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Ex. 5. Find in the text the synonyms to the words in italics.Содержание книги
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1. This requires understanding of psychology, the needs of individuals. 2. The art of advertising is to convince to buy your product or service. 3. A new need arises according to Maslov. 4. The purpose of advertising is as follows. 5. To persuade customers to buy the advertised item. 6. The advertising industry finds this a very useful for its machinations. 7. This fosters customers to have confidence in the product. 8. To enlarge sales and profits. 9. The message will be revealed to the wrong people. 10. The information contained in advertisements often tricks the consumer. 11. Consumers are seduced to spend money for products they do not really need. 12. Most advertising is performed by manufacturers and big retailers. 13. The rest of the world is going to see you as a miserable person. 14. It provides us with information about prices, recent updating in certain goods and services. Ex. 6. Think of the nouns which could make word collocations with the suggested verbs. to encourage _____________________________________ to attract ________________________________________ to benefit _______________________________________ to mislead _______________________________________ to inform ________________________________________ to increase _______________________________________ to enable ________________________________________ to mislead _____________________________________ to persuade_____________________________________ to carry out ____________________________________ to plan ________________________________________ to reduce ______________________________________
Ex.7. Look at the terms in the left-hand column and find their definitions or the words very close in meaning in the right-hand column.
There are many advertising media available. Advertisers have different advertising media to choose from. Which one should be used? Can an advertiser afford to advertise on TV? As advertising in the wrong media is a waste of money, the following factors should be considered when determining the most effective advertising media to use: · the objective of the advertising · the target market: low income or high income consumers · th e type of product · the size of the advertising budget · the reason for the advertising campaign.
Among the media usually used in advertising are: Television advertising. (a) This is a very effective method of advertising the product nationwide and worldwide. (b) Once the target market is known it is possible to “time” the advertising for when such customers are likely to be watching. (c) It is a costly method of advertising, especially during peak viewing. Due to high cost, the message to the consumer must be catchy, clear and precise. Newspaper advertising. (a) National newspapers have a nationwide readership and so are suitable for advertising when the target market is nationwide. (b) Circulation of local newspapers is confined to a local geographical area so the majority of advertising in them is for the local target market. It is cheaper to advertise in a local newspaper than a national one. Magazine advertising. (a) Magazines are usually published weekly or monthly and they have a longer life than newspapers. (b) Magazines are aimed at a special target market, e.g. business people, sports people, teenagers, etc. (c) A lot of advertisements in magazines are in colour and are generally more catchy, more effective and very costly. Radio advertising. (a) This can be an effective method of advertising the product nationwide. (c) Radio advertising is much cheaper than TV advertising. Outdoor advertising. (a) Billboard advertising is common in cities and large towns to catch the attention of the ”moving” consumers, e.g. on a busy road or beside an airport. (b) The advertisements are big and well designed in order to be seen and understood. The Internet. This is a new channel of distribution for promoting goods. It is becoming more available both nationwide and worldwide. Credit cards are used as a means of payment. Other media. They are: leaflets, posters, slogans, flyers.
Ex. 8. Give the English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations.
средства информации ________________________________________ рекламировать на внутреннем рынке ___________________________ выбрать время ____________________________________________ дорогостоящий метод ______________________________________ броский, легко запоминающийся _____________________________ тираж газет _______________________________________________ наружная реклама __________________________________________ хорошо оформленная реклама ________________________________ канал распространения ______________________________________ бесполезная трата денег _____________________________________ читательская аудитория _____________________________________ местная газета ______________________________________________
Ex. 9. Group the following words into seven synonymous groups.
Ex. 10. Read the paragraphs of the text about benefits and disadvantages of advertising and give your arguments or counter-arguments on each point. Use the following phrases.
I quite agree that... I think that... My point of view is... As for me... I am not sure that... It’s not quite so. I believe that... I am afraid I can’t agree that... It’s wrong to think that...
Ex. 11. Write questions to ask about the missing information in sentences from Text 1. Try to complete these sentences first.
1. It is one of the methods of ____________________________________________________ 2. Advertising can be defined as _________________________________________________ 3. At the lowest level people need ________________________________________________ 4. There are ___________main objectives of advertising. 5. The second objective of advertising is ____________________________________________ 6. Most advertising is carried out by _______________________________________________ 7. The availability and size of the advertising budget plays ________________role in successful advertising. 8. Advertising stimulates _________________________________________________________ 9. ____________________ list some disadvantages of advertising. 10. Radio and TV are not really free because _________________________________________
Ex. 12. Match two halves of the sentences from Text 2.
Ex. 13. Arrange the following so as to match the factors, which should be considered for effective advertising, with their explanation.
1. The objective of the advertising. 4. The size of the advertising budget. 2. The target market. 5. The reason for the advertising campaign. 3. The type of a product.
______ The bigger the budget the more elaborate (продуманная) the campaign, hence the greater chance for success. ______ A clear objective must be set and later evaluated to see how successful the campaign has been. ______ What kind of consumer the advertising is going to appeal to: low income or high income consumers, youth market, farm market or children. ______ Is it to launch a new product or to give a specific message to the target market? ______ Certain types of special and expensive products, such as computers, require selective advertising in business magazines.
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