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Fabbri Britannica Bilim Ansiklopedisi, том 2, изд . 22, стр . 519


102 Richard B. Bliss & Gary E. Parker, Origin of Life, California: 1979, стр. 14

Stanley Miller, Molecular Evolution of Life: Current Status of the Prebiotic Synthesis of Small Molecules, 1986, стр. 7

Kevin Mc Kean, Bilim ve Teknik, изд. 189, стр. 7

105 J. P. Ferris, C. T. Chen, "Photochemistry of Methane, Nitrogen, and Water Mixture As a Model for the Atmosphere of the Primitive Earth", Journal of American Chemical Society, том 97: 11, 1975, стр. 2964

106 "New Evidence on Evolution of Early Atmosphere and Life", Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, том 63, ноябрь 1982, стр. 1328-1330

107 Richard B. Bliss & Gary E. Parker, Origin of Life, California, 1979, стр. 25

W. R. Bird, The Origin of Species Revisited, Nashville: Thomas Nelson Co., 1991, стр. 325

109 Richard Dickerson, "Chemical Evolution", Scientific American, том 239: 3, 1978, стр. 74

110 Richard B. Bliss & Gary E. Parker, Origin of Life, California: 1979, стр. 25

Там же

112 S. W. Fox, K. Harada, G. Kramptiz, G. Mueller, "Chemical Origin of Cells", Chemical Engineering News, 22 июня 1970, стр. 80

113 Frank B. Salisbury, "Doubts about the Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution", American Biology Teacher, сентябрь 1971, стр. 336

Paul Auger, De La Physique Theorique a la Biologie, 1970, стр. 118

115 Francis Crick, Life Itself: It's Origin and Nature, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1981, стр. 88

Ali Demirsoy, Kalitim ve Evrim, Ankara: Meteksan Yayinlari, 1984, стр. 39

117 Homer Jacobson, "Information, Reproduction and the Origin of Life", American Scientist, январь 1955, стр. 121

118 Reinhard Junker & Siegfried Scherer, "Entstehung Gesiche Der Lebewesen", Weyel, 1986, стр. 89

Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, London: Burnett Books, 1985, стр. 351

120 John Horgan, "In the Beginning", Scientific American, том 264, февраль 1991, стр. 119

121 G.F. Joyce, L. E. Orgel, "Prospects for Understanding the Origin of the RNA World", In the RNA World, New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1993, стр. 13

Jacques Monod, Chance and Necessity, New York: 1971, стр.143

123 Leslie E. Orgel, "The Origin of Life on the Earth", Scientific American, октябрь 1994, том 271, стр. 78

Chandra Wickramasinghe, Interview in London Daily Express, 14 августа 1981.

Pierre-P Grasse, Evolution of Living Organisms, New York: Academic Press, 1977, стр. 103

Там же, стр. 107

Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried: An Appeal to Reason. Boston: Gambit, 1971, стр. 101

Loren Eiseley, The Immense Journey, Vintage Books, 1958, стр. 186

Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsimile of the First Edition, Harvard University Press, 1964, стр. 184

Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried: An Appeal to Reason, Harvard Common Press, NewYork: 1971, стр. 33

Там же, стр. 36

Loren Eiseley, The Immense Journey, Vintage Books, 1958, стр. 227

133 Stuart B. Levy, "The Challange of Antibiotic Resistance", Scientific American, март 1998, стр. 35

Medical Tribune, 29 декабря 1988, стр. 1, 23.

135 Francisco J. Ayala, "The Mechanisms of Evolution", Scientific American, том 239, сентябрь 1978, стр. 64

136 S. R. Scadding, "Do 'Vestigial Organs' Provide Evidence for Evolution?", Evolutionary Theory, том 5, май 1981, стр. 173

137 The Merck Manual of Medical Information, Home edition, New Jersey: Merck & Co., Inc. The Merck Publishing Group, Rahway, 1997

H. Enoch, Creation and Evolution, New York: 1966, стр. 18-19.

139 Frank Salisbury, "Doubts About the Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution", American Biology Teacher, сентябрь 1971, стр. 338

Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, London, Burnett Books, 1985, стр. 145

W. R. Bird, The Origin of Species Revisited, Thomas Nelson Co., Nashville: 1991, стр. 98-99; Percival Davis, Dean Kenyon, Of Pandas and People, Haughton Publishing Co., 1990, стр. 35-38

W. R. Bird, The Origin of Species Revisited, стр. 98-99, 199-202.

Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, London: Burnett Books, 1985, стр. 290-91

G. G. Simpson, W. Beck, An Introduction to Biology, New York, Harcourt Brace and World, 1965, стр. 241

145 Keith S. Thompson, "Ontogeny and Phylogeny Recapitulated", American Scientist, том 76, май - июнь 1988, стр. 273

Francis Hitching, The Neck of the Giraffe: Where Darwin Went Wrong, New York: Ticknor and Fields, 1982, стр. 204

147 Richard Lewontin, "The Demon-Haunted World", The New York Review of Books, 9 января 1997, стр. 28


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