Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Для ландшафтных архитекторов


Т. А. Саркисян




Unit 1 Landscape architecture………………………………………………5

Unit 2 Landscape architect’s job……………………………………………12

Unit 3 Problem solving in landscape architecture…………………………21

Unit 4 Natural garden elements…………………………………………….22

Unit 5 Constructed garden elements……………………………………….28

Unit 6 The kingdom of plants……………………………………………….37

Unit 7 Flower gardening…………………………………………………….44

Unit 8 Popular flowers for the garden……………………………………...49

Unit 9 Developing a landscape design……………………………………....57

Unit 10 Problem solving in getting a job……………………………………59

Unit 11 Parks’ and gardens’ styles………………………………………….60

Unit 12 Contemporary landscape design…………………………………...71



Appendix 1 Expressing opinions……………………………………………..74

Appendix 2 Students’ sinkweins……………………………………………..75

Appendix 3 Students’ poetry…………………………………………………76

Appendix 4 Reflections………………………………………………………..77

Appendix 5 Students’ quotes………………………………………………….79

Appendix 6 Preparing presentations…………………………………………80

Appendix 7 Writing annotations and abstracts……………………………...81

Appendix 8 Design presentation………………………………………………85

Appendix 9 Six hats of thinking………………………………………………88




Unit 1 Landscape architecture………………………………………………5

Unit 2 Landscape architect’s job……………………………………………12

Unit 3 Problem solving in landscape architecture…………………………21

Unit 4 Natural garden elements…………………………………………….22

Unit 5 Constructed garden elements……………………………………….28

Unit 6 The kingdom of plants……………………………………………….37

Unit 7 Flower gardening…………………………………………………….44

Unit 8 Popular flowers for the garden……………………………………...49

Unit 9 Developing a landscape design……………………………………....57

Unit 10 Problem solving in getting a job……………………………………59

Unit 11 Parks’ and gardens’ styles………………………………………….60

Unit 12 Contemporary landscape design…………………………………...71



Appendix 1 Expressing opinions……………………………………………..74

Appendix 2 Students’ sinkweins……………………………………………..75

Appendix 3 Students’ poetry…………………………………………………76

Appendix 4 Reflections………………………………………………………..77

Appendix 5 Students’ quotes………………………………………………….79

Appendix 6 Preparing presentations…………………………………………80

Appendix 7 Writing annotations and abstracts……………………………...81

Appendix 8 Design presentation………………………………………………85

Appendix 9 Six hats of thinking………………………………………………88




Unit 1 Landscape architecture………………………………………………5

Unit 2 Landscape architect’s job……………………………………………12

Unit 3 Problem solving in landscape architecture…………………………21

Unit 4 Natural garden elements…………………………………………….22

Unit 5 Constructed garden elements……………………………………….28

Unit 6 The kingdom of plants……………………………………………….37

Unit 7 Flower gardening…………………………………………………….44

Unit 8 Popular flowers for the garden……………………………………...49

Unit 9 Developing a landscape design……………………………………....57

Unit 10 Problem solving in getting a job……………………………………59

Unit 11 Parks’ and gardens’ styles………………………………………….60

Unit 12 Contemporary landscape design…………………………………...71



Appendix 1 Expressing opinions……………………………………………..74

Appendix 2 Students’ sinkweins……………………………………………..75

Appendix 3 Students’ poetry…………………………………………………76

Appendix 4 Reflections………………………………………………………..77

Appendix 5 Students’ quotes………………………………………………….79

Appendix 6 Preparing presentations…………………………………………80

Appendix 7 Writing annotations and abstracts……………………………...81

Appendix 8 Design presentation………………………………………………85

Appendix 9 Six hats of thinking………………………………………………88





С появлением стандартов третьего поколения, нацеленных на компетентностно-ориентированное образование, одной из приоритетных целей современного иноязычного образования становится формирование умения осуществлять профессиональную деятельность на иностранном языке. Студент нелингвистического вуза должен овладеть коммуникативными умениями, необходимыми для устной и письменной коммуникации в различных ситуациях профессионального общения, что предполагает активное формирование иноязычной профессионально-речевой компетентности, которая является составляющей иноязычной профессионально-коммуникативной компетентности, означающей способность выражать свои мысли с помощью языка и понимать мысли других людей в процессе речевой интеракции.

