Формальні ознаки предикативної синтагми англійського речення 

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Формальні ознаки предикативної синтагми англійського речення

    Перевірити ознаку "1 місце у реченні"! 1) займенник: а) особовий (у називному відмінку); б) неозначений (у загальному відмінку); в) вказівний; г) питальний; д) заперечний; е) означальний; є) кількісний; 2) іменник (у загальному відмінку); 3) інфінітив; 4) герундій(ing-форма); 5) числівник; 6) словосполучення   1) дієслово[62]: а) am, is, are, was, were; б) have, has, had; в) will; г) do, does, did. 2) дієслово з закінченням -s (-es);   3) II форма дієслова (закінчення -ed у правильних дієслів[63]); 4) І форма дієслова (інфінітив без частки to)     Перевірити ознаку "Підмет у 3 особі однини"!   Перевірити ознаку "2 місце у реченні"!


3) It was necessary to schedule the experiment carefully.

4) In his report Dr. Smith made reference to some earlier works in this field.

5) For a better understanding of some problems we will invoke several types of explanation.

6) They have recently made the analysis of the data.

7) What is necessary to obtain valid results in the experiment?

8) The body of information did not grow so rapidly in the last century.

9) Considerable changes are currently taking place in the organization of research.

10) One of our principal difficulties lies in minimizing experimental errors.

11) For a better presentation of the material I divided it into several sections.

12) The factor responsible for the changes is entirely obscure.

13) A glance at the table shown here leads us to understanding of the necessity to continue the research.

14) The attempts to explain the deviation of the experimental findings from calculations found in current literature have been inadequate.

15) There was no way of explaining this paradox at that time.

16) Some of our failures result from underestimating the importance of theory in research.

17) Twice two is four.

18) Developing a high technology product like a compact disk requires a great deal of investment.

19) Based on these figures, we are going to make a loss of $1.5 m this year.

20) To consent to their demand is to consent to change the character of the newspaper.

21) Nothing comes from nothing.

22) Two were absent.

23) They have been producing cars here for 10 years.

24) Everything is good in its season.


Вправа 2*. (Робота у мікрогрупах). Намагаючись не звертатися до таблиці, але пояснюючи вголос операції, що виконуєте під час аналізу ознак присудка та підмета, визначте предикативну синтагму у поданих нижче реченнях:


1) The scientist figures his findings in various diagrams.

2) The scientist's figures are very important for us.

3) It will be useful to figure these findings successively.

4) Science did not provide such a vast mass of data in the last century.

5) There was much disagreement between these scientific schools.

6) The evidence presented points to the possible existence of a common mechanism for these changes.

7) What is necessary to minimize personal errors in experimental investigations?

8) We need more time for sorting out the obtained results.

9) Consideration of the new results will require a thorough analysis and a careful comparison with the available data.

10) Professor Wittner drew our attention to the progress in the understanding of these mechanisms.

11) Because of the recession, many businesses have not been investing in capital equipment over the last couple of years.

12) A lot of factories have shut down this year.

13) British Coal is shutting down mines in order to become more competitive.

14) Getting unemployment down is one of the government's priorities.

15) How to do this is a difficult question.

16) To know all is to forgive all.

17) The present government is going to win the next election.

18) The same is especially true of their plans to invest in this company.

19) Nobody is going to hand you success on a silver platter.

20) By 1850, every state had provided for a system of free public schools.

21) About everyone sells used books at discount and sale prices.

22) By the post-World War II era, the United States was producing 50 percent of the "gross world product".

23) The decline of some industries, such as the steel industry, along with the rise in the number of white-collar, technical, and service jobs has also harmed the traditional, blue-collar unions.

24) In addition to pension plans, many large corporations offer their employees the use of swimming pools and golf courses, or art classes, and free day-care centers for their children.


Вправа 3*. (Робота у парах). Випишіть предикативну синтагму із поданих нижче речень:


1) As a rule, the bankers act very decisively in such situations.

2) The banker's act was quite unexpected.

3) It is impossible to act decisively in this situation.

4) To distinguish between the Democrats and the Republicans is often difficult.

5) The traditional European terms of "right" and "left", or "conservative" and "liberal" do not quite fit the American system.

6) Tax payers in a number of states have protested against rising taxes.

7) Now the present government is losing popularity.

8) There hasn't been a fall in unemployment here since 1998.

9) In his last book he made an attempt to interpret the previous results in terms of the new theory.

10) To close this section, we will discuss the principal conclusions from the work and possible applications of the obtained results.

11) Obviously, something was wrong in our calculations.

12) From the financial point of view the cost of this study seems rather reasonable.

13) A theoretical treatment of the problem concerned keeps in line with the main purpose of this paper.

14) Giving employees shares helps to increase motivation.

15) The D.V. Group is going to open a new Fiat dealership this summer.

16) Over the last year or so, shareholders in the holiday group Owners Abroad have had a turbulent ride.

17) Neither of them is responsible for the delivery of goods.

18) By 1890, for example, the U.S. was producing more iron and steel than Great Britain and Germany combined.

19) By 1900, according to several criteria, the U.S. had become the greatest industrial nation.

