I. Match the style with its definition. 

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I. Match the style with its definition.

Autocratic style is also essentially dictatorial, however the decisions tend to be in the best interests of the employees rather than the business. The leader explains most decisions to the employees and ensures that their social and leisure needs are always met. This can help balance out the lack of worker motivation caused by an autocratic management style.
Paternalistic style the leader’s role is peripheral and staff manages their own areas of the business; the leader therefore evades the duties of management and uncoordinated delegation occurs. The communication in this style is horizontal, meaning that it is equal in both directions, however very little communication occurs in comparison with other styles. The style brings out the best in highly professional and creative groups of employees, however in many cases it is not deliberate and is simply a result of poor management. This leads to a lack of staff focus and sense of direction, which in turn leads to much dissatisfaction, and a poor company image.
Democratic style means that the direction of the business will remain constant, and the decisions will all be similar, this in turn can project an image of a confident, well managed business. On the other hand, subordinates may become dependent upon the leaders and supervision may be needed. There are two types of leaders. Directive Autocrat: makes decisions unilaterally; closely supervises subordinates. Permissive Autocrat: makes decisions unilaterally; gives subordinates latitude in carrying out their work .
Laissez-faire style The manager will ask views and opinions from their staff, allowing them to feel involved but will ultimately make the final decision.
Consultative style the manager allows the employees to take part in decision-making: therefore everything is agreed by the majority. The communication is extensive in both directions (from subordinates to leaders and vice-versa). This style can be particularly useful when complex decisions need to be made that require a range of specialist skills

II. In which style would you prefer to work? Why? Identify weak and strong points of each style.

Group work

Imagine you are chosen as a manager in a big company. What would be your plan of action? How would you promote the company you work for? Explain why you would do this or that thing and neglect another (in writing).


I. Read the text to grasp the general idea.

Is Your Management Style Assisting or Hurting Your Business?

Many times business owners can have significant differences in management styles that can deter the growth of both the employees and the business. Employees can have different needs that require different methods of management as well. Problems arise when the management style of a business owner does not match the needs of the employees.

There are two basic management styles that are also broken down into more minor categories, the Autocratic Management Style and the Permissive Management Style. An Autocratic Management Style is one in which the business owner makes all decisions unilaterally. In other words, the business owner is the “boss” who doesn’t value input from employees. The business owner's word is law. The Permissive Management Style allows employees to take part in business decisions. A rather considerable degree of autonomy on the part of employees is encouraged in this management style.

If a business owner possesses an Autocratic Management Style, and the employees and/or type of business would benefit more from a Permissive Management Style, problems will arise, and vice versa.

Management styles may also be “situational”, in other words, should be changed depending upon the needs and growth of the business, as well as the different situations that may occur.

How then can a business owner know if their overall “approach” or management style is hurting or assisting their business? Easily: Results.

The results of the business, in all facets of the business, will dictate which management style is needed, or if a business owner needs to amend their management style. If a business is doing well financially, if clients are routinely satisfied, if employees are happy, are all indications that the management style of the business owner is appropriate. Discontentment and loss of business would be indicators that the approach is incorrect.

An example of this will explain this principle further:

Karen R. successfully managed her own business for several years. She employed a rather Permissive Management Style, allowing the employees plenty of input, with a rather “family style” atmosphere developing. The employees were very much engaged in the business and considered the business “their own” as well, leading to much devotion on their parts. However, as the business grew, so did the demands of the clients. It became imperative for Karen R. to change her management style to the Authoritative Management Style, as she needed to quickly enforce parameters, and complete projects. There simply was no time for discussion among the employees, and no time for multiple approaches to each project. This led to much discontent on the part of the employees, and they needed to be reminded that their opinions were no longer welcomed repeatedly, which left Karen R. frazzled and stressed too. The solution: Karen R. engaged a series of psychological tests for both herself and her employees, as initially she had no clue what was wrong or how to relieve the problems. This test revealed that she was being somewhat “overly authoritative” in her approach, and also that her employees were “too expectant ” in their demands that she includes them in decisions. A compromise was reached, and Karen R., now allows some “input” from the employees, but retains the right to make a decision unilaterally. This combination of Authoritative/Permissive Management Styles has led to the relief of the stress within her organization, and has also led to increased happiness and productivity on the part of the employees.

