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F intercut Jordan on the boat and Saurel in Geneva 208fСодержание книги
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JORDAN (no time for it) Thanks but where does this leave us in regard to her account? It goes into probate or what?
SAUREL Not to worry, Jordan. Your aunt, before she died, signed a document naming you as her successor.
JORDAN She did?!
SAUREL (a sly grin) Well. Not as of yet.
And as they continue talking, Jordan pulls out a nautical map of the Italian coastline:
JORDAN (V.O.) I gotta say, these Swiss were sneaky motherfuckers. Within minutes he made arrangements to set me up with a forger, the best document specialist in Geneva. 113. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13 JORDAN (V.O.) (CONT'D) Thing was: I had to get there in three business days to co-sign on the account.
Jordan goes rapid-fire. He yells: *
JORDAN Captain Ted! Change of plan! * We're going to Monaco. *
NAOMI Monaco, now? *
JORDAN * Yes, babe. We're going to Monaco * so then we can go to Switzerland. *
HILDY But her aunt just died, we can't go to --
JORDAN I realize that but we have to go * to Switzerland. *
DONNIE What about -- *
JORDAN (way ahead of him) -- keep calling, when the fuck picks up, set a meet with him in three business days. *
NAOMI We gotta go to London. *
NAOMI The funeral.
JORDAN * Honey, I loved your Aunt Emma more * than anyone in the world, but * she's still gonna be dead in two * days. She's not going anywhere. *
Captain Ted Beecham emerges from below.
JORDAN (CONT'D) Captain Ted, we've gotta get to * Monaco.
CAPTAIN TED * Monaco? * 114. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13
JORDAN * Then we drive to Switzerland so * they don't stamp our passports. * Take care of business. Drive back * to Monaco, fly to London for the * funeral, fly back to New York to * be there in three business days - * That's the fuckin' plan. *
CAPTAIN TED I'm getting reports of some weather out there. Might run into some chop.
JORDAN * The boat's 170 feet long. She can * handle a little chop. *
HILDY * We're not going anywhere until he * says it's safe. *
DONNIE * Chop is fine. *
JORDAN * Is it safe? *
CAPTAIN TED * If we take it slow... *
JORDAN * We can do it? *
CAPTAIN TED * Chop is chop. Some chop - it can * be uncomfortable. *
JORDAN * Well, that's fine. *
CAPTAIN TED * Anything is possible. I mean we'll * have to batten down the hatches * just to be safe. Could be a few * broken dishes. *
JORDAN * A few broken dishes. Isn't that * great? Let's go to Monaco - *
Jordan, Captain Ted and Donnie rush down stairs. As the * ENGINE starts... * 115. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13
The perfect storm. As the Naomi tips at a 45-degree angle, a thick wall of gray water comes rising over her side, slamming onto the bridge with a thunderous CRASH.
JORDAN (V.O.) Well talk about your shitty vacations...
Six Jet Skis plummet off the deck into the raging sea.
Donnie and Naomi stand on the bridge where Captain Ted * Beecham holds the ship's wheel with both hands, the radio blaring in the background. Jordan enters. *
JORDAN * What the fuck is going on? *
CAPTAIN TED * Jet skis just went overboard. *
RADIO VOICE Gale warning! Gale warning! *
CAPTAIN TED The waves are twenty feet and building!
JORDAN Can't you turn us around?!
CAPTAIN TED We'll get broad-sided and tip over!
RADIO VOICE Gale warning! Gale warning!
Naomi turns to Jordan, furious with him.
NAOMI You happy now, you piece of shit? * We're gonna drown. *
JORDAN I'm a master diver. We will not * drown, I promise you. I got you, * baby. * (realizing she's * probably right; to Donnie) The ludes! 116. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13
JORDAN Get the fucking ludes! *
DONNIE They're below deck! There's like three feet of water down there!
JORDAN I can't die fucking sober!
As Donnie heads off --
NAOMI What is he crazy? Where's he * going? Donnie! *
Donnie retrieves the ludes. *
Captain Ted stares through his binoculars.
CAPTAIN TED Jesus Christ! *
TIME CUT TO: * Donnie returns with ludes - feeds to Jordan and then * himself. *
JORDAN What's happening?! *
CAPTAIN TED * Rogue wave! *
Jordan grabs Naomi. All at once the boat dips down at an * impossibly steep angle, until it's pointing almost * straight down. Captain Ted jams the throttle and the * boat jerks forward, rising up the face of a giant rogue * wave, which curls over the top of the bridge and... *
KABOOM! -- Blackness. Slowly, painfully, the boat pops * up from beneath the water, its helicopter RIPPING from * the deck and crashing into the sea. *
CAPTAIN TED (CONT'D) (into radio) Mayday! This is Captain Ted Beecham aboard the Yacht Naomi! This is a Mayday! 117. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13 CAPTAIN TED (CONT'D) We are going down at the head fifty miles off the coast of Rome and we require immediate assistance!
Off to the side, Jordan watches as Naomi, their Friends, and the yacht's Crew Members dance to blaring techno music. A small group of Italian SAILORS cheer them on.
