Match the cartoons and the eight sub-sections of the text. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Match the cartoons and the eight sub-sections of the text.


III. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations: по-разному, исключение, консультативная деятельность, вести курсы, подход, конкурентный, оправдывать, достижение, всесторонний подход к вопросу, решать проблемы, принимать во внимание, самозащита, убедительные жесты, вера в успех, побуждающий


IV. Complete the sentences with the right word

1) The end justifies …..

a) the methods b) the means c) the results

2) Collective action and ….. are more important than personal achievement.

a) responsibility b) influence c) power

3) The male approach is to go to the ….. of the problem, without taking into account secondary considerations.

a) centre b) middle c) heart

4) A stereotypical female pose is sitting …...

a) straight b) cross-legged c) cross-armed

5) The male way of speaking does not ….. discussion.

a) encourage b) result in c) stimulate

6) Women tend to talk about staff problems and ….. matters.

a) private b) social c) personal

7) Female makes jokes against herself as a …...

a) caveat b) explanation c) warning


Write a short answer to the question “Who is more successful in business: a man or a woman?”

Lesson 4. Culture and Style of Management

Warm up

· Is it possible to avoid all conflicts at work? Why yes\no?

· Have you ever faced the conflicts with anybody except your relatives and friends? How did you solve them?

· How can management style help to solve some relationship problems in the office?

· Are management styles different among countries? In what way?

Case study

I. Study the following reference.

Conflict management style

A conflict management style is the pattern of behaviour an individual develops in response to conflict with others such as differences of opinion. Conflict management styles tend to be consistent over time.

The principle behind this is that greater awareness of their style by individuals enables them to make better choices in how to respond. Someone who knows they have a tendency to avoid conflict, for example, they might choose a different and perhaps more appropriate response. The most widely used tool for this is a conflict style inventory, typically a short questionnaire filled out by a user, with interpretation of the scores given in writing or by an instructor. The point is not to categorize the user, but rather to give him or her framework in which to assess their responses and options.

II. Tasks:

1) What do you think about such an alternative in management as a conflict management style? Do you agree with it?

2) Develop a strategy of labour relations during a conflict style (the supervisor – subordinate, the head – the chief of departments, etc.)

3) Choose a company and illustrate conflict relations in it (in groups). Try to ease the tension (снять напряжение) in the office as it’s possible.

Team work

Put in the right order the following steps of choosing a management style in an organization.

· Once this is done, the company will then need to study the behavioral profile of its employees.

· The country where a business operates would also affect the style of management it practices.

· The aim of any management style is to motivate employees to produce their best work performance.

· A company would first of all have to ascertain its short term and strategic goals.

· A company’s chosen management style will either increase its employee’s productivity or diminish their overall work morale.

· Regardless of what managerial style an organization executes, an effective flow of communication between all hierarchical levels of the organization is imperative. Without adequate communication, no managerial style can operate.

· Management style could either make or break an organization.


Style of Management in Different Countries

The characteristics of management often vary according to national culture, which can determine how managers are trained, how they lead people and how they approach their jobs.

I. Now you will find five brief portraits of managers in five different countries: The USA, the UK, France, Germany and Sweden, decide which country each of these portraits correspond to.

1. Managers from this country:

· Consider professional and technical skills to be very important;

· Have a strong sense of authority;

· Respect the different positions in the hierarchy of their companies;

· Clearly define how jobs should be done;

· Are very loyal to their companies and expect their subordinates to obey them;

· Are often older than in other countries.

2. Managers from this country:

· Receive a general education;

· Delegate authority;

· Take a practical approach to management;

· Have relatively formal relationships at work;

· Encourage their employees to work individually;

· Believe it is important to continue education and training at work.

3. Managers from this country:

· Consider social qualities to be as important as education;

· Encourage their employees to take an interest in their work;

· Pay close attention to the quality of working life;

· Do not use as much authority as in other countries;

· Appreciate low-level decision-making;

· Are often women.

4. Managers from this country:

· Generally attend business schools;

· Communicate easily and informally at work;

· Admire the quantities of a leader;

· Expect everyone to work hard. Individual performance is measured and initiative is rewarded;

· Have competitive and sometimes aggressive attitudes towards work;

· Often accept innovation and change.

