Double-Faced Pattern: Design Tools 

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Double-Faced Pattern: Design Tools



Set the pattern name.
Set the size of the pattern - i.e. number of cards and picks. Changing the number of cards will automatically update the list of cards in the card setup area.
Saves the pattern to a GTT file.
Prints the pattern and the turning sequence.
Selects the primary colour. This is used to set the colour of a thread in the card setup.
Selects the secondary colour. This is used to set the colour of a thread in the card setup.
Clicking this button will set the foreground colour of all cards with the selected primary colour.
Clicking this button will set the background colour of all cards with the selected secondary colour.
Enlarges the image.
Reduces the image.
Shows or hides the grid.
Sets the height:width ratio of the blocks in the display.
Imports an image from a monochrome bitmap.
Saves the design image to a jpeg file.
Prints the design image.
Shifts the design one block to the left.
Shifts the design one block to the right.
Shifts the design one block up.
Shifts the design one block down.
Toggles between horizontal and vertical orientation of the display.
Reverses the foreground and background colours.


Double-Faced Pattern: Card Setup


Simple Doubleface (2 colours) Multi-colour Doubleface


Setting Thread Colours

The colours of all cards can be set by clicking on the or button in the Design Tools.

To set the colour of a specific thread, click on the hole in the card display. Left-clicking will set the colour to the selected primary colour, and right-clicking will set the colour to the selected secondary colour.


Setting the Card Threading


The threading for each card can be set by clicking on the letter S or Z below each card in the list. Alternatively, one of the threading buttons can be used:


Set the threading of all cards (or all selected cards) to S-threaded.
Set the threading of all cards (or all selected cards) to Z-threaded.
Set the threading of all cards (or all selected cards) to alternate S- and Z- threaded.
Set the threading of all cards (or all selected cards) to alternate Z- and S- threaded.
Change the threading of all cards to the opposite.



Double-Faced Pattern: Design Area



The design area is very straightforward. By default, the pattern will be filled with the background colour of each card. A few simple operations can be performed here:

Left-clicking or right-clicking on a block will swap between the foreground and the background colour.

Left-clicking and moving the mouse while holding down the button will set all blocks to the foreground colour.

Right-clicking and moving the mouse while holding down the button will set all blocks to the background colour.


An approximation of the actual woven appearance can be seen by changing to the Real Image tab.


The 3/1 Broken Twill Designer



The 3/1 Broken Twill designer is amost identical to the standard double-face designer, with the following differences:


Design Area and Tools


Instead of a simple grid, the blocks are arranged in the staggered pattern necessary for 3/1 broken twill design. This has an impact on several of the tools:


Shifting the image only works properly if done two steps at a time. Shifting the image by one step results in a mess! Note that this shift problem depends on the orientation; if the pattern has been rotated to lie horizontally it is the vertical shift that requires two steps.
The area selection is disabled completely due to the difficulty in selecting a 'rectangle'.
Mirroring an image may case the same problems as shifting it, depending on the axis and the orientation of the design. If you end up with a mess instead of a pattern, click on the Realign button. Mirroring an image will also mirror all the long float tags (see the additional tools below). However, since the placement of these tags is directly related to the position of each card in the basic 4-card sequence, it is unlikely that the tags will be in the correct position to create smooth colour boundaries after they have been mirrored.
Realigns the pattern after it has been shifted or mirrored. Due to the offset between blocks, shifting a pattern by an uneven number of steps can cause a misalignment. This button fixes the alignment (including the long float tags). If the pattern is shifted, then realigned, this has the effect of moving the image diagonally.



Additional Tools


Toggles the mode between setting the pattern and setting long floats. See below for more details.
Marks long floats on the pattern.
Clears all long floats.



Card Threading


Although the threading can be changed, it is advisable to stick with the standard method, ie threading all cards in the S direction. At present GTT only supports the one-pack method (as described in The Techniques of Tabletweaving), and colours are automatically assigned in the following sequence:


Hole Card


P = Pattern warp

B = Background warp


Long Floats


The standard turning sequence for a card is FFBB (with different starting points). To achieve smooth colour boundaries it is necessary to change the turning direction in the middle of a sequence, resulting in a long float. In GTT this can be achieved almost painlessly by marking a block as having a long float. The pattern will be marked like this:


The normal turning sequence for the three blocks would be FFBBBB, but since the second block has been marked with a long float tag, the turning sequence will be FFBFFF.



Turning directions before the second block has been marked: Turning directions after the second block has been marked, showing the long float:


Colour Interchanges


Clicking on the Print Pattern button can generate two different types of turning sequence, depending on the option selected in the File | Settings | 3/1 Broken Twill menu:


Change Turning Sequence Colour interchanges are accomplished by changing the turning sequence so that cards are turned in the same direction for four successive picks. No cards need to be twisted.  
Use Card Twists Colours are interchanged by twisting cards about the vertical axis. All cards are turned in the standard sequence (ie FFBB, FBBF, BBFF, or BFFB), but note that long floats will change the sequence.


The Font Designer





Font Designer: Design Tools



Sets the font properties. See below for details.
Saves the font.



Font Properties


This form is used to set the overall properties of the character set.




Name This is used simply for display purposes.
Letter Height This defines the height of all letters. Any existing letters are enlarged or truncated to fit the new size, so care should be taken when changing this setting. Note that since the letters are oriented along the warp, the height of the letter indicates the number of cards required.
Default Width Determines the initial width of new letters. Changing this value does not affect any existing letters.
Kerning This setting is used when a band is created using the Lettered Band option from the main menu. This space is inserted automatically between all letters when the band is created.
Card Threading Defines the threading of all the cards.



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