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Int. Investor's center - (later that) day (dec '87) 28Содержание книги
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As others Brokers bark into phones, Jordan sits, phone cradled in his shoulder, making notes. A few beats, then:
JORDAN (into phone) Mr. Fleming, good morning, Jordan Belfort with Investor's Center in New York City. You recently responded to one of our ads...
A few of the other Brokers glance over, eavesdropping.
JORDAN (CONT'D) The reason I'm calling is that an extremely exciting investment opportunity crossed my desk today. Typically our firm recommends no more than five stocks per year: this is one of them...
A few more Brokers look over...
JORDAN (CONT'D) Aerotyne International is a cutting edge tech firm out of the Midwest, awaiting imminent patent approval on a new generation of radar equipment...
LATER. Now all the Brokers listen in rapt attention. 15. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13
JORDAN (CONT'D) -- so if Aerotyne's shares rise to only a dollar -- and our research indicates they could go much, much higher -- your profit on a mere three thousand dollar investment would be upwards of fifty thousand... That's right, you could pay off your mortgage.
Seconds tick by; an eternity, then he starts writing:
JORDAN (CONT'D) Four thousand dollars, will that be check or money order?... Thank you, sir.
Jordan hangs up, scrawls out a "buy" ticket.
JORDAN (V.O.) (CONT'D) Just like that I made two grand. The other guys looked at me like I'd just discovered fire.
Toby Welch and the other cave-Brokers stare at him.
TOBY WELCH How'd you fuckin' do that?
Jordan sits at his desk in mid-pitch, totally focused.
JORDAN It's a rock-solid company, sir, it's the next Microsoft... Six thousand. Terrific.
As Jordan continues talking, wrapping up the sale...
JORDAN (V.O.) (CONT'D) Though I knew I was selling garbage, within twelve weeks I was making a fortune.
And as he starts scrawling out a buy ticket...
JORDAN (V.O.) And as a wise man once told me, my only responsibility was to put meat on the table.
CLOSE ON a 1988 Jaguar, parked outside a diner... 16. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13
Wearing a suit, Jordan sits in a booth reading the Wall Street Journal as a WAITRESS serves the food. DONNIE AZOFF, preppy-looking, 25, with horn-rims and bright white teeth approaches from the takeout counter.
DONNIE That your Jag in the lot?
DONNIE Nice ride. Donnie Azoff.
JORDAN Jordan Belfort.
DONNIE I've seen it around. We live in the same building. Twelfth floor? (Jordan nods) What do you do, bro?
JORDAN Stock broker.
DONNIE Kids furniture, me and my brother- in-law. Making any money?
JORDAN Seventy grand last month.
DONNIE Get the fuck out. You made seventy grand in one month.
JORDAN Seventy two actually.
Donnie studies him, isn't sure if he's full of shit.
DONNIE Tell you what. You show me a pay stub with $72,000 on it, I'm quitting my job right now and coming to work with you.
As Jordan retrieves his briefcase to find a paystub -- *
30B As Jordan hands Donnie his paystub and sure enough, it's *30B north of seventy-two k. * 17. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13
DONNIE (CONT'D) * Holy shit.
Jordan watches as Donnie crosses to a pay phone and dials.
JORDAN (V.O.) And he did quit his job, which I thought was a little weird. I mean I had just met this fucking guy.
A few beats, then into phone:
DONNIE Yo Paulie, it's Donnie... Yeah, listen, I quit.
Jordan studies Donnie as he continues his conversation...
JORDAN (V.O.) There were other things about him too, like his phosphorescent white teeth and the fact that he wore horn rims with clear lenses to look more Waspy. He also married his first cousin --
32 INT. BAR - DAY (JUN `88) * 32
Jordan sits in mid-conversation with Donnie over beers.
DONNIE No problem, if we have a kid who's a retard, we'll just leave it on the steps of some institution.
And as they continue drinking...
JORDAN (V.O.) He was also a closet drug fiend. I'd known him less than a week before he talked me into smoking crack.
33 EXT. BACK OF BAR - DAY (JUN `88) * 33
Jordan and Donnie get high. Donnie holds a flame under a crack pipe. 18. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13
JORDAN (V.O.) The weird thing was when he'd do crack, his face would contort into this bizarre, frozen mask like the Phantom of the Opera.
Donnie does a hit of crack; his jaw twitches, then his facial muscles contort, locking up like a stroke victim. After a few beats, he hands the pipe to Jordan.
DONNIE You now, take a hit!
Jordan takes a deep hit and holds it. A beat, then:
JORDAN Omigod, I fuckin' love you!!
JORDAN (V.O.) I knew I had to make him my partner.
Jordan looks on as Donnie works the phone like a madman.
JORDAN (V.O.) Which turned out to be a great move - Donnie was a fast learner who transitioned into the penny stock business quickly.
Jordan and Donnie pull up to a defunct auto body shop, which has a "For Lease" sign in the window.
JORDAN (V.O.) So within months we started our own firm out of an abandoned auto body shop.
Jordan sits with CHESTER MING, ROBBIE FEINBERG, ALDEN KUPFERBERG ("SEA OTTER") and BRAD, muscular and bald, with a Fu Manchu mustache.
JORDAN (V.O.) In addition to Donnie, I also recruited my friends Sea Otter, * Chester and Robbie, who were at * the time all middling pot dealers. 19. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13
As a WAITRESS serves cheeseburgers:
JORDAN --see everyone wants to get rich, so you're already half way there by the time the call starts.
SEA OTTER I sold weed once to this Amish dude, had one of those beards with no mustache?
SEA OTTER He only wanted to make furniture.
CHESTER MING What's that got to do with anything?
SEA OTTER He just said everyone wants to get rich.
ROBBIE FEINBERG (to Jordan) That's true, you did.
SEA OTTER Buddhists too, they don't give a shit about money either.
CHESTER MING Man I could sell weed to anybody, get a convent full of nuns fucking wasted.
And as Brad looks at Jordan and shakes his head:
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