5. Managers from this country:

· Go through an elitist educational system;

· Have a strong sense of hierarchy and power;

· Often have impersonal relationships at work;

· Analyze problems in great detail before taking decisions;

· Consider speaking skills to be particularly important;

· More easily between state and private sectors.

Mark Powell, Ron Martinez, Rosi Jillett, New Business Matters, Coursebook


II. Choose a country, research its mentality and demonstrate the style of management used there in organizations in the form of Power Point presentation\organizational chart, etc.

It is interesting to know

Remember famous successful companies. Find out what management style is used there to succeed.

Personal Management Style

There are many high-profile examples of how to develop a successful management style. Managers like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have famously developed their own distinctive management style from which others can learn.

Gate’s style and management practice at Microsoft was based on control and concerning himself with detail almost to the point of obsession. The onus that the Bill Gates management style placed on the monitoring of staff and figures is demonstrated by the fact that he even used to sign expenses for Steve Ballmer, his right-hand man.

Buffett, on the other hand, always stressed a desire for the managers of Berkshire Hathaway to think like owners. He urged them to “look at the business you run as if it were the only asset of your family, one that must be operated for the next 50 years and can never be sold”.

Sometimes unorthodox management behaviour can develop into a very effective management style. A case in point is that of Ricardo Semler and his Brazilian engineering company SEMCO. His management policies included unusual practices such as shutting down the company for an afternoon twice-yearly for all employees to clean out the places where they work. He also limited all memos and reports to one piece of A4, always topped by an eye-catching tabloid-style headline to sum up the key message.

Perhaps most interestingly of all, he implemented a system where employees would assess their own managers, with a low rating putting the manager’s job at risk.

From Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia


In pairs discuss pluses and minuses of Bill Gates’ and Warren Buffett’s management style. Explain their company’s success. If you had your own firm what method of running business would you prefer? Give your arguments.

Lesson 5. Leadership

Warm up

I. Brainstorm:

· Are you a leader? Would you like to be? Why?

· What associations have you got with the word “leader”?

· Do you agree that the success of a company depends on its leader? Give your arguments.

· What does a person need to become a good leader?

II. Test: “Are you the perfect partner?”

1. What do you think is most important for a successful relationship?

a. luck

b. the ability to compromise

c. trust

2. What do you prefer?

a. caring for others

b. being looked after

c. being independent

3. Who usually says sorry first after a quarrel?

a. you

b. your partner

c. you hardly ever quarrel

4. How important do you think faithfulness is in a relationship?

a. very

b. the occasional fling does no harm

c. not at all

5. How good are you at remembering birthdays and anniversaries?

a. useless

b. reasonable

c. not very good, so you keep a list

6. How do you react when your partner returns from the shops with a dress/shirt that you instantly hate?

a. tell them the truth

b. say you’ll need time to get used to it

c. say it’s lovely but wince every time they wear it


7. What’s your idea of the perfect romantic evening?

a. a candlelit dinner for two at a good restaurant

b. dancing at a popular disco

c. a quiet time together alone

8. What sort of relationship do you have with your old flames?

a. friendly

b. poisonous

c. non–existent

9. What do you do when your partner talks about something that doesn’t interest you?

a. listen politely but think about something else

b. try to take an interest

c. change the subject as soon as possible

10. What should the perfect partner be?

a. sexy

b. amusing

c. generous

d. kind

e. interesting

f. rich

11. Your partner isn’t feeling sociable and won’t go to a party. What do you do?

a. Phone and apologize that neither of you can come

b. Go alone, but leave early

c. Try again to persuade him/her to come but failing that go alone determined to have fun

d. find someone else to go with

From English for Business


16 – 22 You’d make a trouble-free, affectionate and easy-going partner – but be careful you’re not too nice or people will take advantage of you.

8 – 15 You’re not perfect, but who is? You’re mentally and emotionally challenging and you shouldn’t choose a partner too similar to you.

0 – 7 I’m afraid you’re one of life’s loners. Perhaps you’re being too selfish and your life could be more fulfilling if you had more time for others.

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