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Part IV. Application to policy issuesСодержание книги
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11. Factor Accumulations and Growth 12. The International Economy 13. Economic Reform and transition 14. The Size of Government and the Number of Nations
1.10. Torsten Persson, Guido Tabellini, Political Economics: Explaning Economic Policy (2000) 1. General Introduction I. Tools of Political Economics 2. Preferences and Institutions 3. Electoral Competition 4. Agency 5. Partisan Politicians II. Redistributive Politics 6. General-Interest Politics 7. Special-Interest Politics III. Comparative Politics 8. Electoral Rules and Electoral Competition 9. Institutions and Accountability 10. Political Regimes IV. Dynamic Politics 11. Dynamic Policy Problems 12. Capital Taxation 13. Public Debt 14. Growth V. Monetary Politics 15. Credibility of Monetary Policy 16. Electoral Cycles 17. Institutions and Incentives 18. International Policy Coordination 19. What Next? Приложение 2. Хрестоматии по теории общественного выбора
Readings in Public Sector Economics. Ed. by S.Baker, C.Elliot. D.C. Health and Company, 1990. Section I: Perspectives on Economics and the Public Sector Section II: Economics of Externalities Section III: Economics of Public Goods Public Goods as a Market Failure Public Goods Issues Distributional Equity Section IV: Economics of the Political Process Collective Decision Making Public Decision Rules Public Expenditure Issues Section V: Economics of Taxation Optimal Taxation Tax Reform Section VI: Economics of Fiscal Federalism Public Goods and Market Failures. A Critical Examinations. Ed. by Tyler Cowen. New Brunswick and London Transaction Publishers. 1992 Introduction 1. Public Goods and Externalities Old and New Perspectives. T.Cowen Section I: The Theory of Market Failure 2. The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure. P.A.Smuelson 3. The Anatomy of Market Failure. F.M.Bator Section II: Developments in the Theory of Markets 4. Equal Access vs. Selective Access: A Critique of Public Goods Theory. K.D.Goldin 5. Free Ride, Free Revelation, or Golden Rule? E.R.Brubaker 6. The Private Production of Public Goods. H.Demsetz 7. The Exchange and Enforcement of Property Rights. H.Demsetz 8. State-of-Nature Theory and the Rise of Social Institutions. A.Shotter 9. A Pure Theory of Local Expenditure. C.M.Tebout 10. An Economic Theory of Clubs. J.M.Buchanan 11. The Problem of Externality. C.J.Dahlman Section III: Case Studies 12. The Problem of Cooperation. R.Axelrod 13. The Lighthouse in Economics. R.H.Coase 14. The Fable of the Bees: An Economic Investigation. S.N.S. Cheuhg 15. Fire Protection. R.W. Poole, Jr. 16. Leisure and Recreational Services. R.W. Poole, Jr. 17. Private Solutions to Cinservation Problems. R.J.Smith 18. The Private Supply of Education: Some Historical Evidence. J.High, J.Ellig
Perspectives on Public Choice: А Handbook, Ed. by Dennis C. Mueller, 1997 1 Public choice in perspective, D.C. Mueller Part I. The need for the forms of cooperation 2 Economic theories of the state, R.Hardin 3 Neither markets nor states: Linking transformation processes in collective action arenas, E.Ostrom, J.Walker 4 The political economy of federalism, R.P. Inman, D.L.Rubinfeld 5 The public choice of international organizations, B.S.Frey 6 Constitutional public choice, D.C. Mueller Part II. Voting rules and preference aggregation 7 Cycling and majority rule, J.M.Enelow 8 Majority rule, D.W.Rae, E.Shickler 9 Group choice and individual judgments, H.Peyton Young 10 Some paradoxes of preference aggregation, P.K.Pattanaik 11 Voting and the revelation of preferences for public activities, T.N.Tideman Part III. Electoral politics 12 The spatial analysis of elections and committees: Four decades of research, P.C.Ordeshook 13 Multiparty electoral politics, N.Shofield 14 Interest groups: Money, information, and influence, D.Austen-Smith 15 Logrolling, T.Stratmann 16 Political business cycle, M.Paldam
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