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III. Use the expressions from 1 to make your own words and phrasesСодержание книги
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Speaking Together with your partner, make up a dialogue. One of you is going to negotiate on one important issue and doesn’t know how to behave. The other one gives him / her some advise. Present your dialogue to the class. Unit XI.ADVERTISING
Lesson 1. Advertisement Ideas Warm Up I. Identify the following pictures. What’s the difference between them? Interpret them. 1. What are brand names? 2. What of them show the product? 3. What of them are just symbols? 4. What can you say about the use of colour / slogans / initials? 5. What messages do the symbols transmit? Language items that can be used: background, between, below, while, neither...nor, both, unlike … Active Vocabulary I. Match the words with their definitions:
II. Find an example of each on the web (or project the ones below), and explain when/how/when/why they are used. III. What are logos and what is their function? Reading. Read and translate the text. Discuss it with your partner. Advertisement Ideas Advertising a product plays a vital role in its total sales, because it helps to draw the attention of a large number of consumers. However, advertising needs to be done in a proper and systematic manner, to target the potential buyer.
Newspaper Advertising Placing an advertisement of your products or company in the local newspaper, is still considered to be one of the best advertising ideas. For newspaper advertisements, be very specific when it comes to giving the wording for your ad, as you have to pay charges depending on the number of words. Make sure that the content in the advertisement is relevant, grammatically correct and appealing to the customers. Large sized color advertisements can be the best advertising technique for those with a high budget. Radio Advertising Due to the increasing popularity of radio, radio advertising has been the best means of making the people aware of your new products. Ad jingles are the best way advertising on the radio. Conducting interesting contests on the radio in which a radio jockey asks some product related questions and the lucky winners get your product as the prize, can be useful radio advertising ideas. You can also enter into a sponsorship deal with a radio station.
Television Advertising Television advertising can help you reach a large audience and increase your sales turnover. For that, you will have to shoot ads with models and hire experienced ad directors. If you have a high budget, you can surely rope in some top celebrities to advertise your products. By airing your ads on popular channels and shows, you increase your chances of grabbing the attention of the viewers. Internet Advertising With the number of Internet users increasing at a rapid pace all round the world, Internet advertising becomes the best way of introducing your services and products. You can find out which are the most popular and highly surfed websites and place ads on them to reach maximum number of people. However, you should be aware of the internet advertising costs and terms and conditions to do the same.
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