the cacuminal position of the tip of the tongue for /r/ in Ihy.pzl; with the palatal position of the bulk of the tongue for /j/ in /ji:Id/; with the glottal (pharyngal) narrowing for /h/ in /hi:/; as nasalized after /m, n/ in /mi:lz, mi:, ni:dnt/. (b) When followed by / b, v, Э, t, 1, J1, tf, к, д, m, n/ the /i:/ phoneme is pronounced:1 with the bilabial release in /gri:b/; with the labio-dental release in /li:v/; with the interdental release in /Ji:6, bri:S/; with the apical occlusion in the final stage in /i:t, fi:l/; nasali'ed before /m, n/, with the velar closure in /bi:k, Itg/; retracted. tongue in /fiJV; with the interdental position of the tip of the tongue in /Girjks, 9irj/; with the apical position of the tip of the tongue in /dsd, sit, lift/; as retracted in /Igiva/; with the cacuminal position of The tip of the tongue in /ntJV; as retracted Jn /kil/; with the glottal (pharyngal) narrowing for /h/ in /hid/. (b) the /r/ phoneme is pronounced: as nasalized in /him/;2 with the labiodental release in /if, hv/; with the interdental release in /mi6, wiS/; with th& 1 That is the first stage and the beginning of the medial stage of the vowel are affected. a Thai is the final stage 'is affected. apical release in /iz, bil/; as nasalized in /tin/; with the palato-alveolar position of the tip of the tongue in the final stage in /паз/; as retracted in /pik, big/. Control Tasks p. 136 1. Vowel No. I /i:/, quantitative changes: it is the longest in: sea, we, tree,, he. It is shorter in: easily, meals, fever. It is the shortest in: cheaper, sleet, speaker, teach, keep, sheep. The quality of the vowels depends on the articulatory characteristics of the consonants which precede or follow them. E. g. in sea I'v.l is modified under the influence of the forelingttal, apical, alveolar, voiceless, fortis, constrictive* /s/; in we — under the influence of the bilabial, constrictive sonorant /w/; in meals — the nasal, bilabial, occlusive sonorant /ml; in cheaper — the lingua], forelingual, apical, palato-alveolar, voiceless fortis constrictive/t]/; in tree — the lingual, forelingual, cacuminal, post-alveolar, constrictive sonorant h/;. in fever ■ — the labial, labio-dental, voiceless, fortis, constrictive IV; in sleet — the lingual, forelingual, apical, alveolar, constrictive "light" /J/; in speaker — the labial, bilabial, voiceless, fortis, occlusive /p/; in he — the pharyngali (glottal) voiceless fortis, constrictive /h/; in teach — the lingual, forelingual, apical, voiceless fortis, ocelusive III; m sheep — the lingual, forelingual, apica]„ palato-alveolar voiceless fortis constrictive Ц1. Etc. Control Tasks p. 143 1. /ei/ A. (1) a) pay, make, pain, weigh, way, waste, pale, Wales, paint; b) face;; B. (I) a) game, famous, able, shape; b) David, gave; (2) b) again, pain, case„ /au/ A. (1) a) boating, poker, motor, poet, motive; b) foe; (2) a) though; b) don't,, B. (1) a) hope; b) over; (2) a) both; b) boating, hotel, hold, only, follow, Г/ai/ A. (1) a) why, wild, mild, while, my, Michael; b) profile; (2) b) die, nine,, B. (1) a) climb; b) wife; (2) b) kind, wild, mild, nine, while, silence, profile,, /au/ A. (1) a) pound, mouth; b) found; (2) a) thousand; b) south, now, down,, B. (2) a) south, mouth; b) drown, out; thousand, down, round, pound,, /01/
()) y, poit; (2) b) oil, employ, d) destroy; (4) coin. B. (2) b) join, point, coin, soil, noise, joint. /»/ A. (I) a) Crimea; b) severe; (2) b) dear, near, idea, museum; (3) year; (5) B. (1) museum; (2) b) accordeon, ears, real, realize, period; d) weary. 23? /89/ A. (I) a) parent, anywhere, bare, despair, pair. Mary; b) various, farewell; B. (1) b) carefully; (2) b) stairs; d) parents, various, Mary. /U9/ A. (1) a) poor, moor; (2) b) tour, during; c) sure, usual. B. (2) b) usual; d) during, Europe, 2. sauÖ, smlsiak, (stremdgli, falsiliteitid, Iwamdirj, риэ, Ifrafeuin, Imlaiz, 4mauta, lhaitn, palteitauz, lamralnait, IQiata, Id3uanst, Imsen, Imaikal, lamdgilau, ■Jd3em fsa, ml dormant, Itaifbid, ljuarsp, с|иэ Exercises p. 152 1. a) /le/ before the mediolingual sonorant /j/ is a a advanced variant of b) /e/ before the dark /1/ is more open. c) /k, g/ followed by /le/, /!:/ are slightly rounded. They are slightly pal d) /Pit.g/ followed by /vu/, /ж/ are labialized, /p, t, g/ palatalized^efore /i:/.
2. Alveolar /t, d, n, 1/ become dental followed by /Э, 9/. 3. Post-alveolar /r/ becomes alveolar after /6, S/, /r/ is devoiced preceded 4. In (a) /d, g, g/ are non-labialized, in (b), (c) /d, 3, 1, g/ are labialized 5. Sonorants /w, j, 1, r/ are devoiced most noticeably in the initial clusters 8. Assimilation of place in final alveolars: a)/I/ to /p/ b)/d/ to /b/ c)/t/ to /k/ /waipwoj"/ /reb rai:t/ d)/d/ to /g/ /hctb walk/ /haig kssj/ /heg ge:l/ e) In/ to /o/ f) /s/ to /J/ /in Iktudif/ /Ikrismoj IJüpin/ /'sArj glcusiz/ g) reciprocal assimilation before /j/ /igetfa: Ikaut/ /Iwauntja*/ /ai Ih3:d5üi kAmlm/ /Ikudntju-/ /IbleJ Jtt/ /IJudntJiE/ /tkbu3 зэ: ibuks/ /Ikantjus/ ) /Э/ is assimilated, following /n, 1, s, z; /in пэ 1ко;пэ/ /Iwots ss Ipumt/ /IkI la Ibuks/ /Iwesz za ibrednaif/ ■9. a) /kief Ipeeldt/ /1Ьлд Itelafaun/ /weis Ipeipa/ /,n ntf ifedsUfs/
ftf*l Lstr?bnz/ /ld Ife/ b) /Itrap bai/ /kJauZ l /lkra>k iputs/ /Ibffcö IdJpli/ /idAb Ifitm/ c) /Islaem 9э Ida:/ /Iheabrem Iskfcm/ /istrirj Imjuizikl instranrant/ Control Tasks p. 155 10. (I) Aspiration in all English words beginning with /p, f, k/. No aspiration in Russian words beginning with /п, т, к/. (2) Short English vowels are not affected by loose GV transition in /top/, a) Russian soft initial /т, с, д, p/ result from the loose CV transition in (3) Labialization