20) In 1984, some 20 million Americans participated in plans to receive a share of company profits.

21) Few of us like to be "average".

22) Like schools in Britain, those in the U.S. have also always stressed "character" through extracurricular activities, including organized sports.

23) Nation-wide talent searches for minority group children with special abilities began on a large scale in the 1960s.

24) We haven't been using DFT's Express delivery service very much recently.


Вправа 4. Називайте швидко предикативну синтагму у поданих нижче реченнях:


1) The scientist schemed his experiment very carefully.

2) The scientist's scheme is rather promising.

3) It was hard to scheme the experiment in detail.

4) Because of the high cost of sterling, exports are not doing very well.

5) As a rule, cheap imports lead to greater competition.

6) The business expanded and eventually became the largest chain of supermarkets in Britain.

7) The company hasn't made a profit for three years.

8) Over the past five years, the capital returns from many emerging Asian and Latin American stock markets have been substantially higher than those of the developed world.

9) By that time his original investment had grown by 85%.

10) In the 21st century, computers will play a vital role in everyone's life.

11) The Unions are not going to accept a 4% pay rise.

12) In January, we will be testing the new machinery.

13) Breaking into the Japanese market is difficult without local contacts.

14) Of all our surveys, this produced the most information.

15) PCs with clock speeds of 600 MHz process information much faster than PCs with speeds of only 300 MHz.

16) None of our products is selling as well as this.

17) This is our best selling product.

18) There has been an unexpected fall in the number of people looking for work.

19) Figures released yesterday showed a fall of 35,000 in September.

20) To use profitably the knowledge gained during the past two years is very important.

21) In this section we will focus on the unwanted effects and some likely measures for eliminating them.

22) The question of financing this work brought about a spirited discussion.

23) The idea suggested by the writer does not stand up to criticism by those intimately acquainted with the subject.

24) In fact, it is nothing more than a poor attempt to attract the public's attention and to use it for his own purposes.


Вправа 5*. (Робота у парах). Визначте назву часової форми дієслова-присудка у поданих нижче предикативних синтагмах. Поряд напишіть вихідну (І) форму дієслова та її значення українською мовою.

Example: She has bought. - Present Perfect (to buy - купувати)

1) We schedule.

2) They have been making.

3) We will invoke.

4) It has been growing.

5) It had taken (place).

6) It lies.

7) We have divided.

8) It is leading (to).

9) They result (from).

10) It required.

11) There has been some information.

12) I am coming.

13) They will have been producing.

14) He figures.

15) We are providing.

16) She doesn't point (to).

17) You need.

18) He drew (attention).

19) They will be investing.

20) It won't have shut (down).

21) We were selling.

22) I don't offer.

23) She was acting.

24) We had been discussing.


Вправа 6*. (Робота у парах). У поданих нижче предикативних синтагмах визначте назву часової форми дієслова-присудка, його вихідну форму та значення українською мовою. Виходячи з лексико-граматичного значення підмета та присудка, напишіть переклад предикативної синтагми.

Example: They will be studying. - Future Continuous (to study - вивчати) - Вони будуть вивчати.


1) It has harmed.

2) They don't fit.

3) They will be protesting.

4) We are losing.

5) He seems (tired).

6) It kept in line (with smth).

7) She was helping.

8) I will have done.

9) It becomes (cold).

10) I am participating.

11) She doesn't like.

12) You stress.

13) I begin.

14) You will have been using.

15) We scheme.

16) They were doing (well).

17) The company has expanded.

18) They had been playing.

19) We have been testing.

20) It is processing.

21) He has been showing.

22) They focused (attention).

23) They had brought (about).

24) It won't stand.


Вправа 7. Користуючись інструкцією 1, напишіть переклад речень, поданих у вправі 1.


Вправа 8. Намагаючись не звертатися до інструкції, але пояснюючи вголос операції, що виконуєте, напишіть переклад речень, поданих у вправі 2.


Вправа 9. Напишіть переклад речень, поданих у вправі 3.


Вправа 10. Перекладіть усно речення, подані у вправі 4.