Учебное пособие «Профессиональный английский для ландшафтных архитекторов» направлено на достижение вышеназванной цели. Данное пособие выполнено в соответствии с педагогической технологией «Развитие критического мышления через чтение и письмо» и нацелено на формирование базовых знаний по специальности и овладение профессионально-ориентированным английским языком. Материал пособия включает как тексты учебного характера, в которых широко представлена терминология области, так и различные упражнения, способствующие не только формированию умений чтения и расширению лексического запаса студентов, но и нацеленные на формирование умений говорения на профессиональном английском языке.

Особый интерес представляют включенные в пособие тексты. Они современны, заимствованы из оригинальных источников и соответствуют темам основного курса обучения архитекторов. Существенным фактором, способствующим поддержанию интереса студентов к изучению профессионального языка, являются задания, разработанные на основе активных методов и, несомненно, способствующие развитию речи студентов.

Данное пособие готовит студентов к будущей профессиональной деятельности. Они учатся читать профессионально-ориентированные тексты, находить и читать литературу в Интернете, делать профессиональные презентации докладов и проектов, публично выступать, писать деловые письма и письменные размышления, выражая свои мысли, отстаивая своё мнение и дискутируя на профессиональном английском языке.

Учебное пособие поможет студентам эффективно и интересно организовать самостоятельную работу над текстом, а также научиться общаться на профессиональном английском языке, что будет способствовать подготовке ландшафтных архитекторов к их будущей профессиональной деятельности.



Module 1

Unit 1


I. Warming up (Разминка)

Listening & Speaking

1. Group work. Reflect on the following quote about landscape architecture, interpret it and share your ideas with the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions and persisting in your own opinion. (See appendix 1):

"Landscape architecture is an extraordinary blend of science and art, proposition and thought." Jason Prior.


Useful terms and phrases

2. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

to adorn украшать
to modify видоизменять, модифицировать
feature деталь, элемент
inanimate elements неживые элементы
animate elements живые элементы
masonry work работа с камнем
woodwork работа с деревом
to comprise включать
horticultural elements садовые, флористические элементы
tile patio плиточный дворик, патио
brick walkway кирпичная аллея, пешеходная дорожка, галерея
design замысел, план, проектировать, составлять план
to arrange gardens and parks обустраивать сады и парки
landscaping and site finishing благоустройство и озеленение территории
external conditions внешние условия
three-dimensional expanse трёхмерное, объёмное пространство
surroundings среда, окрестности
to tackle climate change заниматься вопросами изменения климата
sustainable and aesthetically pleasing places жизнеспособные и эстетически привлекательные места
to address issues изучать, решать проблемы/вопросы
to improve land благоустраивать территорию
to regenerate towns and cities обновлять/возрождать маленькие и большие города


Vocabulary Focus

3. Match the words to their explanations:

Environment To adorn or improve a section of ground by contouring and by planting flowers, shrubs, or trees.
Design The art of arranging or modifying the features of a landscape for aesthetic or practical purposes.
Space Consists of the inanimate elements of landscaping, especially any masonry work or woodwork.
Landscape architect Comprises the animate, horticultural elements of landscape design, i.e., plants. These elements are complemented by such design elements as stone walls, tile patios and brick walkways.
Landscape design A general plan or intention that someone has in mind when doing something.
Hardscape, or "hardscaping The unlimited three-dimensional expanse in which all material objects are located.
Softscape A person who designs gardens or parks so that they look attractive.
Landscape External conditions or surroundings, in which people live or work.

4. Match the words and phrases to their translation:


to adorn деталь, элемент
landscaping and site finishing ландшафт, благоустраивать участок, озеленять
feature живые элементы
external conditions трёхмерное, объёмное пространство
landscape среда, окрестности
animate elements улучшать качество жизни
three-dimensional expanse внешние условия
surroundings украшать
to arrange gardens and parks неживые элементы
inanimate elements благоустройство и озеленение территории
to improve the quality of life обустраивать сады и парки


sustainable and aesthetically pleasing places изучать, решать проблемы/вопросы
to tackle climate change знания и опыт
to address issues садовые, флористические элементы
expertise место; участок
horticultural elements кирпичная аллея, пещеходная дорожка, галерея
site обновлять/возрождать маленькие и большие города по всему миру
to improve land жизнеспособные и эстетически привлекательные места
brick walkway пригодный для жизни
liveable благоустраивать территорию
to regenerate towns and cities across the world заниматься вопросами изменения климата


