Remember this is for information only. 

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Remember this is for information only.


If you have any worries about your health, you should always consult your doctor!!!

Fact or myth?

It’s difficult to ignore your mother when she tells you to “wrap up warm” or “dry your hair or you’ll get a cold”- but colds are not caused by the cold: they are caused by viruses! Walking around with wet hair or a T-shirt in winter may look silly, and will make you feel cold, but you will only get a cold or the flu, if you come into contact with an infected person. The best way to avoid viruses like these is to wash your hands regularly when there’s a bug going around.

Despite the huge medical advances that have been made over the last century, the common cold is still incurable and medicine does little for the symptoms either. Antibiotics won’t help as your cold is caused by one of over 200 viruses. The only time you may need them is if you develop a throat or ear infection. Otherwise, go to bed and drink lots of fluids and wait till you get better.


Exercise 6. Answer the questions.

a) What do mothers often tell their children?

b) What is the best way to avoid catching a cold?

c) When may you need antibiotics?

d) What is the best way to deal with a cold?


Time and sequence

Two things happening at the same time. Pat wrote letters whileI was cooking dinner. (two actions in the same period of time) The accident happened while I was on my way to work. (Here there is a longer action “on my way to work” and a shorter action “the accident”. We can also use when or ashere.) I saw him (just) asI came out of the office. (For two very short actions we use as (not while), and we often use just as to emphasize that these two short actions happened at exactly the same moment: He opened the door just as I touched the handle)


A sequence of actions We had a great holiday. First of all we spent a few days in St. Mortiz. Then/ After that we drove down to the Italian Riviera and stayed in Portofino for a week. Finally, we went back to Switzerland and visited some old friends in Lucerne. NOTE:
  • If one action happens soon after the other, we often use afterwardsin place of after (that): First of all we met the others for a meal, and afterwards we went to the disco.
  • If you want to say that something happened after a lot of time and /or a lot of problems, you can use eventuallyor in the end
We took several wrong turnings and the traffic was awful, but eventually we got there.
  • Cross out the incorrect answers. Sometimes both answers are correct.

Maria cleaned the kitchen as/while I did the bathroom

I had a lot of problems at the shop but eventually/ finally they agreed to give me a refund.

The phone rang while/ just as I was leaving the house

The letter arrived while/ as we were getting ready

  • Complete these sentences in a suitable way.

I think I dropped the letter as__________________________________________________________

I looked up half of the words in my dictionary while _______________________________________

We had to wait for hours but eventually _________________________________________________

I saw him break the window just as_____________________________________________________

Exercise 7. [T. 3.] You are going to hear a Swedish woman, Anna, talking to her colleague, Dan, about his holiday. In the conversation, Dan describes an accident that his friend James had. Answer the questions.

1 What kind of holiday was it?

2 How did the accident happen?

3 Was James badly injured?

4 How did they get him to a hospital?

5 What did the doctors tell him?


Exercise 8. Put the events from the conversation in order. Listen again to check your answers.

a) He had quite a few cuts bruises.

b) It spoilt his holiday, really.

c) James went off the road into some bushes and fell off.

d) He had to have a few stitches in the cuts.

e) She took him to hospital, which was really kind of her.

f) We were going back to the hotel down a steep road.

g) He’s now found out his bike frame’s broken.

h) A woman came past in her car a minute or two later.

Check yourself



1.Choose the right variant. He says he’s got the flu, but it’s really just a cold. He’s _________a lot at night.

a) swelling

b) hearing

c) coughing

d) itching

2. Choose the right variant.He’s developed ___________to cats. He starts sneezing as soon as he comes near one.

a) a cough

b) an allergy

c) a sprain

d) pneumonia

3. Choose the right variant. Maria cleaned the kitchen _______ I did the bathroom

a) first of all

b) as

c) while

d) eventuality

4.Choose the right variant.He opened the door _______I touched the handle

a) finally

b) just as

c) as far

d) first of all


English Russian Kazakh
sneezing [ˈsniːzɪŋ] чиханье түшкірік
stiff [stɪf] жесткий, тугой, негибкий қатты, икемсіз
sprain [spreɪn] растяжение связок буынды ауыртып алу
dizzy [ˈdɪzi] головокружение бас айналу
swollen [ˈswəʊlən] раздутый, опухший қатты ісу
nasty bump [ˈnɑːsti bʌmp] отвратительный, сильный удар жиеркенішті, күшті соққы
itchiness [ˈɪʧɪnəs] сильный зуд қатты қышу
consciousness [ ˈkɒn.ʃəs.nəs ] сознание сана
painkillers [ ˈpeɪnˌkɪl.ər ] обезболивающие ауырсынуды басатын
rash [ ræʃ ] сыпь бөртпе
Office hours № 2   Make up a topic ‘Good health is above wealth” and retell it  
LIW № 4   Read the text “The Slow Down Diet”and translate it.(p 161).  