Інструкція 2. · Речення, яке містить в собі більш ніж одну предикативну синтагму, називається складним, тобто воно складається з двох або більше речень.   · Якщо ці речення не залежать одне від одного, то таке складне речення називається складносурядним. Речення, що входять до нього, можуть з'єднуватися такими сполучниками та сполучними словами:   and - і; та; but - але; either... or - або... або; for- тому що; hence - отже; however - однак; проте; neither... nor - ні... ні; nevertheless - хоча; проте; not only... but (also)- не тільки... але й; or -або; otherwise - інакше; або ж; so - тому; отже; still- все ж; then - потім; therefore - тому; отже; yet - проте. Example: The Constitution says nothing about political parties, but over time the U.S. has in fact developed a two-party system.   · Речення, що входять до складу складносурядного, можуть з'єднуватися без сполучника - за допомогою коми, крапки з комою, двокрапки, тире. Example: Millions of average Americans had cars - Ford alone had produced almost 30 million by the end of the 1930s.   · Якщо речення залежить від іншого (головного), воно називається підрядним. Підрядне речення виконує функцію одного з членів головного: підмета, частини присудка, додатка, означення, обставини. Підрядні речення можуть приєднуватися до головного такими сполучниками та сполучними словами: after - після того як; although - хоч; незважаючи на те, що; as - як; коли; в той час як; тому що; оскільки; as if - неначе; ніби; as long as - доки; as soon as - як тільки; as though - ніби; наче; because - тому що; before - перш ніж; до того як; even though - навіть хоча; how - як; яким чином; however - проте; однак; незважаючи на; if- якщо; чи; lest - щоб... не; як би... не; since - з того часу як; оскільки; so that -так що; so... that -так... що; than- ніж; that - що; який (відносно людей і речей) щоб; the + вищий ступінь прикметника... the + вищий ступінь прикметника - чим...тим …; though- хоч; однак; проте; till- доти; поки; unless - якщо не; until - поки не; what - що; який; whatever - все, що; будь-який; when - коли; у той час, як; whenever - кожного разу; коли б не; where - де; куди; whereas- тоді як; wherever - де б не; куди б не; whether – чи; which -який (відносно речей); що; while - у той час як; тоді як; who - хто; який (відносно людей); whoever - хто б не; який би не; whom - кого / кому; якого / якому; whose – чий; why – чому. Example: Although there is a federal Department of Education, its function is merely to gather information, to advise, and to help finance certain educational programs.   · Якщо після сполучних слів who (whom), that, which, where,які з'єднують підрядні означальні речення з головним, стоїть іменник або займенник, ці сполучні слова можуть випускатися: The candidate whom they selected had extensive experience of industry. = The candidate they selected had extensive experience of industry. The hotel where we stayed was very expensive. Or: The hotel in which we stayed was very expensive. = The hotel we stayed in was very expensive [64]. The computers that your firm ordered have arrived. = The computers your firm ordered have arrived.   But: We've got a machine that prints in colour. Якщо підрядне означальне речення дає додаткову інформацію, вилучення якої не порушує смисл головного речення, сполучні слова who (whom), which, where не можуть випускатися. У цьому разі підрядне означальне речення відокремлюється від головного комами: Richard Branson, who has now sold his record company to Sony, runs the airline Virgin Atlantic. Сполучне слово that в цьому випадку не вживається. · Сполучник thatможе випускатися, коли він з'єднує додаткове підрядне речення з головним: I thought that she had finished the report. = I thought she had finished the report.


Вправа 11*. 1. Звертаючи увагу на засоби з'єднання поданих нижче речень, визначте, які з них є:

а) складносурядними; б) складнопідрядними.


1) Berli Jucker Group owns a number of different companies that operate in four main business areas: manufacturing, engineering, marketing, and services.

2) Our engineering division does a great deal of work for Thailand's electricity authority; it installs Siemens power control systems, and our factory at Thai-Scandic Steel manufactures large steel structures for the electricity industry.

3) The latest economic statistics show that both unemployment and inflation are falling.

4) The big software houses are selling software at lower and lower prices, and a price war looks inevitable.

5) However, the real danger is that inflation is beginning to rise.

6) His transfer to the London office depends on whether or not they have any vacancies.

7) The company lost money in its first year, but last year it made a profit of $5m.

8) The lawyers have drawn up the contracts, so we are now ready to go ahead with the deal.

9) Have you found a suitable replacement for Mr Smith, or is the post still vacant?

10) Our sales are improving because we have introduced some new product lines.

11) We haven't decided who will lead the project yet.

12) They have operated as joint directors since the company started.

13) The last time we raised our prices was in 1998.

14) The price of cigarettes fell sharply when Philip Morris started a price war.

15) While we were discussing our expansion plans, the chairman suddenly announced his resignation.

16) By the time he sold off the shares, his original investment had grown by 80%.

17) People are more productive if they work in pleasant surroundings.

18) She liked what she did.

19) The woman to whom I spoke was extremely helpful.

20) Casio is a Japanese electronics company whose key competitors are Sony and Sanyo.

21) The new accounts program, which cost a great deal of money, is working very well.

22) The company did worse than analysts had been expecting.

23) Analysts believe the share price of ICI will rise.

24) He isn't a very good manager - he doesn't communicate his ideas clearly enough.


2. Випишіть предикативні синтагми з підрядних речень і визначте різновид останніх.

Example: Recently a new trend has emerged which attempts to put employees and employers on much the same level. - which attempts (означальне).


Вправа 12*. Визначте, в яких з поданих нижче речень можна випустити сполучник або сполучне слово.


1) Brazil, which is the world's largest exporter of coffee, has high inflation.

2) The room where we held the meeting was a little too small.

3) We are going to hold a meeting in Romsey Street, where we rent a few offices.

4) The Oriental Hotel, where many famous people have stayed, is the best in the world.

5) Tim Lang, who only joined the company six months ago, is doing very well.

6) We finally reached a formula on which everyone agreed.

7) He said that he was responsible for buying all the clothes for the stores.

8) The computers which they bought were expensive.

