III. Define if the following sentences are true or false. Use the required information from the text above and correct the false statements. 

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III. Define if the following sentences are true or false. Use the required information from the text above and correct the false statements.


a)The most significant political outcome of the vision of international law as a legal system is the empowerment of courts to develop international law beyond the intention of governments.

b) Recourse to the doctrines of customary international law does not allow judges considerable discretion to make new law while couching it in existing practices or fundamental norms.

c) Governments tend to prefer rules on treaty interpretation that look back to the historical intention of the negotiators.

d) The impact of unequal economic or military power between states is unlikely during treaty negotiations than when courts are called upon to interpret and enforce the treaty.

e) The international obligations of states fluctuate with the ebb and flow of world events.



I. Vocabulary notes

1. System n: 1. a group of related parts that move or work together (case system); 2. a way of managing, controlling, organizing, or doing something that follows a set of rules or a plan (legal system, judicial system, legislative system, democratic system of government, system of law); 3. the system disapproving: a powerful government or social organization that controls people's lives (You can't beat the system).

Systemic adj: of or relating to an entire system (The problem seems to be systemic).

Systematic adj: using a careful system or method: done according to a system (We used a systematic approach to solve the problem. He is very systematic [=methodical] in his work, the systematic production of cars).

Systematically adv: We approached the problem systematically.

2. Conjunction n: 1. a situation in which two or more things happen at the same time or in the same place (an unfortunate conjunction [=concurrence] of events); 2. in conjunction with - in combination with, together with (The medicine is typically used in conjunction with other treatments).

3. Embark v: 1. to begin a journey especially on a ship or airplane (The troops are waiting to embark); 2. embark on/upon (something) to begin something that will take a long time or happen for a long time (She's embarking on a new career).

Embarkation n: a port of embarkation.

4. Norm n: 1. standards of proper or acceptable behavior (legal norm); 2. the norm: something such as a behavior or way of doing something that is usual or expected (Smaller families have become the norm).

Normative adj: based on what is considered to be the usual or correct way of doing something (normative rules of ethics, normative tests/grammar).

5. Community n: 1. a group of people who live in the same area such as a city, town, or neighborhood (local community); 2. a group of people who have the same interests, religion, race, etc. (a business community, ethnic/religious communities, the scientific community, governmental community, intelligence community); 3. a group of nations (the international community, community of nations); 4. Integral part (community of criminal purpose, community of goods).

6. Legal adj: 1. of or relating to the law (legal problems, legal books, a legal adviser/representative, a country's legal system [=the way that laws are made and controlled in a country]); 2. based on the law (legal rights, legal force, legal limit, legal action, legal proceedings [=actions taken to settle an argument in a court of law]); 3. allowed by the law or by the rules in a game (“Is it legal to fish in this river?” “Yes, it's perfectly legal”).

Opposite: illegal.

Legality n: a state or quality of being legal; adherence to or observance of the law (We questioned the legality[=lawfulness] of the testing).

Legally adv: Legally, they cannot do that.

Legalize v: 1. to make (something) legal;
2. to allow (something) by law (The government has legalized the use of the new drug).

Opposite: criminalize.

Legalization n: the legalization of a drug.

7. Apply v: 1. a) to put to use especially for some practical purpose (apply pressure); b) to put into operation or effect (apply a law); 2. to employ diligently or with close attention (apply yourself to your work); 3. to make an appeal or request especially in the form of a written application (apply for a job).

Applier n: a person who requests or seeks something such as assistance or employment or admission.

Applicant n: someone who formally asks for something (such as a job or admission to a college).

Application n: 1. an act of applying, an act of putting to use (application of new techniques); 2. request, petition (an application for financial aid); 3. capacity for practical use (words of varied application).