II. Evocation (Вызов)

Listening & Speaking

5. Group work. Reflect on the following questions about landscape architecture and share your ideas with the group:

1. What is landscape architecture and what does this profession deal with?

2. What does a landscape architect do?

3. What spheres of activity does the profession combine?


6. Group work. Report your ideas to the class in order to put them on the board.

7. Structure the received information in the form of the “ cluster ” (графическая организация материала, показывающая смысловые поля того или иного понятия):

8. Group work. Prepare a presentation about landscape architecture and deliver the presentation to the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions and persisting in your own opinion. (See appendix 1, 6.)

Vocabulary Focus

14. Pair work. Match the words from two columns to create a phrase and make sentences to use them in the text entitled “My concept of landscape architecture”. Share your ideas with the partner. (See appendix 1):


to deal in the planning and design of different sites
to combine great issues of our day
the range the environment human and liveable
areas environment and design
to design with the design of outdoor and public spaces
to make of ways
to involve of outstanding natural beauty
to address  public squares and parks


to manage towns and cities across the world
to tackle boarders
to regenerate the needs of people
to increase the quality of life
to expand climate change
to meet cooperation among landscape architects
to improve sustainable and aesthetically pleasing places

Reflection (Рефлексия)

Listening & Speaking

15. Prepare a presentation about landscape architecture according to the text and deliver your presentation to the class. Get ready to discuss it answering questions and persisting in your own opinion. (See appendix 6, 1.)


16. Make a “sinkwein” (a poem consisting of 5 lines) about landscape architecture. (See appendix 2.)

Listening & Speaking

17. Ground your “sinkwein” about landscape architecture and present it to the class. (“Sinkwein” is a poem consisting of 5 lines). Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions. (See appendix 1.)

18. Make a poem about landscape architecture. Ground your poem and present it to the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions. (See appendix 3.)

Grammar Focus

The Passive Voice

19. Group work.Read the sentence and answer the following questions:

Unit 2

Landscape architect’s job

Part I

I. Warming up (Разминка)

Listening & Speaking

1. Group work.Reflect on the following quote about a landscape architect, interpret it and share your ideas with the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions and persisting in your own opinion. The following lexis can be helpful. (See appendix 1):


“The  landscape  architect  probes  to  discover,  not  what  the  client  has,  but  what she  dreams  of  having: not  what  she does  but what she would like to do”.

“Dreaming enables  us  to  withdraw  into  ourselves  for  brief  moments  and  rests  us. It is good and if the garden makes it easier and pleasant to dream, then it is a good garden.” Fletcher Steele.

to probe исследовать
to withdraw into oneself уходить в себя
to enable давать возможность
to rest somebody давать отдых


Useful terms and phrases

2. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

to appreciate nature высоко ценить природу
analytical skill умение анализировать
creative vision творческое видение
desirable qualities желательные качества
communication skills навыки общения
to convey ideas to выражать, передавать мысли к-л.
draft делать чертеж, рисунок, эскиз
computer application применение ЭВМ; компьютеризация
to develop a report делать отчёт
to be self-employed заниматься собственным бизнесом
business acumen деловая хватка
marketing skills маркетинговые умения
landscaping садово-парковая архитектура
to put roads and buildings прокладывать дороги и строить здания
to conserve natural resources сохранять природные богатства
to restore восстанавливать
to consider обсуждать, рассматривать
to project делать проект
soil почва
work location рабочая обстановка, рабочее окружение
geographic information system (GIS) геоинформационная система (ГИС)
sketch эскиз, набросок
simulation воспроизведение, воссоздание
to estimate оценивать, составлять смету
to get clients to agree уговорить клиентов
to draw up documents составлять документы
to meet a deadline успеть закончить работу к установленному сроку
to fix historic places обустраивать исторические места