9) Benetton's latest advertisement, which I saw yesterday, is very powerful.

10) The man who I was talking to is the head of our company.

11) My father, who will be 65 next year, has asked me to take over the family business.

12) The company where she works has a very good reputation.

13) I work for a company that manufactures components for aircraft.

14) The profit we make from the sales depends on the country in which we are operating.

15) There are some 400 airlines in the U.S. today, of which 100 fly on interstate or international routes.

16) I thought that this model was selling well.

17) I've got a phone that has a 60 number memory.


Вправа 13*. Виберіть правильний сполучник або сполучне слово для заповнення пропусків у реченнях.


1) The rise in rates had a negative effect on shares, _____ fell sharply in Frankfurt and London.

A) which C) where

B) who D) that


2) _____ sales don't go well this year, we will try to reduce our costs.

A) if C) until

B) unless D) while


3) In 1999, I moved to this company, _____ I have been working in the manufacturing division.

A) since C) so

B) while D) where


4) _____ they close the factory next year, a lot of small local businesses will suffer.

A) because C) when

B) although D) wherever


5) We have been exporting a lot of high technology equipment to Russia _____ the government relaxed export regulations.

A) when C) since

B) where D) till


6) The bank decided that the project was not good, _____ they refused to give them a loan.

A) so C) which

B) since D) even though


7) All our manufacturing plants are efficient, _____ at the moment the one in northern France is operating the most efficiently.

A) which C) whenever

B) because D) but


8) The security guard noticed the broken window _____ he was walking round the warehouse.

A) till C) while

B) after D) where


9) We have spent a lot on modernizing the factory, _____ it is now very well equipped.

A) otherwise C) still

B) however D) and


10) Miss Briggs said _____ she had been working in the City for three years.

A) what C) when

B) that D) then


11) Unemployment is very high here _____ a lot of factories have shut down.

A) while C) because

B) until D) though


12) The equipment _____ we ordered is here.

A) that C) whom

B) what D) after


13) They promoted one of the managers _____ department was doing well.

A) whose C) which

B) whenever D) because


14) The extremes frequently seen in films and on television have little in common with _____ average Americans are and dream.

A) where C) what

B) who D) that


15) _____ it is difficult to paint a picture of the average American today, there is no difficulty in obtaining data to describe American society.

A) yet C) because

B) although D) why


16) Another factor to consider in describing "the American" is _____ the face of America is constantly changing.

A) as if C) that

B) how D) therefore


17) Another reason for the support of business has been the tendency of the "very rich" in America to give away much of their money _____ they died.

A) before C) in order

B) after D) though


18) As a general rule, _____ farther west you go in America, _____ greater the distances are between major cities.

A) either... or C) not only... but also

B) neither... nor D) the... the


19) And _____ a country like Britain exhibits considerable variation in climate and landscape, the differences across the continental U.S. are extreme.

A) wherever C) whereas

B) although D) because


20) Many universities forbid students to have cars on campus, _____, of course, they are handicapped.

A) nevertheless C) unless

B) until D) if


Вправа 14. Напишіть доречні сполучники та сполучні слова для заповнення пропусків у реченнях.


1) The United States is one of the few countries _____ has no "official" national language, or languages.

2) English is the common language by use, _____ it is not the national language by law.

3) Today, the American economy no longer dominates the world _____ it clearly did in the post-World War II era.

4) What many people, including Americans, don't know is _____ the United States is the world's leading agricultural nation.

5) Still, there are many individuals _____ have remained unemployed for long periods.

6) Today, of course, there are many federal, state and local programs _____ help the unemployed and care for the sick.

7) _____ programs and amounts of support vary greatly among the states, the following figures give some idea of the nature of these payments.

8) There are, however, differences in the degree to _____ states provide welfare support for their citizens.

9) Obviously, _____ one is poor or sick, it is better to be in New York than in Arizona.

10) _____ makes the U.S. different from many other countries is the degree to which payments for health and retirement come from private sources.

11) _____ employees strike, they often ask for better retirement payments, better or fuller medical care, and so on.

12) Wages were usually much higher in the United States _____ they were in Europe.

13) _____ towns grew and the demand for goods rapidly increased, employers began hiring more people to increase production.

14) 88 percent of American children attend public schools _____ 12 percent go to private schools.

15) _____ local and state taxes support the public schools, there are significant differences in the quality of education.

16) Many schools support summer classes, _____ students take extra courses.

17) Many American teenagers deliver newspapers in the morning _____ school starts.

18) _____ tuition fees are rather high at most colleges and universities, a large number of students hold jobs besides studying.

19) People believe _____ the future of society depends on the quantity and quality of its educated citizens.

20) It explains _____ many Americans are still willing to give more money to education, even during times of economic difficulty.

Вправа 15*. 1. Прочитайте текст і виберіть заголовок до кожного з його трьох абзаців:

A) His future.

B) His past.

C) His present.



1) The publisher Paul Raymond is the richest man in Britain, and he has a personal fortune (багатство) of over ₤1,650,000,000. His magazine publishing company makes annual profits of around ₤ 14 million, and he owns a number of other companies. He has houses in London and the Caribbean (країни Карибського моря), but at the age of 68 he lives a very quiet life.

