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A smiling Rocky Aoki looks on as a HIBACHI CHEF expertly dices shrimp on a sizzling grill.
JORDAN (V.O.) Beni-fucking-hana! Why would God be so cruel as to choose a chain of fucking Hibachi Restaurants to bring me down?
Saurel lays on the bed, smoking.
JORDAN (V.O.) Long story short was Saurel ratted me out, but not before he ratted out Chantalle, who it turns out he'd been fucking every time she went to Switzerland!
Chantalle emerges from the bathroom naked. Laughing, she runs and jumps in bed with Saurel.
With his criminal attorney NOLAN DRAGER, 40s, next to him, Jordan stands before a JUDGE, being arraigned.
JORDAN (V.O.) I was indicted for money laundering, securities fraud and an endless list of other shit.
* 122. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13
HON. SAMANTHA STOGEL * (leafing through a * subpoena) * One count engaging in conspiracy * to commit securities fraud. Two * counts securities fraud. One * count engaging in conspiracy to * commit money laundering. Twenty- * one counts money laundering. One * count obstruction of justice. * (gives Jordan a * withering glare) * Bail is set at ten million dollars.
The Judge bangs the gavel.
Jordan walks with Nolan Drager, who flips through the * subpoena. *
NOLAN DRAGER * This is...well, it's not good. * It's pretty bad actually. How * much money do you have, Jordan? *
JORDAN * I can make bail. *
NOLAN DRAGER * I don't mean the ten million, I * mean for legal fees. Cuz if you * want to fight this thing, it's * gonna be expensive. Like, sell- * everything-you-own-expensive. *
224 EXT. U.S. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE - DAY (SEP `98) *224
Jordan exits the building. He's fucked and he knows it. He sees beautiful Naomi waiting for him beside a limosine; life isn't totally hopeless. He approaches.
JORDAN Nay, thank God. I'm so glad you're here.
They embrace. He can't see her expression: she'd rather be anywhere else.
SCENE 225 OMITTED 225 123. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13
ON SKYLAR AND PARKER, playing with a NANNY and Rocky the dog. Jordan watches them, sitting by his pool, drinking an O'Douls, weighing his options.
Donnie pops into the yard, in "Uncle Donnie" mode.
DONNIE Hey, everybody! How're the happiest people in Long Island? Hi, Rocky!! (joining Jordan) Hate that fucking dog.
JORDAN Tell me about it. It's getting old, starting to shit inside the house again.
Jordan offers Donnie an O'Douls; Donnie declines.
DONNIE How you doing, brother? How was the food in jail?
JORDAN Lobster Newburg sucked. They gave me some jewelry though.
He shows off the electronic bracelet around his ankle.
DONNIE Wonder if they got one in my size. Fuckin' Rugrat, that wig-wearin' hump. Tell you one thing: I'm never eating at Benihana's again. Where's Naomi?
JORDAN Inside. Pissed.
Donnie sees Naomi in a window. He waves but she barely registers him.
DONNIE What's up her ass?
JORDAN Had to mortgage the home to make bail. Probably gonna hafta sell it to pay my lawyers. If we fight
this thing.
Donnie weighs that. 124. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13
DONNIE The Feds say anything about coming after the rest of us?
Jordan thinks, then shakes his head no.
DONNIE (CONT'D) You know, we're all behind you. Everyone at the office. (he removes an envelope, hands it to Jordan) We bought back your mortgage. All the founding partners threw in a million apiece. Figured none of us would have it if it weren't for you.
Jordan's profoundly touched. Donnie squeezes his shoulder. A real moment of friendship.
DONNIE (CONT'D) You gotta fight this thing, baby.
Jordan nods.
JORDAN (V.O.) Like I said, loyalty meant a lot to me. Without your friends and family standing behind you, you're fucked.
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