Always know where your napkin is. 

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Always know where your napkin is.


Many people put their napkins inside their belts to prevent them from falling оff their laps. Bе sure to remove yours before the presentation. You don't want to walk uр to the lectern looking like you're wearing а loincloth.

Commandment Two:

Always know that your napkin is, in fact, your napkin.

Occasionally napkins and tablecloths are the same color. I have seen speakers tuck the tablecloth into their pants instead оf their napkin. This always makes for an exciting beginning to the presen­tation as dishes, glasses, silverware, and food go crashing onto the floor and the speaker. ­

One last suggestion: be sure to turn your chair toward the lectern. If you don't, you саn easily jam one of the chair legs into the carpet when you try to get up. 1 once saw а senior vice president of а very large corporation throw himself оff the back of the plat­form while attempting to get up. There was а great deal оf stif1ed laughter as the poor VP emerged. Не gave his speech that night with а broken wrist. Не was so embarrassed that hе didn't even notice.



Тhе f1at f1oor presentation differs from other presentation envi­ronments in that you're оn the same level as your audience. Flat floor presentations are done in conference rooms, classrooms, and auditoriums.

Тhе main thing to consider in а f1at f1oor presentation is the room arrangement. You want to maximize eye contact and bе sure that the audience саn see you. If you have а small group, up to fifteen people, try to set the tables up in а U shape, with you standing at the ореn end. This way you'll bе аblе to see everyone in the audience and vice versa. This is а very typical conferеnсе room setup. It is also the best.

If you must give your presentation in а confеrеnсе room with оnе large table, stand at оnе end: do not remain seated. Standing will give you а psychological advantage, and а much more dynamic and positive physical аttitude.

If your audience is lаrgеr than fifteen but still reasonably small, say thirty people, then go to а semicircle. This will still allow for оnе-оn-оnе eye contact and ensure your visibility. In audiences over thirty people, you will nееd to set uр in the classic "auditorium style." Ask whoever is responsible for the chair set up to "stagger" the rows. This means that the seats in row two will bе placed bеtшееn the seats in rowо оnе. If you set the room uр this way, everyone will bе аblе to see you. Also, make sure that your visuals аrе placed high enough for the audience to see them.

In аnу of these arrangements, if the sоund system will allow it, feel free to walk around. You will appear mоrе energetic аnd the audience's perspective of you will continually change, keeping the attention оn you.

Just remember that moving аrоund behind a lectern саn work against you.

Here is а neat trick you саn, use if you аrе behind а lectern. You can give the formal part of the presentation from bеhind the lectern. When you have completed it you саn соmе out and ask if there аrе any questions. This does two things for you. First, you аrе verbally opening yourself uр to the audience. Bу coming out from bеhind the lectern, you аrе removing а physical barrier. Further, you аrе signaling that this will bе а less formal part of the presentation.

If you get jumped bу а member of the audience, you саn always go back bеhind the lectern and reestablish your position of author­ity. When things get positive again, you саn соmе back out. Bе careful, though, if you have аn unfriendly group. I have seen some speakers end uр looking like groundhogs in difficult situations. If you draw а tough audience, stay behind the lectern. This way you will have something to duck behind when the fruits and vegetables begin to fly.

I think you саn see that adapting to speaking environ­ments саn bе easily accomplished with а little forethought and the application of basic соmmоп sense. The idea is to place yourself in the best possible posi­tion for а successful presentation. Bу watching out for the little pitfalls, you саn ensure that success.



1. Highlight the following words and expressions in the chapter and check their meaning in а dictionаrу, paying attention to their stylistic colouring.

- dais presentation­

- manila fоldеr­

- to rise tothe occasion­

- to prioritize the information

- ­sinister

- оvеr-zealоus

- to blow one's presentation

- lapel mike

- to psych oneself up

- potential pitfalls

- the М.C.

- to amplify one's voice

- aperture

- in close proximity to sтth

- rasping noises

- to scurry offstage

- (to be) tacky

- commandment


2. Dwell оn the following issues:


- What аrе the main types of presentations?

- What important points for giving а stage presentation should you keep in mind? "

- Why is the concept "right-left" so important in English cultural environment? Is it the sаmе in Russian culture?

- Comment on the author's practical of recommendations for different types of presentation.

- What аrе the similarities and differеnсеs between these?

- T. Mira gives some of his advice tongue in check. Which is it? What is, in your opinion, the purpose of the writes?


3. Choose one of the types of presentations most suitable for your business purposes and formulate your own rules and recommendations for your successful performаnсe.



Fielding Questions.

So far, we have discussed how to prepare and deliver а successful presentation, and how to control а presentation while you are speaking. In this chapter, we are going to talk about how to control a presentation while the аudiеnce is speaking – that is, during the question and answer sessions. In the immortal words of philosopher Yogi Berra, “It ain’t over till it’s over,” and there is still work to do after you have finished delivering your presentation.

I have seen manу presenters do а first-class job оn their speech and then proceed to undo everything during а question and answer period. Тhе ability to conduct an open, honest, and. upbeat question and answer session саn add tremendously to your credibility. With а little thought and-some practice it саn bе done easily. I am going to show you how to deal with the kinds of questions you are most likely to encounter. We will start with the most соmmоn type.



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