2) However, most of his wealth does not come from the magazines; it comes from the property (власність, майно, земельна власність, маєток) he owns in central London. He started buying up properties over forty years ago, when prices were about ₤10,000. He bought another fifty properties in 1974, and he purchased another hundred in 1977 just before the property market recovered (to recover -одужати). Each of these investments rose in value many times over, so he is much richer than the Queen (королева).

3) He is now nearing to near (наближатися) retirement, but he is making major (більший) new property investments at the moment. He is trying to buy a number of properties in Rupert Street, London, and is buying additional (додатковий) houses in Chelsea. However, he is not planning to expand (розширяти) his publishing empire (імперія) any further (далі).


2. Прочитайте текст ще раз і визначте речення, які не відповідають його змісту:


a) His parents left him a fortune of over £ 1,650,000,000.

b) Every year he spends £ 14 million on purchasing houses.

c) His wealth includes a lot of properties in Great Britain and the Caribbean.

d) His property in London gave him most of his wealth.

e) Houses in London cost much more now than they did when Paul Raymond was young.

f) In 1974 he only had £ 10,000.

g) He bought most of his property when the property market was well.

h) He is going to retire as soon as he buys some more houses in London.

i) Besides, he is going to increase investment in publishing business.


3. Напишіть запитання до поданих нижче відповідей.

Example: Paul Raymond is. - Who is the richest man in Britain?


a) Around £ 14 million.

b) A very quiet life.

c) It comes from the property he owns in central London.

d) Forty years ago.

e) Fifty properties.

f) He bought another hundred properties.

g) Yes, many times. He is making major new property investments.

h) In Rupert Street, London.

i) No, he isn't.


Вправа 16*. 1. Прочитайте текст і визначте його тематику:

а) інструкція для споживача;

б) реклама готового одягу;

в) оголошення про роботу;

г) повідомлення про розпродаж;

д) звіт про роботу;

е) запрошення до співробітництва;

є) реклама туристичного агентства.


Our client manufactures leisure (дозвілля) clothing which we distribute to major high-street retailers (торговці роздрібної торгівлі). We have a vacancy for a Sales Manager who will be responsible for the overall control of a Sales Department which consists of 15 representatives (представники).

We are looking for someone who has a proven (засвідчений) track record of success (=службова характеристика) in sales. This is a job which will involve (to involve - вплутувати) a great deal of dedication (самовідданість), flair (нюх, чуття), and enthusiasm, and we will give priority (пріоритет) to applicants (претенденти) who have experience (досвід) in the retail clothing sector. We are offering (to offer - пропонувати) a salary (заробітна плата) which is highly competitive (конкуруючий), and benefits which include a company car, free health insurance (безплатне медичне страхування), and generous (щедрий) pension contributions (внески).

If you would like to work for an organization which is expanding fast (швидко), and which offers you the chance to fulfil (здійснювати) your potential, send your CV to:


Peter Hodgson & Co, 28 Barton Road,

Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey KT2 5EE.




2. Прочитайте скорочений варіант тексту. У ньому 4 змістовних помилки. Знайдіть і виправте їх.


We distribute leisure clothing. There are 15 people in our Sales Department. We are looking for one more person. He will control the manufacturers. We will give priority to experienced (досвідчений) retailers. We are offering a good salary and different benefits. If you want to expand your business, send your CV to:

Peter Hodgson & Co, 28 Barton Road,

Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey KT2 5EE.


3. Передайте своїми словами виправлений скорочений варіант тексту від 3-ї особи ("The company distributes...").


Вправа 17. 1. Прочитайте текст і придумайте заголовок до нього.


Americans have shown a great concern (інтерес) for education since early colonial times. Among the first settlers (поселенці), in fact (справді), there was an unusually high proportion of educated (освічений) men. In the Massachusetts Bay colony in the early 1600s, as the British historian (історик) Rowse has pointed out (to point out -вказувати), "there was an average of one university man to every 40 or 50 families - much higher than in Old England." Some of these men, many of them graduates (випускники)of Cambridge,came together(to come together - об'єднатися) and in 1636 founded (to found - засновувати) Harvard College, 140 years before American independence (незалежність). Other early institutions of higher learning (вищі навчальні заклади) were the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, established (заснований) in 1693, and Yale, founded in 1701.

From the 1640s on, Massachusetts required (to require - вимагати) all towns with more than 50 families to provide (забезпечувати) a schoolmaster (шкільний учитель) at public expense (за громадський рахунок). Other colonies also madeprovisions(to make provisions - передбачати)for free (безплатний) public schools. Many academies (schools offering a classical education (освіта) as well as more practical training (навчання)) opened throughout (протягом) the next century, including the one established by Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia in 1751. The movement (рух)forfreepublic schoolsgained (to gain - одержувати)its greatest impulse in the 1830s, however. By 1850, every state had provided for a system of free public schools open to all and paid for by public taxes (податки).