II. Fill in the gaps. Use the above words and expressions:

1. We spent our youth rebelling against the _______.

2. The company made some ______ changes to the way it operated.

3. She made a ________ study of the evidence.

4. The company has _________ upon a risky new project.

5. We discussed the complex _________ involved in buying and selling a home.

6. The amount of alcohol in his blood exceeded the ________ ________.

7. What you did was not _______.

8. The application of case law has become the _____.

9. People in the ________ wanted better police protection.

10. This agreement is _______ binding.

11. They were unsure about the contract's _________.

12. The members of international ___________ shall obey the rules of international law.

13. The codified _____ acts shall be used __ ___________ _____ secondary legislation.

14. The referee said it was a _____ play.

15. They wanted to _______ gambling in their city.

16. The drug is _______ bought and sold in many countries.

17. He plans on taking ________ ___________ against the company.

18. Not so well recognized are the circumstances under which_______ information can backfire to produce the opposite of what a communicator intends.

19. Carnival Cruise __________information including boarding, baggage information, cruise terminal directions, required documents, policies, and conditions.

20. Our drug law enforcement ________review begins from the premise that the police can indeed be effective in dealing with drug problems.

21. The successful __________ will have excellent interpersonal skills.

22. Strict ___________ of the rules is necessary in this case.

23. If you'd like to be considered for the job, please send us a letter of _________ that gives your experience and qualifications.

III. Study the use of the phrases with AGREEMENT and translate the sentences given below into Ukrainian

- to come to agreement

- agreement in writing

- armistice agreement

- collateral agreement

- by mutual agreement

- bilateral agreement

- collusive agreement

-to conclude an agreement

- amending agreement

- to make an agreement

- to reach an agreement

- to consummate an agreement


IV. Translate into English.

Мирова угода, дійти згоди, укласти угоду, письмова угода, досягти домовленості, угода про внесення поправок, двостороння угода, угода, заснована на змові, додаткова угода.


V. Provide the English and Ukrainian equivalents of the following expressions:

Jus cogens, pacta sunt servanda, erga omnes, inter alia, i.e., ab initio, ad hoc, addendum, comitas gentium, bona fidei, consensus facit jus, de lege ferenda, jus in bello, jus ad bellum etc.


VI. Match the Latin expressions with their English equivalents:

1. jus cogens a. a sincere intention to deal fairly with others
2. comitas gentium b. with a view to the future law
3. Erga omnes c. the courtesy and friendship of nations marked especially by mutual recognition of executive, legislative, and judicial acts
4. de lege ferenda d. a peremptory norm
5. ab initio e. towards all
6. addendum f. from the beginning
7. bona fidei g. an addition required to be made to a document by its author subsequent to its printing or publication

VII. Match terms on the left with their definitions on the right:

1. Law of the Sea a. a set of international principles and rules regulating the conclusion procedure of treaties, as well as the issues of operation, amendments and modifications, termination, suspension and invalidity of treaties
2. International diplomatic law b. the body of principles and norms regulating activities of consuls
3. Law of treaties c. the body of international law which governs matters in outer space beyond the Earth's atmosphere
4. International aviation law d. area of international law that governs permanent and temporary diplomatic missions
5. Space law e. a body of public international law dealing with navigational rights, mineral rights, jurisdiction over coastal waters and international law governing relationships between nations
6. International consular law f. a body of international law designed to prohibit certain categories of conduct commonly viewed as serious atrocities and to make perpetrators of such conduct criminally accountable for their perpetration
7. International economic law g. the body of international law designed to promote and protect human rights at the international, regional and domestic levels
8. International humanitarian law h. a body of international law designed to prohibit certain categories of conduct commonly viewed as serious atrocities and to make perpetrators of such conduct criminally accountable for their perpetration
9. International criminal law i. a field of international law that regulates the behavior of states, international organizations and firms operating in the international arena
10. International human rights law j. the branch of law that concerns flight, air travel, and associated legal and business concerns


VIII. Translate into English:

1. Питання системи міжнародного права завжди важко піддавалось дослідженню вчених.

2. Починаючи з 70-80-х років вважається, що система міжнародного права існує, і вона не тотожна системі науки міжнародного права.

3. Як вказував Е. Ваттель, у структурі міжнародного права можна виділити чотири частини: норми, що регулюють статус нації, норми, що регулюють відносини між націями, норми права війни та норми про посольства та відновлення миру.

4. І на сьогодні система міжнародного права частіше виводиться з наукових досліджень, аніж із правової реальності.

5. Неспроможність виявити критерії побудови системи міжнародного права стала причиною відставання науки міжнародного права від практики розвитку цієї системи права.



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