3. Match the words and phrases to their translation:


soil оформлять документы
to appreciate nature творческое видение
communication skills выражать, передавать мысли к-л.
creative vision оценивать, составлять смету
to convey ideas to высоко ценить природу
to get clients to agree почва
to estimate делать чертеж, рисунок, эскиз
draft деловая хватка
to meet a deadline заниматься собственным бизнесом
business acumen сохранять природные богатства
to conserve natural resources навыки общения
to be self-employed успеть закончить работу к установленному сроку
to draw up documents уговорить клиентов


analytical skill делать отчёт
desirable qualities маркетинговые умения
to develop a report прокладывать дороги и строить здания
computer application геоинформационная система
marketing skills умение анализировать
to put roads and buildings эскиз, набросок
simulation восстанавливать
geographic information system желательные качества
sketch садово-парковая архитектура
landscaping применение компьютера
to restore воспроизведение, воссоздание


II. Evocation (Вызов)

Writing, Listening & Speaking

4. Individual work. Read the following key words and make your own text reflecting your own view on the landscape architecture profession. Entitle the text:

Computer application, business acumen, plan a career in landscape architecture, creative vision, convey ideas to, communication skills, to make presentations, appreciate nature, work with one’s hands, make outdoor places more beautiful and useful, to put flowers, trees, walkways, analyze the nature around the place, draw plans, to explain their ideas, work outside, draw up a list of needed materials.


5. Individual work. Present your text to the class. Get ready to answer questions and discuss different points of view.


6. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

CAD software (computer-aided design system) система автоматизированного проектирования (САПР)
word processing обработка текстов; подготовка текстов
desktop publishing настольные издательские средства
spreadsheet крупноформатная таблица
tool инструментальное средство
 impact studies изучение воздействия
environmental scientist учёный-эколог


7.Read the text and find answers to the following questions:

1. What kind of people should make a career in landscape architecture?

2. What qualities and skills should they possess?

3. How do landscape architects improve places?

4. What is the most important about making a project?


8. Read the text once again and make marginal marks (пометки на полях):

I knew it;

+ New information;

- The information contradicts my knowledge(противоречит моим представлениям);

? The information isn’t enough or understandable (непонятна или недостаточна).


9. Get ready to answer the following questions:

1. What did you know about architecture before reading the text?

2. What information did you find new reading the text?

3. What information contradicts your knowledge?

4. What information isn’t enough or understandable for you?


Landscape Architect’s Job

There are various places for people’s activities: parks, playgrounds, colleges, soccer fields, shopping centers, backyards. What do these places have in common? They all look better with good landscaping.

Landscape architects make outdoor places more beautiful and useful. They decide where to put flowers, trees, walkways, and other landscape details. They keep sports fields in good playing conditions. They work with architects, surveyors, and engineers to find the best place to put roads and buildings. They work with environmental scientists to find the best way to conserve or restore natural resources.

Landscape architects must first consider the reason for a project. They analyze the nature around the place where they are working. They see where sunlight falls at different times of the day and year. They think about the weather, the kind of soil, the water, and the plants that are at the work location.

Then, landscape architects draw what they want the landscape to look like. Most landscape architects draw their plans using computers and Computer-Aided Design (CAD) systems. Landscape architects also use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to say exactly where plants and other things should be.

Once the design is complete, landscape architects write reports. They also make sketches, models, and photographs to explain their ideas. Many architects use video simulation to help clients see what the land will look like when the plans are finished. They also need to estimate how much their ideas will cost. Then, they have to get clients to agree with their ideas.

Next, landscape architects draw up a list of needed materials. Then, they tell other workers how to do the planting and construction shown in the design.

Some landscape architects work on all kinds of projects. Others focus on one kind of outdoor place. For example, they might focus on backyards, on parks, or on the land around highways. More landscape architects work on projects to help the environment or to fix historic places.

Landscape architects spend a lot of time in offices. They also work outside to see the places they are designing and to watch the work being done. Landscape architects usually work regular hours. They may work longer sometimes to meet a deadline.


Reading & Writing

10. Read the text again and fill in the “marginal chart”:

+ - ?
I knew that I didn’t know that … The information about … contradicts my knowledge because … The information about … isn’t enough or understandable for me, because …

Speaking & Listening

11. Pair work. Discuss the following questions:

1. What are the main stages of the landscape project?

2. What project stages do you find the most important?

3. How do landscape architects work on the project?

4. What difficulties do landscape architects face projecting?

Vocabulary Focus

12. Match the words from two columns to create a phrase and make sentences to use them in your own text entitled “My vision of the landscape architect’s job”. Share your ideas with the partner. (See appendix 1):  


to make outdoor places roads and buildings
to keep sports fields falls at different times
to put the nature around the place
to find the best way in good playing conditions
to consider using Computer-Aided Design
to analyze more beautiful and useful
sunlight to explain ideas
to draw plans to conserve natural resources
to make sketches, models the reason for a project



to get clients   the planting and construction shown in the design
to draw up regular hours
to do with good landscaping
to meet to agree with their ideas
to work a list of needed materials
to look better a deadline