In 1862, Congress passed a law (to pass a law - прийняти закон) which provided states with public (federal) lands used for higher education, especially for the establishment (заснування) of agricultural and mechanical arts (ремісний) colleges. These new state-supported (утримуваний державою) institutions joined (to join - приєднуватися) the large number of older, well-established (добре влаштований), and well-to-do (заможний) privately funded (фінансований приватними особами) universities. They were important in the democratization of higher education in the United States. By 1900, there were almost a thousand institutions of higher education in the U.S. Among them were law and medical "schools" and hundreds of small, four-year liberal arts (гуманітарний) colleges.

Today, 88 percent of American children attend (to attend - відвідувати) public schools and 12 percent go to private schools. Any year, about 12 million Americans enter the over 3,000 colleges and universities of every type: private, public, church-related (зв'язаний з церквою), small and large, in cities, counties (округи), and states. Close (близько) to 80 percent of the college students attend public institutions, while a little over 20 percent go to privately supported universities and colleges.

The early emphasis (наголос) given to education remains(to remain - залишатися) today. Most historians agree(to agree - погоджуватися) that a great deal of the economic, political, scientific, and cultural progress America has made in its relatively (відносно) short history is due (зобов'язаний) to its devotion (відданість) to the ideal of equal opportunity (рівна можливість). This is the ideal of educating (надання освіти) as many Americans as possible, to the best of their abilities (у міру їх здібностей). There is little doubt (сумнів) that American education in its aim (мета) to provide equality of opportunity as well as excellence (висока якість) has raised (to raise - піднімати) the overall (загальний) level of education of Americans. It has encouraged (to encourage - заохочувати) more Americans than ever before to study for advanced degrees (вищі ступені) and to become involved (займатися) in specialized research (дослідження). Many people believe that the future of society (суспільство) depends on the quantity (кількість) and quality (якість) of its educated citizens (громадяни). It explains (to explain - пояснювати)why a great many Americans are still willing(to will - бажати)to give more money to education, even during times of economic difficulty.


2. Прочитайте текст ще раз і складіть план до нього.


3. Дайте відповіді на запитання:


a) When did Americans begin to show interest in education?

b) What was the proportion of educated people among the first settlers of the Massachusetts Bay colony?

c) Who founded Harvard College?

d) How old is Yale College?

e) When and where did the first free public schools appear?

f) What kind of educational institution is the academy?

g) What process was taking place in the 1830s?

h) What promoted (to promote - сприяти) the democratization of higher education in the U.S.?

i) How many institutions of higher learning are there now in the United States?

j) What proportion of all American students study at private universities and colleges?

k) What promoted the economic, political, scientific, and cultural development (розвиток) of the U.S., according to (на думку) many historians?

l) What is the result of "equal opportunity" in education?

m) What makes (to make - примушувати) people spend money on education?


Вправа 18. 1. Прочитайте текст, придумайте заголовок до нього і визначте головну ідею:


In higher education, and especially at the graduate (=рівень спеціаліста) schools (those following (той, що іде за) the first four years of college), the U.S. has an extremely (надзвичайно) competitive and highly selective (той, що відбирає, селективний) system. And it becomes increasingly (все більш) selective the higher the level. Moreover, because each university generally sets (to set - установлювати) its own admission (вступ, вступний) standards, the best universities are also the most difficult to get into (входити).

Some universities are very selective even at the undergraduate (= рівень бакалавра) or beginning levels. In 1984, for example, some 15,600 individuals sought(to seek - добиватися) admission to Stanford University, a private university in southern California. Many state-supported universities also have fairly (досить) rigid (жорсткий) admission requirements (вимоги). The University of California at Berkeley, for example, admitted (to admit - приймати) about 65 percent of all applicants in 1984. For Harvard, the figure is 17 percent (1984). Admission to law or medical schools and other graduate programs has always been highly selective. It is true that children who wish (to wish - бажати, хотіти) someday to go to one of the better universities start working for this goal (ціль) in elementary (початковий) school.

Needless (зайвий)to say, those children who have attended better schools, or who come from families with better educated parents, often have an advantage (перевага) over those who don't. This remains a problem in the U.S., where equality of opportunity is a central cultural goal. Not surprisingly, the members of racial minorities (расові меншини) are the most deprived (позбавлений)in this respect (відношення). In 1985, for instance, 19.4 percent of all Americans 25 years and older had completed (to complete - закінчувати) four years of college or more. However, the figure for blacks was 11.1 percent and for Hispanics (іспаномовні американці) 8.5 percent. Compared with (у порівнянні з) the figures from 1970, when the national average was only 10.7 percent (with 11.3 percent for whites, 4.4 percent for blacks, and 7.6 percentfor students of Spanish origin), this reveals (to reveal - показувати, виявляти) a considerable improvement (поліпшення) within just 14 years. Many different programs aimed (націлений) at improving educational opportunities among minority groups exist (to exist - існувати) at all levels - local, state, and federal. They have met with (to meet with - зазнавати) some, even if moderate (помірний), success.


2. Складіть план тексту, виписуючи ключові слова до кожного з його пунктів.


3. Користуючись складеним планом і виписаними ключовими словами, передайте зміст тексту англійською мовою.