1.Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig “New English File”. Intermediate. Oxford, 2012 (Student’s Book). 2. Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig “New English File”. Intermediate. Oxford, 2012 (Workbook).


3. Amanda Maris, “Outcomes” Intermediate 2010 (Workbook)

4. Amanda Maris, “Outcomes” Intermediate 2010 (Student’s book)


HAND OUT № 4(64) Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits – 2 Intermediate level Practical lesson Lexical theme: Family and personality Grammar: Future forms; like/look like Teacher: assistant professor Sultanbayeva Zhaina Ubaidullayevna

“I am the baby in the family, and I always will be. I am actually very happy to have that position. But I still get teased. I don’t mind that.”

Janet Jackson.

How do you understand this quotation?


♦ Like/look like Like can be a verb or a preposition.Example: I like going out at the weekend. I like modern art Like as a preposition has an object after it: She is wearing a hat like mine. Look like is used to give an opinion about appearance: a) What does Peter look like? He is tall, dark and handsome. He looks like George Clooney. B) Oh, Brendon, you look very well!  



Choose the correct missing words: look or look like?

1 My little daughter always says she looks like a princess.

2 Ann _______________ her mother.

3 You _______ tired. What is the matter?

4 Your trousers are very old. You ___________ a tramp.

5 She is old but she _____________ beautiful.

6 Look at your hair! You _________ a punk rocker.

7 You __________ so pretty in that dress!

Exercise 1. Make up some sentences to the given situation and say in class using “like” and “look like”:

Your aunt is going to visit her grandmother. You are asked to look after her 5 years old daughter for 2 days. She is an only child. She is used to be allowed to do everything. How would you look after her? Use the adjectives of personality: spoilt, aggressive, bossy, charming, pretty, jealous, moody, reliable, selfish, sensitive, sociable and responsible.


Exercise 2. Speak on the given topic “Do you judge your friends according to their personalities?” Use like/look like, the adjectives of personality with their opposites.

extrovert-shy hard-working- lazy mean-generous stupid-clever self-confident-insecure talkative-quiet friendly-unfriendly


Future forms will/shall + infinitive ♦ Use will/shall for instant decisions, promises, offers, and suggestions. I’ll have the steak. (instant decision) I won’t tell anybody where you are. (promise) ♦ Use shall with I and we for offers and suggestions when they are questions. Shall I help you with your homework? (offer) Shall we eattonight? (suggestion) ♦ Use will and going to for predictions. be going to + infinitive.Future plans and intentions. My sister is going to adopta child. We're gettingmarried in October. Areyou going to buya new car? They're meetingat 10.00.


Complete B’s replies with a correct future form.


A Sorry, Ann is not in.

B OK, I’ll call back later. (call back)

1 A There’s no milk.

B Don’t worry, I ______ some. (get)

2 A Can we meet on Tuesday?

B Sorry, I can’t. I ______ to Brighton on Tuesday. (go)

3 A Can we have Pizza for lunch?

B No, we _______ chicken. I’ve already put it in the oven. (have)

4 A Is that the phone?

B Yes, but don’t get up. I ______ it. (answer)

5 A Jane’s put on a lot of weight.

B She’s pregnant. She _______ a baby in August. (have)

Underline the correct form. Tick (V) the sentence if both are possible.

1 I'm not going /1 won't go to work tomorrow because it's Saturday.

2 I'm going to study / I'll study English here next year.

3 We go / We're going to Brazil next week. I can't wait.

4 What are you going to wear / are you wearing to the party?


Exercise 3. Read the text and translate it.

Being the eldest

The way I am today is a complete reflection of my position in the family.

When people ask me questions, I always feel I have to know the answer, because my brothers always assumed I knew everything.

I was the one who did everything first, like learning to read. I didn’t always

want to be the first, but I felt I had to. I always helped with the housework. As I was

the only girl, my mom often used to say “Jane, could you wash up? Jane, can you

make the supper?”. Of course, my brothers were never asked.

I was completely aware of the power I had being the eldest, and in retrospect I

think I was probably very bossy, and in a way selfish, because I did everything myself and didn’t give the others the opportunity. When my brothers grew up, it took me ages to accept that they were independent adults – I still think of my brother Michael as twelve years old, and in fact he’s a father himself now!


Exercise 4. Answer the questions:

1 Why does she feel she has to know the answers to all the questions of people?

2 Why does she always have to be the first?

3 Did she always help with the housework?

4 Why does she think that she was probably very bossy?

Exercise 5. Listen to the text [T.4] and give T (true) F (false) answers.

    True False
1. Nora’s here in Britain this week promoting her new book “We are kindergarten”    
2. Position in the family is definitely one of the strongest.    
3. The oldest children get maximum attention from their parents.    
4. The famous Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, was a second-born child.    
5. The oldest children often get the top jobs too.    