Reflection (Рефлексия)

Writing, Listening & Speaking

13. Role-play the following situation: On the Open Day a leading lecturer of the landscape architecture chair tells the entrants about landscape architecture profession. His task is to convince them to choose this job. The entrants interestedly talk with the lecturer and ask her numerous questions.

Take into account the following points:

1. Project yourself (перевоплотиться) either into a character of a leading lecturer or an entrant;

2. Your speech should correspond with your character.

Speaking & Listening

14. Group work. Reflect on your own professional speech. (See appendix 4.)

15. Group work. Reflect on the professional speech of other students- lecturers. (See appendix 4.)

Writing, Listening & Speaking

16. Create a quote about landscape architect’s job, ground it and present to the class. Get ready to discuss it persisting in your opinion. (See appendix 5.)

17. Write a reflection on the following quote:“The landscape architect probes to discover, not what the client has, but what she dreams of having: not what she does but what she would like to do”. “Dreaming enables us to withdraw into ourselves for brief moments and rests us. It is good and if the garden makes it easier and pleasant to dream, then it is a good garden.” (See appendix 4.)

Part II

Curriculum Vitae


Personal Details




Address:                                                                   Tel.:


Date of birth:                                                    Nationality:







Work Experience (most recent first)


Personal Qualities


6. Answer the questions in the plan. Use your answers and your CV to write the letter of application in Ex. 6


· Who will you address your letter to?

  Introduction ( Paragraph 1) reason for writing? For what position? Where was it advertised?

· Main body ( Paragraph 2-3) age? qualifications? current job? previous experience? personal qualities?

· Conclusion (Paragraph 4) closing remarks?

· How will you sign off?

Unit 3

I. Warming up (Разминка)

Listening & Speaking

1. Group work.Reflect onthe following questions and share your ideas with the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions and persisting in your own opinion. (See appendix 1):

Do soft jobs exist in our life? Can you name them? Ground your answer.

Useful terms and phrases

2. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:


to reach a compromise найти компромисс
to face a challenge стоять перед проблемой
to respect the client’s choice уважать выбор клиента
to find a mutual understanding найти взаимопонимание
to suit both parties устраивать обе стороны
to develop a report делать отчёт
to have a good grasp of something хорошо разбираться в чем-либо
legislation законодательство
to perform a сode analysis проводить анализ законов
material science материаловедение
to acquire a complete understanding достичь полного понимания
resolve unexpected issues решать непредвиденные проблемы
ins and outs of the profession тонкости професии


II. Evocation (Вызов)

Listening & Speaking

3. Group work.Discuss the following questions and report to the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions and persisting in your own opinion. (See appendix 1):


1. Is it hard to work as a landscape architect?

2. What difficulties does a practitioner run into?

3. What is the secret of the landscape architect’s success?



10. Write a short essay entitled “Landscape Architect’s challenges”.

Module 2

Vocabulary Focus

3. Match the words and phrases to their translation:


to create a garden существенный элемент
manmade/artificial elements подбирать почву
to consider various factors питательные вещества
essential element созданные человеком, рукотворные элементы
to select soil учитывать различные факторы
soil texture создать сад
nutrients структура почвы
soil pH слюдянистый песчаник
for the decorative purpose белый мрамор
flagstone мелкий гравий
white mar le с декоративной целью
pea gravel мера кислотности и щёлочности почвы


boulder строительные элементы
to keep the plants healthy and growing   здоровый рост, нормальное развитие растений
constructed elements придавать привлекательный вид
garden path живая изгородь
to prettify/ give attraction to бутон, цветочная почка
timber fence содержать цветы в хорошем состоянии, способствовуя их росту
hedge садовая дорожка
primary nutrient   валун, крупная галька
healthy plant growth деревянный забор
fl wer bud действующее вещество


to cause excess growth перегной
scale to measure крупноразмерный
decaying materials рост, развитие растений
organic matter в пределах определённого разброса величин
plant root вызвать избыточный/ излишний рост
stem of the plant растворимый в воде
growth of plants гниющие вещества
within a particular range превращать в
large sized стебель, ствол растения
to turn into корень растения
water-soluble мера измерения


II. Evocation (Вызов)

Listening & Speaking

4. Group work. Make assumptions about the content of the text entitled “Elements of     the garden”. Answer the following questions and report your ideas to the class.