with the lip protrusion in: бук, дуло. Labialization with 1). (1) lateral plosion: curdled, muddle, needless, mottled, at last, red tight* huddle, good looks; (2) nasal plosion: Britain, oughtn't, admit, madness, witness, partner, cotton, (3) loss of plosion: actor, begged, what kind, back to back, big books, slept, 12. /a/—more back in /ka/; /j/ —more high in /lpju:ta/;" /t/ more back In Д 13. Care should be taken 1) to avoid regressive voicing or devoicing of the-sounds given in bold type: /laenikdaut/,- /Ibatfdej/, /Iblakbsd/, /Imedsm/, /10» Ibuk/, /llets Igou/, /Iwuts оэ Itaira/; 2) to pronounce alveolar /s, z, 6, 1/ as-dental, since they are followed by-the interdental /9, Э/: /stksö, hiz Win, Ipcts-Ззт, liz Iflaet, fif8sf Isimös löea, lsu:3z öam, ttel 9эт, Im 9э/. Exercises p. 163 1. с, с, с, eau, ou, ough 3. Graphemes Phonemes Letters b-a-o-b-a-b /Ib-ei-a-b-as-b/ b-a-o-b-a-b v-e-s-t /v-e-s-t/ v-e-s-t d-u-l-y /ld-jui-1-i/ d-u-I-y sh-i-p Я-1-Р/ s-h-i-p d-i-sh /d-i-J/ d-i-s-h aw-E-u-1 /la-f-u-1/ a-w-f-u-1 d-aw-n /d-a:-n/ d-a-w-n 1-igh-t /1-ai-t/ 1-i-g-h-t h-igh /h-ai/ h-i-g-h w-or-k /w-3:-k/ w-o-r-k ar-ch-a-i-c /a-lk-ei-i-k/ a-r-c-h-a-i-c ai-r-y /lea-r-i/ a-i-r-y 1-au-gh /1-cc-f/ 1-a-u-g-h w-a-tch-ed /w-D-tJ-t/ w-a-t-c-h-e-d 4. <r> = /r/ in rait, alfreid, prei, trai, tven, drai; <our>==/ua/ in tourT 5. <ed> indicates the past indefinite morpheme -ed which is pronounced* 6. psekt, bad, реэ, frank, weg, IweSa, sl;n, bs:8, Isfchrj, ssul, bsa, preir rein, peil, еэ, farad, pemz, tfcz, pi:s, ffct, wit/, die, bau, bred, rait, pra, 3>!:tj\ hra, far, teil* nidil, sAri, bfct, breik, meiz, wi:k, IkArsnt, Isferral, vein, sei, -seil, Ikumphnrentr'hea, bb, sfc, mit, hi=l, fea, sent, raud, tfcrn, ho:s, Iben, gert, ■plem, kl: договор «-1 упакованный, под запором — засов, пара — подрезать, Стричь — груша, франк — искренний, носить — где, погода — ли, сцена — увиденный, койка — рождение, потолок — скрепленный печатью, подошла — душа, голый — медведь, просить, умолять — добыча, дождь — царствование, ведро — бледный, воздух — наследник, оштрафованный — находить, старания, труды — оконные стекла, чай — дразнить, мир — кусок, подвиг — ноги, колдунья — который, дорогой — олень, гнуть — сук, хлеб — воспитанный, правый — писать — обряд, церемония, ровня — дам-■<5а, пляж — бук, слышать — здесь, мех — пихта, ель, рассказ — хвост, мужской — почта, солнце — сын, бить — свекла, ломать — тормоз, кукуруза — лабиринт, слабый — неделя, смородина — течение, серийный — овсянка, кукурузные хлопья, тщетный — вена — флюгер, продавать — ■ячейка, парус — продажа, комплимент — дополнение, волосы — заяц, голубой — дул, море — видеть, мясо — встречать, исцелять — пятка, плата за проезд — ярмарка, цент — посланный — запах, ехал верхом — дорога, бригада — кишеть, хриплый — лошадь, ягода — хоронить, ворота —походка, ясный — самолет, ключ — набережная 7. (а) me-ter, ca-ring, beau-ty, sour-Iy, sure-ly, tea-cher, cry-ing, six-ty; 8. Mute (r), (e) indicate historical length or the diphthongal nature of the 9. Эйбел, Эндрю, Эни, Болдуин, Бернард, Дороти, Эстер, Джеральд, Control Tasks p. 164 1, face, Eac-ing, nic-er, choic-est, гас-y, princ-ess, age, rag-ing, 1 arg-er, urg-ent, bu!g-y, burg-ess, rage-cl, change-ling, outrage-ous, face-d, nice-ly, huge-ly, engage-ment, change-able b)
2. a) cur-ing fire-s cheer-less cure-d oc-curr-ed stirr-ing stirr-ed pin-ing pine-d work-er work-ing work-ed thorough-ly cult-ure nat-ion cit-y redd-er cheer-ing 3. ai=/er, еэ е, г, э/; /eid, ffesri, /streit/; au = /o:, cc/r/lagast, sd:s, Ы, *!■/; ay, ei = /ei/; /«Ml«, Ьегз/; ее, ео — /%!/: /freit, wei/. /Ikjua-nrj/ /1Еа(1)эг/ /Itjia-lis/ /kjuad/ /alka:d/ /Ista: -no/ /sterd/ /lpai-шп/ /pamd/ /Ik/ /IW3:-kirj/ /W3>kt/ /ША-Г8-11/ /IkAl-tJa/ /Inei-Jan/ /Isit-i/ /lred-э/ /Itfra-nn/ sed, Ifauntin, (poitnt, Ivilan/; aigh=/ej/: =/i, e/: /Ipfcpl, Jerepans, 'jlepad/; eigh = 4. sealing, ceiling, ceiling; soles, sole, sole, soul, soul; bare, bear, bear, 'bear, bear; pair, pear, pair; write, right, right, right; vain, vain, vanes, vein, vein Exercises p. 177 1. (I) CVC, СГС; (2) CVCC, СГСС; (3) CVCCC, СГССС; (4) CSVS, CSVS, 2. (a) lpf>pJ, Ibjtc-gl, Isse-tfal, Itrai-fl, In-äm, lei-pnl, ib-kwal, Шэе-рэпг, (b) CV — CS, CV — CS, CV — CVC, CV — CS, V — CSVS, V — CSVS, CV — CVSC, SV — CSC, CV — CVSC, CSV — CSC, V — CVSC, CV — CVSC, SV — CSC, CV — SVSCC, V — SVSCC, CV — SVSCC, CVC — CVSCC, CV — CVSCC, CV-CVSCC, CCV-CVSCC 3. 2, 2, 4, 4, 2, 4, 3, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4, 6, 2, 3, 5, 6
Control Tasks p. 178 1. (a) at, aunt, elks, asks, ebbed (b) took, lifts, texts, clenched, tip, struck, strays, thrust, bet, fact, fret, (c) pray, straw, boy, pea (a) ил, от, астр (b) рад, ЗАГС, горсть, скетч, взрыв, всласть, сфинкс, чувств, сон, Минск, (c) мгла, кто, та, что 2. а) Ь) | «) Ь) I а) Ь) I а) Ь) | а) Ь) I а) Ь) I а) Ь) 3. IkAm-fe-ta-bl, Ik-o-hds, bi-ffad, graund, Ikt-tfan, fpaen-trr, IstA-dr, isev-ral, 4. pa-rents, fire, piu-ral, гц-ral, din-ner, mar-ry, dis-ap-pear, speak-ing, 5. an aim for it; a blacked eye; not a tall; that stuff; I saw her eyes; the way 9-182 241' Exercises p. 136 1. лишенный помощи, неотчужденный, неизменный, невооруженный, 2. красивый, старомодный, злой (раздражительный), рассеянный, с не
4. яблоня, свидетель, рассвет, день рождения, овчарка, наволочка,, 5. бабочка, вновь прибывший, растяпа, кузнец, мужское пальто (ши 6. классная доска — черная доска; дрозд — черная птица; сейф — проч* Control Tasks p. 188 1. lair-raid, Ibirdcage, Icoalmine, Iteapot, Iwashstand, Imail-bag, ldance-|rnu- 2. l£ebs(a)nt—ablsent отсутству
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