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Lesson 57.Hierarchy of awards in Great Britain.


Assignment 1. Read the following words and word combinations, using transcriptions:

Commonwealth Armed Force ['kɔmənwelθ ɑːmd fɔːs] Conspicuous Gallantry Cross [kən'spɪkjuəs 'gæləntrɪ krɔs]
eligible ['elɪʤəbl] Distinguished Service [dɪ'stɪŋgwɪʃt 'sɜːvɪs]
Permanent-Under Secretary ['pɜːm(ə)nənt 'ʌndə 'sekrət(ə)rɪ] devotion [dɪ'vəuʃ(ə)n]
circumstance ['sɜːkəmstæn(t)s] recognition [rekəg'nɪʃ(ə)n]
George Cross [ʤɔːʤ krɔs] citation [saɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n]


Assignment 2. Active vocabulary: Learn the following words and word combinations:

No. Word/word combination Russian equivalent
1. via посредством (чего-л.), с помощью (чего-л.)
2. gallantry мужество, отвага, геройство, смелость, храбрость
3. achievement подвиг
4. eligible имеющий право, могущий быть избранным
5. citation упоминание в списках отличившихся; объявление благодарности
6. consideration. обсуждение; рассмотрение; разбор
  endorse подтверждать, одобрять; поддерживать, рекомендовать
  civilian лицо, состоящее на гражданской службе
  conspicuous видный, заметный, бросающийся в глаза
  circumstances обстоятельства, условия
  cross крест
  alongside неподалёку, поблизости; около, возле, рядом
  merit заслуга, заслуживать
  devotion преданность
  recognition узнавание; знак узнавания
  to the next of kin ближайшие родственники

Assignment 3. Read the text, be ready to answer questions:

Members of the British and Commonwealth Armed Forces can be awarded via the UK Honours system for exceptional gallantry, achievement or service. Nominations for these awards are recommended to The Queen via the Ministry of Defense. Usually, a commanding officer will write a citation nominating an individual. This recommendation is then passed up the military chain of command for consideration. The Victoria Cross and the George Cross are the two highest awards. The first British medal to be created for bravery, the Victoria Cross ranks alongside the George Cross as the nation's highest award for gallantry. Instituted in 1940 by the Queen’s father King George VI, the George Cross may be awarded to civilians, as well as members of the Armed Forces for acts of gallantry not in the presence of the enemy. The Distinguished Service Order was instituted in 1886, it recognizes outstanding leadership during active operations. The Conspicuous Gallantry Cross has been awarded in recognition of an individual act or acts of conspicuous gallantry during active operations against the enemy since 1993. The George Medal is awarded to civilians for acts of great bravery, but not so outstanding as to merit consideration for the George Cross. The GM can also be awarded to military personnel for acts of bravery not in the face of the enemy. The Distinguished Service Cross, Military Cross and Distinguished Flying Cross recognize acts of bravery during combat operations respectively at sea, on land and in the air. The Air Force Cross is awarded "for gallantry while flying but not on active operations against the enemy." The Queen's Gallantry Medal can be awarded to civilians or military personnel "for exemplary acts of bravery." The Royal Red Cross is only awarded to members of the Nursing Services, and is given "for exceptional devotion and competency in the performance of actual nursing duties." The Elizabeth Cross instituted in 2009, and granted to the next of kin of Armed Forces personnel killed on operations or as a result of terrorism in a mark of national recognition for their loss.

Answer the questions:

1. For what can members of the British and Commonwealth Armed Forces be awarded?

2. Who recommended nominations for these awards?

3. What awards are the highest?

4. Who instituted the George Cross?

5. What recognizes the Distinguished Service Order?

6. When has the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross been awarded?

7. When is the George Medal awarded?

8. When are the Distinguished Service Cross, Military Cross and Distinguished Flying Cross awarded?

9. When is the Air Force Cross awarded?

10. When is the Queen's Gallantry Medal awarded?

11. When is the Royal Red Cross awarded?

12. When is the Elizabeth Cross awarded?

Assignment 4. Give definitions of the following words and word combinations:

Can be awarded, via, gallantry, achievement, award, the Ministry of Defence, recommendation, consideration, the Victoria Cross, civilian, was instituted, the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross, the Distinguished Service Cross, recognize, the Royal Red Cross, devotion, the next of kin.


Assignment 5. Listen to the recording and answer the following questions.


Warrant Officers are experienced men and women of long service who are respected by all ranks.

They are called Warrant Officers because they receive a document from the Sovereign known as

a warrant. A WOl wears the Royal Coat of Arms on the lower part of the sleeve and a WO2 wears a crown, also on the lower part of the sleeve. A crown inside a wreath indicates a WO2 with a special job- that of Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant (RQMS), who is responsible for a unit's stores, clothing and equipment.


Next, we have Non Commissioned Officers (NCOs) who wear chevrons, or stripes, on the sleeve.

The Senior NCOs consist of Staff Sergeants and Sergeants. Staff Sergeants are also known as Colour Sergeants in the infantry, and they have this name because in the old days they were the

men who guarded the regimental colour. The colour, which is never called a flag, displays a

regiment's battle honours and used to show soldiers during a battle the location of their centre of

command. Junior NCOs are Corporals and Lance Corporals. Privates do not wear a badge of




Soldiers of higher rank are known as superiors and those of lower rank are known as subordinates.

Look through the words below before listening:

warrant officers мичманы
Sovereign монарх, повелитель
sleeve рукав
wreath венок,
responsible ответственный
non- commissioned сержантский
chevron шеврон (нашивка на рукаве форменной одежды в виде острого угла)
Senior вышестоящий, старший (по положению, званию)
Lance Corporal младший капрал
infantry пехота
warrant приказ о присвоении звания уоррент-офицера


1. What do Warrant Officers receive from the Sovereign?

2. What do a WO1 wear on the lower part of the sleeve?

3. What do a WO2 wear on the lower part of the sleeve?

4. Who is responsible for a clothing and equipment?

5. What have Non Commissioned Officers on the sleeve?

6. Why are Staff Sergeants known as Colour Sergeants?

7. Who do not wear a badge of rank?

8. Who are superiors?

9. Who are subordinates?


Assignment 6. Discuss in groups

1. What is the hierarchy of awards in your contry?

2. Who recommends nominations for these awards in your country?

Assignment 7


1. the Victoria Cross 2. the George Cross 3. the Distinguished Service Order 4. the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross 5. the George Medal 6. the Distinguished Service Cross 7. the Military Cross 8. the Distinguished Flying Cross 9. the Air Force Cross 10. the Queen's Gallantry Medal 11. the Royal Red Cross 12. the Elizabeth Cross a. Медаль Георга b. Крест «За боевые заслуги» c. Военный крест d. Крест королевы Виктории e. Крест Георга f. Крест за летные боевые заслуги g. Крест военно- воздушных сил h. Королевский красный крест i. Крест за отвагу j. Крест Елизаветы k. Королевская медаль За отвагу l. Кавалер ордена За выдающиеся заслуги

Home assignment

In the history there are no unimportant parts. In any award there is a historical truth, and changing it, we break the great truth of history. To read the biography of a person that has been encrypted in awards and medals, you can with the language in which awards are saying.


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