1. What is this text about?

2. What garden elements does the garden comprise?

3. Can you describe these elements?



5. Fill in the first column of the “logbook”(бортовой журнал):


I know about the garden elements I have learnt about the garden elements


6. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

texture and fertility структура и плодородие
cohesiveness способность к прилипанию
soil particle частица почвы
available имеющийся в наличии
soil fertility жирность почвы
silt ил
clay soil глинистая почва
closely packed плотно прилегающий
sandy-loam суглинистая почва
trace elements микроэлементы
potassium калий
nitrogen азот
molybdenum молибден
magnesium   магний, магнезия
to replenish пополнять
to make available предоставлять
excess amount избыточное количество
in place of вместо
root cap корневой чехлик


7. Read the text and fill in the second column of the “logbook”:


I know about the garden elements I have learnt about the garden elements

Natural garden elements

Gardening is a practice to grow plants. However, creating a garden is not that easy. You need to consider various factors when you are planning to have your own garden.

Elements of a garden are very important while creating the garden. The garden elements are mainly of two types: natural and manmade (artificial) elements.

These are the natural elements, which are necessary for gardening. They consist of natural things such as soil, rocks, water, plants etc.

· Soil: This is the most essential element for successful gardening. Three important things should be considered while selecting the soil such as the soil texture, soil nutrients and soil pH.

· Rocks: There are various types of rocks used in the garden for the decorative purpose. The different types of rocks are flagstones, white marble, river rock, pea gravel, boulders, fake rock, etc.

· Plants: Different types of plants are used for various types of gardening. For example: if you are planning to create a vegetable garden, then select plants such as tomatoes, radish, carrot etc.

· Water: Water is the most essential element for gardening. Watering the plants regularly is necessary to keep the plants healthy and growing.



Garden Soil

Soil is the most fundamental and important component for successful gardening. Generally, soil quality is evaluated on its texture and fertility. However, texture is dependent on the cohesiveness and size of the soil particles. Soil fertility is comprised of all the required nutrients and pH of the soil available for the growth of the plants. Garden soil is the basic factor for creating a garden. It is very essential to have correct soil texture with proper fertility for healthy plant growth. Soil should be a good mixture of clay, sand, organic matter and silt. The following are the requirements that should be available in your gardening soil:

Soil texture: The texture of the soil is very much associated with the cohesiveness and size of the soil particles. For instance, sandy soil consists of very large sized soil particles. In this type of soil, water, roots of the plants and air can move easily. However, on the other hand, there is clay soil. In clay soil the soil particles are very small and closely packed which gives very little room for air, water and roots. To test whether, the soil is sandy or clay in nature, make a damp ball using your garden soil. If it breaks easily, it is sandy and if you are able to press the ball between your fingers making a ribbon, then it is clay in nature. The most ideal soil type for gardening is sandy-loam. The soil should be light enough for movement of the water and air in the soil.

Soil nutrients: The most basic and primary nutrients used by the plants are potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Some other trace elements required for plant growth are zinc, calcium, molybdenum, magnesium and many more besides.

Potassium is needed for the health of the plants. It is the main factor for growth of the plants and protection of their immune system. It is water-soluble and its replenishing should be done timely.

Nitrogen is the most important and responsible element for good growth of the leaves and stems of the plants. Generally, the natural nitrogen is made available for the plants by some microorganisms that turn the natural nitrogen into nitrates. This nitrate form can be easily used by the plants. It does not stay in the soil for a longer period as it is used by the plants quickly or by the decaying materials present in soil. It is also soluble in water and may wash out the soil quickly. However, excess amount of nitrogen in the soil may cause excess growth of the leaves in place of the fruits and flowers.

Phosphorous is the main element for the growth of the root system of a plant. The root caps and flower buds generally use some amount of phosphorous for their growth.