JORDAN (V.O.) The nice thing about getting rescued by Italians is that the first thing they do is feed you and make you drink red wine. Then they make you dance.
Jordan watches as the dancing continues, then casually glances out a porthole, where WE SEE the distant lights of a PLANE making its way across the night sky. After a few beats, the plane EXPLODES, a tiny flash of light.
JORDAN (V.O.) Did you see that? That was the plane I sent for to come get us. I shit you not, it exploded when a seagull flew into the engine, three people killed. You want a sign from God, well after all this I finally got the message. I had to make some fucking changes.
212 SCENES 212 - 214 OMITTED *212
Jordan, looking healthier than we've seen him thus far, * sits on the couch; stacks of paperwork on the coffee * table. After a few beats, Naomi enters from the kitchen. *
NAOMI * Dinner's ready. *
JORDAN * I gotta finish these balance * sheets, babe. * 118. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13
NAOMI * Well, it's there. So the kids are *
gonna start. *
Naomi exits. Jordan goes back to work. Looks up at TV. * Watches for a bit. *
JORDAN (V.O.) * What's the single most important * skill in life you can ever master? *
Shot on 90's-era video, an ad intended for late-night local tv. The defining idea here is that while the commercial may be amateurish, Jordan isn't; he's an excellent salesman even if the ad is cut-rate.
WE START WITH FLASHES OF THE SEMINAR: Jordan in front of a dry erase board, lecturing a small audience.
JORDAN At the essence of every personal interaction, of every business transaction, of every effective human communication is PERSUASION... once you learn to control the linguistic encounter, you will be SHOCKED at what will happen... you are a person worth listening to, and taking it one step higher than that, you are someone who can help them achieve their goals...
JORDAN (CONT'D) Do you dream of being financially independent but struggle every month just to pay your bills? Would you like to own a home like * this one someday but can barely afford to pay your rent? (ZOOM IN ON HIM) My name is Jordan Belfort and there's no secret to wealth creation. No matter who you are, where you came from, you too can * become financially independent in just a matter of months. All you need is a strategy. (NEW ANGLE; he enters from same side as previous shot) 119. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13 JORDAN (CONT'D) The first action you have to take is to DECIDE to be wealthy. When I was 24 years old, I made a DECISION not to just survive but to THRIVE. I started my own stock brokerage firm, developing a * SYSTEM OF SELLING that within a year made me a multi-millionaire.
215C-G A SNAPSHOT OF JORDAN'S CHILDHOOD HOME, then OF HIS 215C-G CURRENT ESTATE, FOLLOWED BY EXAMPLES OF WEALTH: his sportscars, Naomi in a bikini, stock footage of a jet...
JORDAN (V.O.) From these humble middle-class beginnings, I now live here...with my beautiful wife and kids...living the lifestyle of our dreams...
215H THE SEMINAR. Jordan high-fives attendees. 215H
JORDAN (V.O.) Now I'm passing along the secrets to my success in my 90-minute free seminar, "Jordan Belfort's Straight Line Persuasion."
215J FIRST TESTIMONIAL. A MAN holds a framed check. 215J
MAN I have here in my hand, framed, is a check for twenty-seven thousand four hundred and thirty-seven dollars and sixty-three cents that I netted from one deal after attending Jordan Belfort's, um, Straight Line Persuasion seminar.
215K JORDAN, on a yacht with NAOMI and some MODELS. 215K *
JORDAN There's nobody stopping you from * making millions. There is nobody * holding you back from financial * freedom. * (to Naomi) * Thank You Sweet Heart. * (back to camera) * Don't just sit at home or the life * of your dreams will sail right * past you. *
215L TESTIMONIAL #2. A COUPLE in a kitschy living room. 215L 120. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13
HUSBAND Thanks to the Straight Line System, we could afford this home and now we're living the lives of our dreams.
215M A HELICOPTER descends to a helipad. 215M
JORDAN (V.O.) I've changed all these people's lives and I can change yours, too!
It touches down and Jordan jumps out to address us --
JORDAN So come to my seminar!! The life of your dreams is only a decision away --
-- and BAM! gets clothes-lined by Agent Denham.
SCENES 216 - 217 OMITTED 216
CLOSE ON JORDAN'S HANDS, at last in cuffs. PAN UP TO HIM, looking none-too-pleased.
JORDAN (V.O.) This one takes the cake. It was Rugrat, he'd been busted down in Miami, and guess who the fuck with?
Jean-Jacques Saurel is handcuffed by Feds as Rugrat looks on crying, handcuffed nearby.
JORDAN (V.O.) What were the odds? There had to be ten thousand Swiss bankers in Geneva and I choose the one dumb enough to get himself arrested on U.S. soil.
CLICK! Saurel gets his mug shot taken. 121. The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13
JORDAN (V.O.) Even more ironic was he'd gotten himself indicted on charges that had nothing to fucking do with me.
ROCKY AOKI, Japanese, 50s, is led out in handcuffs by a MAN in an FBI windbreaker.
JORDAN (V.O.) Something about laundering drug money through offshore boat racing and a guy named Rocky Aoki, the founder of Benihana.
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