Вправа 1(с. 13)

1) означення; 2) обставина способу дії; 3) підмет 4) обставина умови; 5) додаток; 6) обставина міри; 7) обставина часу; 8) обставина наслідку; 9) присудок; 10) обставина місця; 11) присудок; 12) обставина ступеня; 13) означення; 14) обставина допустовості; 15) додаток; 16) обставина мети; 17) обставина причини; 18) обставина виключення; 19) обставина часу; 20) означення.


Вправа 2 (с.14)

а) borrow... from; invest... in; protect... from; provide... with; spend... on; supply... with;

б) agree to; apply to; depend on; look after; rely on; talk to; wait for;

в) close down; fill in; look up; ring up.





Вправа 1 (с.15) Вправа 2 (с.16) Вправа 3 (с.16) Вправа 4 (с.18)
1 – а 1 – г (be)+p 1 – а (have) 1 – (be)+p
2 – г 2 – а (have) 2 – г (be)+p 2 – (have)
3 – б 3 – б there (be) 3 – в (be) 3 – (have)
4 – в 4 – в (be) 4 – б there (be) 4 – there (be)
5 – б 5 – б there (be) 5 – б there (be) 5 – there (be)
6 – а 6 – а (have) 6 – а (have) 6 – (be)
7 – а 7 – а (have) 7 – б there (be) 7 – there (be)
8 – а 8 – б there (be) 8 – а (have) 8 – (have)
9 – г 9 – в (be) 9 – б there (be) 9 – (have)
10 – в 10 – г (be)+p 10 – г (be)+p 10 – (be)
11 – б 11 – б there (be) 11 – в (be) 11 – (be)+p
12 – б 12 – а (have) 12 – а (have) 12 – there (be)
13 – а 13 – г (be)+p 13 – г (be)+p 13 – (be)+p
14 – в 14 – а (have) 14 – а (have) 14 – (have)
15 – б 15 – а (have) 15 – а (have) 15 – (have)
16 – г 16 – б there (be) 16 – б there (be) 16 – there (be)
17 – в 17 – в (be) 17 – б there (be) 17 – there (be)
18 – а 18 – б there (be) 18 – в (be) 18 – (be)
19 – д 19 – д (be)+p 19 – г (be)+p 19 – (be)+p
20 – г 20 – г (be)+p 20 – г (be)+p 20 – (be)



Вправа 5 (с.25)

1) My name is Oxana.

2) I am seventeen.

3) I have (got) …

4) My brother has (got) …

5) My brother and his wife are engineers.

6) There is a post-office and a chemist's shop …

7) There are some trees and flowers …

8) My sister had …

9) There was a lot of music and flowers.

10) The flowers were beautiful.

11) My sister was very happy.

12) My birthday will be …

13) We will have …

14) I will have …

15) I will be happy …

16) I am going to be a businessman.

17) I am a student of the Finance and Economics Institute.

18) We have …

19) We had …

20) The seminar in Economics will be …

21) There are four questions …

22) All of them are rather difficult.


Вправа 6 (с.27)

1) I am a student of the Finance and Economics Institute.

2) We have (got) …

3) All of them are very interesting.

4) There is a dormitory and a library …

5) The dormitory is …

6) There are many necessary and useful books …

7) My room - mate is a fourth - year student.

8) He is going to be a manager.

9) He has (got) …

10) I was a schoolboy…

11) I had …

12) There was a good gym …

13) There are a lot of sport facilities …

14) We will have …

15) The exam in Microeconomics will be …

16) There will be three questions …

17) My father had …

18) There was a scientific conference …

19) All the reports were very interesting.

20) We all will be …

21) We are going to have a good time.

22) My mother will have …

Вправа 7 (с.27)

1) I have (got) …

2) His name is Olexiy.

3) He is going to be a financier.

4) Olexiy had …

5) There were four questions …

6) All the questions were very difficult.

7) Olexiy has …

8) There are several departments …

9) The Lending department is …

10) There is much modern equipment …

11) The senior students will have …

12) The conference will be …

13) There will be some interesting data …

14) I will be busy …

15) I am...

16) There are a lot of my fellow-students …

17) We will have …

18) The students of our Institute have (got) …

19) I will have …

20) I am going to have a walk …

21) I was …

22) I had …


Вправа 2 (с.31)

Об'єктивний смисл речень A-4; Б-2; Б-3; Б-5; В-1; В-2; В-4; - повна відсутність володіння об’єктом. При цьому об'єкт володіння виражено незлічуваним іменником або злічуваним іменником у множині.


Вправа 4 (с.32)

Об'єктивний смисл речень A-2; А-4; Б-1; Б-4; В-2; В-5; - повна відсутність предмета / особи / явища / події. При цьому об'єкт, про відсутність якого йде мова у висловлюванні, виражено незлічуваним іменником або злічуваним іменником у множині.


Вправа 7 (с.35)

1) We don't have

2) My elder sister isn't married.

3) We didn't have breakfast …

4) My aunt doesn't have …= My aunt hasn't got … =My aunt has no ….