Soil pH: The pH is the scale to measure the acidity and alkalinity of your garden soil. It starts from 1.0 to 14.0 with a neutral i.e. 7.0. The numbers lower than 7.0 indicate the acidity while above 7.0 indicates alkalinity. The pH of the soil is very important because the nutrients are only available in the soil for the healthy growth of the plants within a particular range of the soil pH. Most of the plants grow comfortably in range of between 6.2 and 6.8.


Listening & Speaking

8. Pair work. Discuss and answer the following questions:

1. What is important about creating a garden?

2. What element is necessary to achieve success in gardening?

3. What factors should you take into account while selecting the soil?

4. What soil type is the most suitable for gardening?

5. What is the main factor for plant growth?

6. What elements are responsible for good leaves and stems growth?


Vocabulary Focus

9. Match the words from two columns to create a phrase and make sentences to use them in your own text entitled “Recommendation for soil preparation”. Share your ideas with the partner:  


characteristic of the soil particles
to give room of clay, sand, organic matter and silt
to evaluate a garden
to create basic and primary nutrients
size elements required for plant growth
a mixture on texture and fertility
press properties
the most for air
trace the ball between fingers



needed of the fruits and flowers
protection the soil
responsible for materials present in soil
to turn for the plant health
to stay of their immune system
decaying amount of phosphorous
to wash out the natural nitrogen into nitrates
to cause system of a plant
in place in the soil
root for good growth
some excess growth of the leaves



14. Write a reflection on the text entitled “G arden soil”. (See appendix 4.)

Unit 5



I. Warming up (Разминка)

Listening & Speaking

 1. Group work. Reflect on the following quote about the garden and nature, interpret it and share your ideas with the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions and persisting in your own opinion. The following lexis can be helpful. (See appendix 1):

Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle...
a seed waiting to sprout;
a bulb opening to light;
a bud straining to unfurl.
And the anticipation nurtures our dreams.   Garden & nature quote by Barbara Winkler.

under the cloak of winter под покровом зимы
seed семечко
sprout всходить, побег
bulb луковица
to strain to unfurl стремиться распуститься
anticipation ожидание, предвкушение
to nurture  dreams лелеять мечты


Useful terms and phrases

2. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

constructed element строительный элемент
water stream водоток, струя, ручеек
to attach to пристраивать
free standing отдельно стоящий
to provide shelter давать укрытие
pergola беседка из вьющихся растений
water body водоём
shade зонтик, укрытие от солнца
to raise a garden вырастить сад
to highlight выдвигать на первый план
garden bed грядка, клумба
weed сорняк
to enhance garden beauty усиливать красоту сада
to give artistic look придавать художественный / высокопрофессиональный вид
pattern узор, система
interconnected взаимосвязанный
to fit in вписывать в, приспосабливать
to perform the function выполнять функцию
plumbing водопроводная система

Vocabulary Focus

3. Match the words and phrases to their translation:


constructed element водоём
sprout садовая дорожка
to attach to придавать привлекательный вид
to unfurl строительный элемент
garden path луковица
water body распуститься
to serve in two ways выдвигать на первый план
to prettify/ give attraction to пристраивать
to highlight всходить, побег
bulb служить  двояко


to give artistic look водопроводная система
water stream давать укрытие
free standing придавать художественный/ высокопрофессиональный вид
natural appearance водоток, струя, ручеек
shade выполнять функцию
to provide shelter отдельно стоящий
to perform the function натуральный вид
plumbing зонтик, укрытие от солнца


to fit in округлой формы
complex shape грядка, клумба
to enhance garden beauty сорняк
pattern вырастить сад
round shaped вписывать в, приспосабливать
pergola усиливать красоту сада
garden bed узор, образец
weed сложная конфигурация
to raise a garden беседка из вьющихся растений


II. Evocation (Вызов)

Writing, Listening & Speaking

4. Individual work. Answer the following questions in writing:

1. What constructed garden elements do you know?

2. Can you describe these elements?


5. Group work. Share your information with your group mates and discuss it.

6. Report only one fact to the class to write it down on the board in the basket of ideas…


7. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

concrete бетон
chain link fence сетчатое ограждение
shed навес, сарай
gazebo летний дом
cabana отдельный домик
pool прудок, заводь, бассейн
kiosk беседка
folly павильон "причуда" (“искусственные руины”)
studio павильон
log cabin бревенчатый дом


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