A1. Creating a Simple Threaded-in Pattern 

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A1. Creating a Simple Threaded-in Pattern



Getting to the Design Form

a) From the main form, go to the Create | Threaded-in Pattern menu option, then select the number of holes per card.


Setting up Cards

a) Click on Card Setup button.

b) In the Cards edit box, enter the number of cards you want to use, then click on the button. You will see a list of the cards appear on the right.

c) Click on the circle to select a colour, then for each card click on the hole where the colour is threaded. To quickly set the colour for all holes, click on one of the lettered buttons next to the colour circle.

d) Click on one of the threading buttons etc to set the threading for the cards, or alternatively click on the S or Z below each card to change the threading direction.

e) Click on .


3. Turning the Cards

a) Click on the button to turn all cards forwards, or to turn all cards backwards.


Changing Turning Direction

a) To turn some cards backwards, click on the F in the card list for each card, and it will turn to a B.

b) Clicking on now turns those cards backwards, and the others forwards.

c) Clicking on will perform the reverse action, ie cards marked F will turn backwards and cards marked B will turn forwards.


Using Packs

To simplify repeated forward/backward changes, card packs can be used:

a) Click on the button to set up the packs.

- Add as many packs as you need by clicking on .

- To change the name of a pack, click on the pack, then click again (not a double-click!).

- To add or remove a card to a pack, simply click in the relevant cell; a will mark the selected cards.

- Click on once you are finished setting up the packs.

b) Click on the button to show the list of packs.

c) As with individual cards, clicking on the F for a pack will change it to a B. Click on to turn the packs in the direction shown, or on to turn them in the reverse direction.

d) To stop working with packs and work with individual cards again, click once more on .



Appendix B: How To...



This section gives a few examples of how to use GTT to display patterns in some common ways and how to do other useful operations.



B1. Idling Cards in the Threaded-in Pattern Designer


When working with individual cards


Simply click on the number of the card in the card list. The card will become idle until the number is clicked again.




When working with packs


Click on the column header to idle all cards in the pack. The cards will idle until the column header is clicked again.




B2. Turning Sequence: Showing backward turns as solid blocks


Step 1: Go to the Settings menu, click on the Real Image Display tab, and under the Show Turning Direction as option select White and Black Blocks.


Step 2: Load the pattern.

Step 3: Click on the Change between block vs real image button.

Step 4: Click on the Show turning direction button.

Step 5: Click on the Show or hide twining direction button.


Step 6: Optionally, since most patterns use squares instead of rectangles, click on the Size Ratios button and set the width equal to the height.



B3. Turning Sequence: Showing turning directions as diagonal lines


Step 1: Go to the Settings menu, click on the Real Image Display tab, and under the Show Turning Direction as option select Diagonal Lines.


Step 2: Load the pattern.

Step 3: Click on the Change between block vs real image button.

Step 4: Click on the Show turning direction button.

Step 5: To show the lines on a simple grey background, click on the Show/hide colours button.


Step 6: Optionally, since most patterns use squares instead of rectangles, click on the Size Ratios button and set the width equal to the height.



B4. Displaying a Complete Weaving Chart


Step 1: Follow the steps in B3 or B4 to show the turning direction for the pattern as either diagonal lines or as black and white blocks, whichever you prefer.

Step 2: Click on the Show Card Twists button.

Step 3: Click on the Show Card Threading button. (Note that this is not the same as the Threading Diagram button).

Step 4: Click on the Show Pick Tags button.



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