5) You won't have … = You'll have no

6) I wasn't sorry

7) There isn't a lift …

8) His brother won't be an entrepreneur.

9) Victor isn't going to have

10) They weren't

11) We aren't tired.

12) There won't be a lift …

13) We didn't have

14) The examinations won't be

15) I don't have …= I haven't got

16) There wasn't a swimming-pool …

17) I didn't have

18) There won't be many people…


Вправа 8 (с.35)

1) He isn't going to be an interpreter.

2) There isn't enough light …

3) You won't have an English class.

4) There weren't any mistakes … = There were no mistakes …

5) We won't be

6) You won't have

7) You don't have... = You haven't got … = You have no

8) You weren't students …

9) She didn't have

10) It isn't a textbook.

11) There won't be a conference …

12) There aren't many parks …

13) You aren't schoolchildren.

14) He wasn't glad …

15) His parents didn't have …= His parents had no

16) My mother won't have

17) They aren't going to have

18) You won't be disappointed.

Вправа 9 (с.36)

1) This girl wasn't my sister.

2) She doesn't have … = She hasn't got ….

3) We won't have ….

4) They don't have … = They haven't got … = They have no...

5) We weren't hungry.

6) There aren't twenty students …

7) I won't be surprised …

8) They don't have...

9) You didn't have … = You had no...

10) There wasn't (even) central heating …

11) Your friends won't be bored.

12) His brothers aren't married.

13) I' m not ill.

14) We aren't going to have a party…

15) They won't have enough money …

16) There weren't many new data …

17) Sam isn't going to be an accountant.

18) There won't be a seminar in Macroeconomics...

Вправа 11 (с.37)

1) I'm not married.

2) I don't have this book.

3) There aren't four mistakes in my work, but only three.

4) My sister doesn't have any children yet.

5) She isn't a bookkeeper.

6) There weren't any trees in the street.

7) You won't have any reason to worry.

8) There won't be many guests at the party.

9) My sister and her husband didn't have a car then.

10) There isn't a post-office near my house.

11) They aren't tired.

12) There wasn't much sense in his words.

Вправа 12 (с.37)

1) They haven't got a car. They've got a motorbike.

2) I've got two brothers. I haven't got any sisters.

3) Tom's got a TV set. He hasn't got a video.

4) They've got a flat. They haven't got a house.

5) We haven't got a cassette-recorder. We've got a Walkman cassette-player.

Вправа 13 (с.38)

1) We don't have any money.

2) They won't have any information about us.

3) It was his first job, so he had no experience.

4) Tom has some friends. Bill is one of them.

5) I have no free time today. Call me tomorrow.

6) There weren't any people in the library.

7) There were some people in the room. Paul was among them.

8) Yesterday I had no time to help you. I'm very sorry.

9) There aren't any mistakes in your test. I’m glad for you.

10) There's some mineral water in the fridge. Take it.

Вправа 14 (с.38)

1) The evening will not be cold.

2) There is not his article in the newspaper.

3) My room-mate doesn't have this book.

4) My family is not very large.

5) There was much joy in his words.

6) You won't have enough time for this work tomorrow. Do it now.

7) We were not friends.

8) I haven't got a sister.

9) There isn't much greenery in your town.

10) He won't have enough money to buy a car.

11) I am not her sister. I haven't got any sisters.

12) We didn't nave a computer last year, but we have it now.



Частина 1


Вправа 5 (с.43)

1) Is your sister married?   - Yes, she is. - No, she isn’t.
2) Are you tired?   - Yes, I am. - No, I’m not.
3) Is there a lift…? - Yes, there is. - No, there isn’t.
4) Do they (always) have breakfast…? - Yes, they do. - No, they don’t.
5) Does she have…? (Has she got…?) - Yes, she does.(Yes, she has.) - No, she doesn’t.(No, she hasn’t.)
6) Do you have…? (Have you got…?) - Yes, I do.(Yes, I have.) - No, I don’t.(No, I haven’t.)
7) Do we have…? (Have we got…?) - Yes, we do. (Yes, we have.) - No, we don’t. (No, we haven’t.)
8) Are there many parks…? - Yes, there are. - No, there aren’t.
9) Are these children ill…? - Yes, they are. - No, they aren’t.
10) Were you pleased…? - Yes, we are. Or: Yes, I was. - No, we weren’t. Or: No, I wasn’t.
11) Were your parents very surprised? - Yes, they were. - No, they weren’t.
12) Did you have…? - Yes, we did. - No, we didn’t.
13) Were there many mistakes…?   - Yes, there were. - No, there weren’t.
14) Was Nick a student…? - Yes, he was. - No, he wasn’t.
15) Did your brother have…? - Yes, he did. - No, he didn’t.
16) Was there a swimming-pool…? - Yes, there was. - No, there wasn’t.
17) Did your parents have…? - Yes, they did. - No, they didn’t.
18) Will you have…? - Yes, I will. - No, I won’t.
19) Is her brother going to be a financier? - Yes, he is. - No, he isn’t.
20) Will there be many people…? - Yes, there will. - No, there won’t.
21) Will your husband be pleased…? - Yes, he will. - No, he won’t.


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