Without a good knowledge of their own management styles, or psychological approaches to business, business owners can set themselves up for problems. They can be so passive, and so permissive, that they become “doormats” for the employees, thus not achieving enough control over the business. Karen R. above is a good example.

Business owners can’t rectify a problem or their own behaviors or that of their employees, unless they know specifically what these problems are. Insight into themselves and others will assist business owners into successful resolution of all problems as they occur. Knowledge of behaviors and knowledge of management styles can prevent problems in management problems before they happen.


II. Explain the word a “doormat”.

III. Read the text once again and find synonyms of the words in bold.


IV. Complete the sentences:

  1. Problems arise when ……...
  2. Some autonomy on the part of employees is………...
  3. If a business is doing well financially, …….
  4. The employees were very much engaged in the business ……...
  5. The combination of Authoritative/Permissive Management Styles has led to..
  6. A compromise was reached, ……...

V. Discuss the following.

1. Who is the main person in any business: director, manager, or sponsor?

2. Create a portrait of a manager: his personality, responsibilities, image, relations with the staff, etc.

3. Have you already got working experience? What are\were your relations with your boss?


· If you were a boss, what management style would you prefer in your own company? Why?

· Which style is more effective? Prove your answer.

Lesson 2.Style of behaviour

Warm up

· Today, a skilled manager makes more than the owner. And owners fight each other to get the skilled managers. (Mikhail Khodorovsky)
How can you describe a skilled manager? What should\shouldn’t he do?

· What styles of management do you remember? Describe them in one sentence.

· Which style is preferable for the director and for the worker?

· What are the criteria showing that the chosen manner of behavior is the right one?



You have only 7 minutes for this multiple choice quiz. Go ahead!

1) An example of a democratic leader is where:

a) the manager consults the team before making the decision;

b) the manager tells the subordinates what to do;

c) the manager delegates responsibility for the task giving them full authority;

d) the manager allows the team to discuss but then makes the final decision.

2) An example of an autocratic leader is where:

a) the manager consults and then makes a final decision;

b) the manager listens to the staff;

c) the manager allows the staff to get on with their work;

d) the manager tells the staff what to do and makes a final decision.

3) An example of a consultative leader is where:

a) the manager tells the staff what to do;

b) the manager gives the staff the full authority to make decisions;

c) the manager listens to the staff and then makes a final decision;

d) the manager doesn’t take into account the views and opinions of the staff.

4) A laissez-fair manager:

a) delegates tasks to the staff;

b) tells the staff what to do;

c) sets the tasks and gives the staff full freedom to complete the task as they see fit;

d) sets the task but makes a final decision.

From English for Busines


Case study

Hotel troubles

Mrs. Jackson has worked at the Royal Oak Hotel for fifteen years. She began her career as a receptionist, and is now the office manager. She always thought that she would stay at the hotel until she retired, but now she is not sure. She explains why.

‘Mr. Brown was the manager here until three months ago. We all liked him very much. I think he was a very good manager. He always asked us what we thought before he made any big changes to the hotel. He listened to what we said before he took decisions. ‘

‘After he left we got a new manager, a young man called Mr. Jones. He’s very different. He’s only here three months, but he never asks anyone what they think – he just gives orders, and he expects us to do exactly what he says. ‘

‘This used to be a very friendly place to work – but not now. I really think I may leave. ‘

Answer the questions:

  1. Mrs. Jackson says that everybody liked Mr. Brown, and that he was a good manager. She mentions two things that he used to do, in particular. What are they?
  2. How would you describe Br. Brown’s management style?
  3. Why does Mrs. Jackson dislike the new manager?
  4. How would you describe Br. Jones’s management style?


I. Read the text in detail.


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