Double-Faced Pattern Designer 

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Double-Faced Pattern Designer


Design Tools

Card Setup

Design Area


Broken Twill Designer


The Font Designer

Design Tools

Letter Selection

Letter Properties

Letter Design


Lettered Bands

Font and Letter Selection

Band Generator

Design Area


The Weaving Image

Setting the Size Ratios



Creating Palettes

Using Palettes


Printing a Pattern


Appendix A: Basic Tutorials

Creating a Simple Threaded-in Pattern


Appendix B: How To...

Idling cards in the threaded-in pattern designer

Turning Sequence: Showing backward turns as solid blocks

Turning Sequence: Showing turning direction as diagonal lines

Display a complete weaving chart

Reversing the Turning Sequence for Double-Face and Lettered Bands


Appendix C: Tool Quick-Reference

Last Update: 31/05/2002

Card Labelling


Due to some early misinterpretations I am using a rather counter-intuitive method, with holes labelled in a counter-clockwise direction:




Some day I will correct that, but for now you are stuck with it.



The Threaded-in Pattern Designer




Threaded-in Pattern: Design Tools



The design tool panel shows the tools that for manipulating the current design. They can be used to change colours by clicking on the weaving image, change turning directions etc. Note that the tools only change the appearance of the design; they do not change its size. To add picks, use the Weaving Action tools.


This area displays the pick and card under the cursor, as well as the topmost hole in that position.


This area has the colour manipulation options; see below for more details.


Tool Buttons

Set the pattern name.
Set up the number of cards, threading directions, and colours.
Save the pattern.
Displays the threading diagram; also has options for printing the diagram.
Prints the turning sequence for the pattern.
When this option is enabled, the colours in the pattern can be changed by clicking on the weaving image. See the Colour Manipulation section below.
When this option is enabled, the turning direction of a card at any point in the pattern can be changed by clicking on the weaving image. This option can only be used if the Weaving Actions are not enabled and if no pack actions have been used. If packs have been used to create the pattern, the pack actions can be broken up - see the Weaving Actions for details.
Shows or hides the Weaving Actions.


Colour Manipulation


This panel shows the currently selected colours and has various manipulation options. Once a primary color (on the left) or a secondary colour (on the right) has been selected, the colours in the pattern can be changed by simply clicking on the weaving image. Left-clicking will set the topmost hole of the relevant card with the primary colour; right-clicking will set the hole with the secondary colour.



Swap the primary and secondary selected colours.
Swaps the primary and the secondary colours on the pattern.
Replaces the secondary colour on the pattern with the primary colour.
Replaces the primary colour on the pattern with the secondary colour.
Allows you to select a new palette with different colours.
Edit the colours of the selected palette.


Threaded-in Pattern: Card Setup


Setting up the cards for a pattern is a straightforward process:

  • Enter the number of cards you want to use in the edit box.
  • Click on the tick mark next to the edit box; this will create the cards and show them in the list.
  • Set the threading of the cards, either by clicking on one of the threading buttons or by clicking on each card individually.
  • Set the colour of each thread - see below for details.
  • Click on the Accept button.


The card setup (including the number of cards) can be changed at any time; this will of course affect whatever pattern has been created already.




Selecting and Moving Cards


If you want to set the colour or threading for only some of the cards, or move a card to a different position, select the card (or cards) by clicking on its number, which will then appear highlighted in red. Any actions such as setting the colours etc will now affect only the selected cards. To deselect a card, click again on its number.


Moves all selected cards to the left.
Moves all selected cards to the right.



Setting the Thread Colours


Before the thread colours can be set, a colour must be selected, and optionally a secondary colour can be selected as well.

Click here to select the primary colour.
Click on one of these buttons to set the colour of the thread in all cards (or all selected cards, if specific cards have been selected).



The colour of a particular thread can also be set by clicking on the 'hole' in the list. Left-clicking will set the thread with the primary colour; right-clicking will set the thread with the secondary selected colour.


Setting the Card Threading


The threading for each card can be set by clicking on the letter S or Z below each card in the list. Alternatively, one of the threading buttons can be used:


Set the threading of all cards (or all selected cards) to S-threaded.
Set the threading of all cards (or all selected cards) to Z-threaded.
Set the threading of all cards (or all selected cards) to alternate S- and Z- threaded.
Set the threading of all cards (or all selected cards) to alternate Z- and S- threaded.
Change the threading of all cards to the opposite.




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