Exercise 6. Retell the listened text.

Exercise 7. Write the missing letters:

1 Oldest children are usually quite s_ _ _ -c_ _ f_ _ _ _t.

2 Middle children are i_ _ e_ _ _ d_ _t and com_ _ _ t_ _e.

3 Youngest children are usually ch_ _ _ _ng.

4 Only children are s_ _ _ _t. Sometimes they have positive side, they can be r_ _ _ _ _s _ _ _e.

5 Our position in the family affects our p _ _ _ o_ _ l_ty.


Exercise 8. You are going to apply for a job. Prepare your resume (CV) using the adjectives of personality.

Check yourself


1. Choose the correct answer:A “ ___________?” B “Tomorrow. My flight is in the morning”.

a) When is you leaving?

c) When have you been leaving?

d) When are you going to leave?

b) When did you leave?

2. Choose the correct answer: I won’t ______ anybody where you are. I promise you!

a) speak

b) telling

c) tell

d) keep

3. Choose the correct answer: I was probably very ………., and in a way selfish, because I did everything myself.

a) lazy

b) cheerful

c) bossy

d) funny

4. Choose the correct answer: Your husband’s mother is your …………..

a) mother-in-laws

b) sister-in-law

c) mother-in-law

d) step mother-in-law


English Russian Kazakh
couple ['kʌpl] пара жұп
insecure [ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊə] не уверенный (в себе) сенімсіз (өзіне)
single parent ['sıŋgl] одинокие родители жалғызбасты ата-ана
stepmother ['stepˌmʌðə] мачеха өгей шеше
an only child [æn 'əunlı tʃaıld] единственный ребенок жалғыз бала
independent [ˏındı'pendənt] независимый тәуелсіз
jealous ['dʒeləs] ревнивый қызғаншақ
self-confident уверенный в себе өзіне сенімді
competitive конкурентноспособный бәсекеге қабілетті
affectionate нежный нәзік
LIW № 5   Learn by heart the poem How Do I Love Thee? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (p.161)    
LIW № 6   Make up a video presentation “Traditional and modern families”



1. Clive Oxenden “New English File”. Intermediate level. Student’s book. Oxford University Press. 2012.

2. Clive Oxenden “New English File”. Intermediate level. Work book. Oxford University Press. 2012.


3. John and Liz Soars ‘New Headway”. Intermediate level. Student’s book. Oxford University Press, 2012

4. Audio discs of “New English File” for Intermediate level, Disc-1.

5. R.Murphy. “Essential grammar”. Second edition. Intermediate level. Cambridge University Press. 2013.



HAND OUT № 5(65)

Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits- 2

Intermediate level Practical lesson

Lexical theme: Money matters

Grammar: Present Perfect

Teacher: assistant professor Karybayeva Gulmira Akankazhinovna


Present perfect simple: have/has+ past participle(worked/ seen, etc.)

I’ve beento London, but I haven’t been to Oxford. He’s just arrived at the airport. I’ve already done my homework. Can I watch TV?

Make sentences with present perfect (and for/since if necessary).

he/feel very well recently -

we/spend/much time together -

they/know/each other/ 10 years +

how long/marry/you/to Alan?

I/ buy/ a lot of thing -

Underline the correct item.

Lisa has lived in the United States for /since 2000.

He hasn’t been to the gym for/since a whole month.

She’s had that bike since/for last July.

She has worked in that shop since/for two weeks.

He’s played football since/for she was five.

Exercise 1. Complete these sentences with a verb in the correct tense.


be worth borrow can’t afford charge cost earn inherit invest lend owe save take out waste


My uncle died and left me £200. I put some money aside every week for my next holiday. I asked my brother to give me?10 until next week. My brother gave me?10 until next week. I often spend money on stupid things. I don’t have enough money to buy that car. I had to pay the mechanic?100to repair my car. I went to the cash machine and got?200. I bought a book. It was $25. I bought some shares in British Telecom. Jim gave me $ 100. I haven’t paid it back yet. I work in supermarket. They pay me?2000 a month. I could sell my house for about?200,000. I … £200 from my uncle. I … money every week. I …?10 from him. He … me?10. I often … money. I … to buy that car. The mechanic …?100. I …?200 the cash machine. The book … (me) $25. I … Jim $ 100. I … some money. I …?2000 a month. My house … about?200,000.

Exercise 2. Discuss following questions.

What do you understand by the following proverbs and sayings about money? Do you have similar ones in your language?

1 There are some things money can’t buy.

2 Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

3 Lend your money and lose a friend.

4 Money can’t buy you happiness.

Exercise 3. Work in pairs. Answer these questions using useful phrases and proverbs.

