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1. There are legal terms which are in general use but are not quite clear. The reason lies in difficulties with their translation into different languages the lawyers in court speak. 2. Georg Schwarzenberger proposed the term law-creating processes for treaties, custom and general principles of law; and law-determining agencies for “subsidiary means for determination of law”, i.e. judicial practice and doctrine. 3. As a treaty in force The Statute of the International Court of Justice binds at present 10 sovereign States in the world, with no exceptions. 4. Paragraph 1 of Article 38 displays the existence of three kinds of sources of international law. Conventions, custom and general principles of law, qualified by Schwarzenberger as “law-creating processes”, are for the Court itself the main sources of this law. Judicial decisions and doctrine are its subsidiary sources (or according to Schwarzenberger “law-determining agencies”), being following the wording of these provisions: “subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law”. And there are also autonomous sources of international law mentioned in paragraph 1 of Article 38. 5. There is a tendency in the practice within some international organizations such as the World Health Organization, the World Meteorological Organization and the International Civil Aviation Organization to give rise to another autonomous source of international law. 6. In case that some new intergovernmental organizations will be established with similar competencies, and in case of proliferation of rules of this kind, one could discuss of the adaptation of this new main source of international law to the existed system.
VOCABULARY SECTION/ LANGUAGE FOCUS: I. Vocabulary notes Adherence – [əd'hɪ(ə)rəns] 1) прихильність, вірність 2) строге дотримання (правил); Adherence is the fact of adhering to a particular rule, agreement, or belief. Applicable – [ə'plɪkəb(ə)l] застосовний, придатний; відповідний, підходящий; Applicable is relevant or appropriate the same considerations are equally applicable to accident claims. Contracting party – сторона угоди, контрагент; сторона, що домовляється; сторона, що укладає контракт (угоду); Contracting party isentity who enters into a binding agreement with one or more other contracting parties and thus accepts the benefits and obligations specified therein. For a contract to be valid, every contracting party to a contract must be a competent party. Conventional law – договірне право; звичайне (традиційне) право; Conventional law isthe body of international legal principles contained in treaties versus customary international law or other sources of international law. Customary law – звичаєве право; Customary law is those aspects of international law that derive from custom. Derogation – [derə'geɪʃ(ə)n] 1) часткове скасування (закону); 2) применшення, ослаблення; обмеження; підрив (влади, авторитету); 3) приниження; Derogation – 1) an exemption from or relaxation of a rule or law countries assuming a derogation from EC law; 2) the perception or treatment of someone or something as being of little worth the derogation of women. Equity – ['ekwiti] 1) справедливість; неупередженість; 2) право справедливості; часто (чиє-небудь) право, визнане судом справедливості; 3) маржа; 4) звичайна акція, акція без фіксованого дивіденду (equity share); 5) (Equity) “Еквіті” (профспілка акторів в Англії); Equity isthe quality of being fair and impartial equity of treatment; a branch of law that developed alongside common law and is concerned with fairness and justice, formerly administered in special courts.
Flexibility – [fleksə'biliti] 1) гнучкість; 2) еластичність, пружність; ковкість; 3) піддатливість, поступливість; 4) маневреність, рухливість; пристосовність; Flexibility is willingness to change or compromise the government has shown flexibility in applying its policy in its application and enforcement. Good faith – 1) добросовісність; 2) добросовісний; Good faith is honesty or sincerity of intention. Higher priority to – те, що має першочергове значення; Higher priority to is the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important than others the safety of the country takes priority over any other matter; a thing that is regarded as more important than others. Human rights – права людини; Human rights arebasic rights which many societies believe that all people should have. International Court of Justice – Міжнародний суд ООН; International Court of Justice is a judicial court of the United Nations which replaced the Court Permanente de Justice in 1945 and meets at The Hague. International dispute – міжнародний спір, конфлікт; International dispute is a disagreement or argument a territorial dispute between the two countries. International issue – міжнародне питання; International issue is an important topic or problem for debate or discussion existing, occurring, or carried on between nations international trade. International law – міжнародне прaво; International law is a body of rules established by custom or treaty and recognized by nations as binding in their relations with one another. Municipal law – внутрішньодержавне право, національне право, внутрішнє право (країни); муніципальне право; Municipal law is the national, or internal, law of a state, as opposed to international law. Pacta sunt servanda – угоди повинні виконуватися; Pacta sunt servanda - agreements are to be kept; treaties should be observed. Pacta sunt servanda is the bedrock of the customary international law of treaties and, according to some authorities, the very foundation of international law. Without such an acceptance, treaties would become worthless. Peremptory – [pə'rempt(ə)ri] 1) безапеляційний, який не допускає заперечень, категоричний; 2) доктринерський, догматичний; 3) наказовий, владний; 4) імперативний, остаточний; абсолютний; Peremptory - insisting on immediate attention or obedience, especially in a brusquely imperious way “Just do it!” came the peremptory reply; not open to appeal or challenge; final a peremptory order of the court. Source of international law are the materials and processes out of which the rules and principles regulating the international community are developed. They have been influenced by a range of political and legal theories. Space law – космічне право; Space law is an area of the law that encompasses national and international law governing activities in outer space. International lawyers have been unable to agree on a uniform definition of the term “outer space”, although most lawyers agree that outer space generally begins at the lowest altitude above sea level at which objects can orbit the Earth, approximately 100 km (60 mi). The Statute of the International Court of Justice – an integral part of the United Nations Charter, as specified by Chapter XIV of the United Nations Charter. The statute’s chapters are: Chapter I: Organization of the Court (Articles 2 - 33); Chapter II: Competence of the Court (Articles 34 - 38); Chapter III: Procedure (Articles 39 - 64); Chapter IV: Advisory Opinions (Articles 65 - 68); Chapter V: Amendment (Articles 69, 70). Under Article 38.2, the court is allowed to decide a case ex aequo et bono if the parties agree thereto.
Subsidiary sources of international law – sources of international law which are less important than but related or supplementary to. The Charter of the United Nations – the foundational treaty of the international organization called the United Nations. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties – a treaty concerning the international law on treaties between states. To assign – [ə'saɪn] правонаступник; цесіонарій; 1) призначати (строк); визначати, встановлювати (границю, межу); призначати, відводити (що-небудь, кому-небудь); 2) (за) давати, доручати (завдання, роботу); зобов’язувати; 3) призначати на посаду, особл. штатну; 4) асигнувати; 5) приписувати; 6) передавати, переуступати (права); церувати; 7) повідомляти (швидкість, рух); призначати (допуски); 8) присвоювати; To assign -1) allocate (a job or duty); 2) designate or set (something) aside for a specific purpose managers happily assign large sums of money to travel budgets; 3) transfer (legal rights or liabilities). To be inappropriate for – [inə'praʊpriit] той, що не відповідає певним вимогам; To be inappropriate for means not suitable or proper in the circumstances; there are penalties for inappropriate behaviour it would be inappropriate for me to comment. To invoke – [in'vəʊk] 1) закликати; молити, благати; звертатися до; посилатися на; 2) закликати до застосування (чого-небудь); вдаватися до (чого-небудь); 3) застосовувати (статтю, застереження); 4) викликати (що-небудь), призвести до (чого-небудь); 5) викликати духів; To invoke - 1) call on (a deity or spirit) in prayer, as a witness, or for inspiration; 2) cite or appeal to (someone or something) as an authority for an action or in support of an argument the antiquated defence of insanity is rarely invoked in England. Treaty provision – ['tri:ti prə'viʒ(ə)n] умови міжнародної угоди; Treaty provision isa condition or requirement in a legal document which is formally concluded and ratified agreement between states.
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