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Grammar: third conditional – умовні речення ііі типуСодержание книги
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We use the third conditional: • to talk about possible situations in the past which didn't happen: If you had followed my advice, you would have earned a lot of money. (but you didn't) – Якби ви дотримались моє поради, ви б заробили багато грошей. (проте ви не дотримались)
We can "mix" clauses from second and third conditional sentences (Mixed conditional) if we want to connect a possible past event with the present or future: If you had followed my advice (but you didn't in the past), you would be rich. (but you aren't now) – Якби ви дотримались моєї поради (в минулому, але ви не дотримались), ви б (зараз) були багаті.
Ex.1. Choose the most suitable tense form:
1 Why didn't you phone me? If you phoned / had phoned me, I would have reserved / had reserved a room for you. 2 If you organized / had organized your conference last month, I was able/would have been able to take part in it. 3 If he lent / had lent me the money, I would pay / would have paid him back last week. 4 If you had been there at that moment, what would you do / would you have done? 5 Why didn't you say that you were short of money? If I knew / had known, I would lend / would have lent you some. 6 She was so impatient. If she had been / were more patient, she would received / would have received everything she needed. 7 If I didn't lose / hadn’t lost my key, I wouldn't have / wouldn’t have had to wait outside in the rain. 8 If the traffic hadn't been / were not so heavy, we would arrive / would hive arrived on time. 9 If I weren't / hadn’t been promoted then, I would leave / would have left the company. 10 If I hadn't saved / didn’t save enough money, I wouldn't buy / wouldn't have bought this house. 11 If he didn't gamble / hadn’t gambled so much, he wouldn't lose / wouldn't have lost all his money. 12 If I knew / had known yesterday that you were coming, I would meet / would have met you at the airport. 13 You wouldn't get / wouldn’t have got into trouble last time if you followed / had followed my advice. 14 He never would buy / would have bought shares in that company if you didn't recommend / hadn't recommended him to do it.
Ex.2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:
1 If I had sold my shares then, I …………… (make) a lot of money. 2 If you hadn't taken so many risks, you …………… (lose) so much. 3 If I had bought that lottery ticket, I …………… (win) one million. 4 It's a pity you missed the conference. If you …………… (come), you …………… (meet) American scientists working in this branch of economy. 5 If the company hadn't raised its funds, it …………… (go) bankrupt. 6 If we hadn't issued bonds, we …………… (not raise) finance. 7 If I had known this great news, I …………… (tell) you. 8 If I had sold my car a couple of years before, I …………… (get) more money. 9 If I …………… (not make) profit on my shares, I would have never bought this house. 10 If he had invested on the stock market, he …………… (live) from the income. 11 If you contacted a stockbroker, he …………… (give) you some very good advice. 12 If I were you, I …………… (invest) on the stock exchange. 13 If he …………… (work) alone, he would never have finished this work. 14 If he had known all the facts, he …………… (help) us last Monday.
Ex.3. Finish these sentences using a mixed conditional:
1 If I had won the money,......................................... 2 If I had been better at English,......................................... 3 If I had only known about this earlier,......................................... 4 If he had consulted the stockbroker in time,......................................... 5 If he were an honest man,......................................... 6 If I knew her better,......................................... 7 If he had been more friendly,......................................... 8 If I had asked his permission,......................................... 9 If you had established a company of your own,......................................... 10 If she had arranged for free food available to all employees, 11 If we had signed an agreement,......................................... 12 If the new investment plan had been completed,......................................... 13 If our market share were much bigger than our competitors’,......................................... 14 If the company employees were not given the opportunity to travel abroad,.........................................
Ex.4. Translate into English:
1 На вашому місці я би не хвилювався; вона знає, які акції купувати. 2 Якби ви працювали сумлінні-ше, ви б давно завершили роботу над цим проектом. 3 Якби я знав про цей контракт, я б переклав його ще на минулому тижні. 4 Якби ви проглянули старі фінансові звіти, ви б знайшли цікавий ма-теріал для вашої доповіді. 5 Я б звільнив його, якби не знав, що він добре виконує свою роботу. 6 Якби я продав свої акції півроку тому, я б заробив багато грошей. 7 Будь я на вашому місці, я б не-гайно купив гарантовані цінні папери. 8 Якщо компанія опинилася би у важкому фінансовому ста-новищі, ми б втратили все наше майно. 9 Якщо б я знав про вашу пропозицію раніше, я б не пого-дився на цю роботу. 10 Якщо б ви все зробили своєчасно, то цей вигідний для нашої фірми контракт був би вже підписаний. 11 Якби смаки споживачів не змінювались, торгівля б не розвивалася. 12 Як-би на рекламу не витрачалося стільки грошей, то ми б відкрили нову технологічну лінію.