1 How much money do you think you need to be rich? 2 What is the currency in your country? 3 What is an exchange rate? 4 What’s pocket money? 5 What was the last expensive thing you bought?
Useful phrases to pay for something to pay somebody back the money to pay in cash to pay by credit card to spend money on something to lend money from somebody   Proverbs Money has no smell. Money is a good servant but a bad master. Lend your money and lose your friend. A bargain is a bargain. Time is money. Money makes the world go round. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.



6 What would you buy if you won a lot of money? 7 Does money make you happy? 8 What’ the cash machine? 9 Do you spend more, or save more money?  



Exercise 4. Listen [T.5] to a new bulletin. How many different news items are there?

Answer the questions.

How many people were injured in the car crash?

How fast was the lorry going?

How many workers have walked out of the Peugeot factory?

What pay rise do they want?

How many more unemployed is there this year?

How many are there in total?

By how much have house prices increased in the last five years?

How much does a three-bed roomed house cost in south-east England?


Exercise 5. Retell the listened text.

Exercise 6. Read the text and translate the 1st paragraph of the text.

Money has no smell

Money has various uses in modern world. It is a measure of value of goods and services, a means of exchanging such goods and services and a way to store up power so that one can use it later. As a measure of value, it is obviously of the very greatest use.

There is a saying “Money has no smell”. People say that these words belong to Vespasian, an emperor of Rome. Suetonius, a Roman historian, writes that the words were used by Vespasian on the following occasion. The emperor’s son Titus reproached his father, that he had introduced a tax on public lavatories. Vespasian told him to smell the money he was holding in his palm and to see if the smell was not foul. Titus said that the smell was not foul. Vespasian remarked that money was in the urine, because it had been just paid as the tax on lavatories.

Exercise 7. Answer the questions.

1 What are the main uses of money?

2 Who does the words “Money has no smell” belong to?

3 Who was Vespasian?

4 What occasion were these words used on?

Exercise 8. Match the meaning of these Russian proverbs with their English equivalents.


Деньгинаулиценеваляются. Money has no smell.
Деньгимогутсделатьвсе. Money is a good servant but a bad master.
Человек должен распоряжаться деньгами, а не деньги человеком Money doesn’t grow on trees.
Деньги, потраченные на образование, никогда не пропадут зря. Money answers all things.
Деньг не пахнут. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.

Check yourself

1. Choose the correct variant: You look as if you … just …up.

a) have… wakes

b) has… woken

c) had… wake

d) have..woken

2. Choose the correct variant:We… each other since we were children.

a) know

b) have known

c) have been knowing

d) has known

3. Complete the proverb: Money has no …

a) color

b) smelling

c) smell


4. Choose the correct word for the given definition: to get money after death of a close relative

a) lend

b) borrow

c) inherit

d) waste


English Russian Kazakh
currency ['kʌr(ə)n(t)si] денежное обращение, валюта ақша айналымы, валюта
to inherit [ɪn' herɪt] унаследовать мұралыққа алу
to charge [tʃa:dʒ] запрашивать цену белгілі баға сұрау
emperor ['emp(ə)rə] император император
foul [faul] неприятный жағымсыз
be worth [wə:θ] стоить тұру (бағасы)
to reproach [ri'prəutʃ] упрекать айыптау, жазғыру
increase [ɪnˈkriːs] возрастать, увеличиваться арту, көбейтілу
borrow [ˈbɒrəʊ] взять взаймы қарызға алу
lend [lɛnd] дать взаймы қарызға беру
Office hours №3   Make up a topic ‘ Money. How to save them?” and retell it.    
LIW № 7   Read the text “George’s trial” and translate it. (p.161)  



1. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig “New English File”. Intermediate level Student’s book. Oxford. 2012.

2. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig “New English File”. Intermediate Work book.Oxford, 2012.


3. John and Liz Soars New Headway. Intermediate level.Student’s book.Oxford, 2012.

4. John and Liz Soars New Headway. Intermediate level.Work book. Oxford, 2012.

5. Tim Falla, Paul A Davie “Solutions”. Intermediate level Student’s book. Oxford, 2012.


HAND OUT № 6 (66) Discipline: English as a foreign languageCredits -2 Intermediate level Practical lesson Lexical theme: Changing your life Grammar: Present Perfect Continuous Teacher: assistant professor Nussipaliyev Nurzhan Serikovich

WARMING-UP. Write a list of words which you associate with birth, marriage and death.



● We use the Present perfect continuous to talk about recent activities. It answers the question ‘How have you been spending your time?’: I’ ve been writing letters. I haven’t been working very hard. ● Like the present perfect simple, this tense cannot be used with past time expressions, but we can use it with expressions such us recently, this week, over the last few days:
I’ve She’s been working hard

I’ve been writing a lot of letters recently.

I haven’t been working very hard this week.

● Forms of the present perfect continuous


Have you Has she been working hard?



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