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GRAMMAR: The Sequence of Tenses – Узгодження часівСодержание книги
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After one of the past forms in the principal clause we find past forms in the subordinate object clause: 1) If the action of the object clause is simultaneous with that of the principal clause, the Past Simple or the Past Continuous is used in the object clause. He thought I was joking. – Він гадав, що я жартую. 2) If the action of the object clause precedes that of the principal clause, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous is used in the object clause. I understood that she had already left the office. – Я зрозумів, що вона уже пішла з офісу. 3) If the action of the object clause follows that of the principal clause, the Future-in-the-Past is used in the object clause: I was sure we would get this contract. – Я була певна, що ми отримаємо цей контракт.
Ex.1. Make the actions in the following object clauses simultaneous with those of their principal clause: 1 He was surprised that I …………… (know) his phone number. 2 I knew the children …………… (hide) somewhere in the room. 3 He told us that he …………… (work) for a large corporation. 4 He said the in-formation …………… (be) rather interesting. 5 We knew that Ann …………… (have) an English class every Wednesday. 6 I knew that they …………… (discuss) my new proposal then. 7 He said that he …… …… (be) interested in marketing. 8 She said she …………… (be) busy. 9 The customer said that he …… ……… (want) to have a word with me. 10 He explained that he …………… (take) driving lessons. Ex.2. Make the actions in the following object clauses precede those of their principal clause: 1 I knew that he …………… (go) to London already. 2 He asked me why I …………… (not invite) him to that scientific conference. 3 He said he …………… (not hear) anything about her complaint. 4 She said the secretary …………… (send) the message already. 5 I knew that she …………… (make) an appointment with general manager. 6 He said that he …………… (work) hard all the time. 7 He told her that he …………… (meet) her the year before. 8 I knew that he …………… (be) ill the day before. 9 She thought he …………… (graduate) from the University. 10 Didn't you know that he …………… (establish) a business of his own? Ex.3. Make the actions in the following object clauses follow those of their principal clause: 1 He told us that his daughter …………… (be) a marketer. 2 She said that she …………… (finish) her report by 6 o'clock. 3 Mr Black said the manager …………… (come back) to New York the following day. 4 The secretary told me that the meeting …………… (take place) the following month. 5 I hoped that he …………… (apologize). 6 She said she …………… (not attend) our meeting on Monday. 7 I asked him when the negotiations …………… (begin). 8 He said that the price …………… (not include) the cost of packing. 9 She decided that she …………… (ring) up there tomorrow. 10 We decided that you …………… (be) able to help us. Ex.4. Translate into English: 1 Він сказав, що він сьогодні дуже зайнятий. 2 Менеджер повідомив нам, що в нього є важливі новини. 3 Вона запитала, коли я піду за покупками. 4 Він пояснив, що ніколи там не був. 5 Я сподівався, що проведу там всю відпустку. 6 Він проінформував нас, що вони вже обговорили цю небезпечну ситуацію. 7 Шеф сказав, що я повинна відповісти на цей лист негайно. 8 Вона запитала мене, де працює мій брат. 9 Секретарка повідомила, що вже надрукувала цей контракт у двох примірниках. 10 Він знав, що вони вже розробили нову маркетингову стратегію.
Writing a business e-mail
1 Why do people use e-mail in business? Make a list of reasons.
2 Read some 'rules' for writing good business e-mails. Which rules do you follow?
How to write an effective e-mail
1. Use a subject line that tells the other person what the e-mail is about. Don't just write Information or Your e-mail. 2. If you are writing to someone you don't know start by saying who you are and why you are 3. Use written greetings (Dear Mr Smith) and endings (Yours sincerely), just as you would in а 4. Use short, clear sentences. 5. Use paragraphs for different subjects. Leave a space between paragraphs. 6. In business e-mails, always use a formal and polite tone. Don’t be too informal or familiar. 7. Don’t use emoticons, e.g.L, or acronyms, e.g. BTW (by the way). 8. Don't write in CAPITAL LETTERS – this is like shouting. 9. Don't repeat yourself – try not to use the same word more than once in a paragraph. 10. Check your spelling and punctuation - are they correct? If you are worried about your spelling, use a spell check.
3 Read the e-mail below from a student to a company about their work experience programme. Which rules in ex 2 does he break?
4 Look al the phrases in italics (1-6) in the e-mail. Match them with the formal phrases (a-f) below:
5 Here are some phrases to use in e-mails. Write starting (S), ending (E), saying why you are writing (W) or requesting (R) after each one and the ones in ex 4:
6 Rewrite Luigi’s e-mail using the rules in ex 2 and some of the phrases in ex 5.
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