A market is a set of transactions in which a particular kind of commodity is exchanged, and in which the transactions for this commodity among different individuals and firms are related. Product markets are divided into two classes: goods and services. A good is something tangible that is produced, and consumed. For example, when you buy an automobile, you are purchasing a good. A service is something intangible that is produced and consumed. When you have someone adjust a carburettor, you are purchasing a service. Resources are things used to produce goods, services and capital. People come to a market because they want to buy (demanders) or to sell (suppliers). The interaction of demanders and suppliers determines a market price and a market allocation of a particular commodity. Demand is all combinations of relative price and the quantity of a particular commodity that individuals or firms (demanders) want to purchase in a market. Excess supply occurs when, at a particular market price, the quantity that suppliers want to provide to the market exceeds the quantity that demanders want to purchase. And excess demand occurs when this quantity is less than the quantity that demanders want to purchase. In an open or free market, the relative price for a commodity will generally decrease when there is excess supply and increase when there is excess demand. Excess demand will be eliminated if the relative price is free to increase. A market is equilibrium when the quantity that suppliers want to provide to the market at a specific market price is exactly equal to the quantity that demanders want to purchase in the market at the same market price. The importance of equilibrium is that the equilibrium relative price is the only price at which the interests of demanders and suppliers coincide. I. Give English equivalents of the following: взаємодія споживачів і постачальників; надмірна(ий) пропозиція/попит; виробляти товари та надавати послуги; розміщення ринку; набір угод; набір стимулів; перерозміщувати товари; задовольняти потреби; значення рівноваги; купувати товар; поділятися на класи; впливати на ринок II. Fill in the gaps with: excess demand; are divided into; purchasing a service; the importance of equilibrium; the interaction of demanders and suppliers; excess supply; decreases; increases 1. Product markets... two classes: goods and services. 2. When you have someone adjust a carburettor, you are.... 3.... determines a market price and a market allocation of a particular commodity. 4.... occurs when, at a particular market price, the quantity that suppliers want to provide to the market exceeds the quantity that demanders want to purchase. 5.... occurs when, at a particular market price, the quantity that suppliers want to provide to the market is less than the quantity that demanders want to purchase. 6. When there is excess demand, the relative price... and when there is excess supply the relative price.... 7.... is that the equilibrium relative price is the only price at which the interests of demanders and suppliers coincide. III. Answer the questions: 1 What is a market? 2 Explain the difference between: a good / a service; demanders / suppliers; supply / demand; excess supply / excess demand. 3 When will excess demand and excess supply be eliminated? 4 What is equilibrium of a market? 5 Why is market equilibrium important? IV. Translate into English: 1. Розрізняють ринки товарів і ринки послуг. 2. Товар - це щось відчутне на дотик, що виробляється та споживається, часто те, що ми можемо придбати на ринку. 3. Послуга - це щось не відчутне на дотик, що виробляється та споживається, що ми також можемо придбати на ринку. 4. Ресурси - це те, що використовується для виготовлення товару та надання послуг. 5. Взаємодія споживачів і постачальників визначає ринкову ціну та розміщення на ринку. 6. Пропозиція - це поєднання відносної ціни та кількості якогось товару, який фірми або окремі особи хочуть постачати на ринок. 7. Споживання - це поєднання відносної ціни та кількості якогось товару, який фірми або окремі особи хотіли б придбати на ринку. 8. Надмірна пропозиція складається тоді, коли кількість товару, яку постачальник хоче поставити на ринок за ринковою ціною, перевищує кількість, яку споживачі бажають придбати. 9. В умовах вільного ринку відносна ціна на товар буде падати при зростанні пропозиції та підніматися при зростанні попиту.
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