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Ex. 1. Match the word combinations with “product” with their Russian definitions.Содержание книги
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1. Определенный период времени, отражающий основные этапы развития товара с момента его разработки до ухода с рынка ______________________________ 2. Размещение (скрытой) рекламы в кинофильмах, сериалах, книгах, а также обеспечение эффективности продаж товара путем удачного размещения товара, эффектного оформления торгового места ________________________________ 3. Группа взаимосвязанных товаров, выпускаемых данным производителем под определенным названием и торговой маркой ______________________________ 4. Маркетинговые действия фирмы по закреплению своего товара в сознании потребителя как отличного от аналогичных конкурирующих товаров___________________________ 5. Товарный ассортимент, номенклатура ________________________________
Word combinations with “goods”: Here are some examples of different types of goods: • Consumer goods that last for a long time, such as cars and furniture, are durable goods or consumer durables. (товары длительного пользования) • Consumer goods with a high turnover and relatively low price, such as table, salt or shampoo, are fast-moving (day-to-day) goods. (ходовой товар, товар повседневного спроса) • Goods that have a limited shelf life (срок хранения) and must be consumed relatively quickly, such as fresh fruit, fresh meat and eggs, are perishable goods (perishables). (скоропортящиеся товары)
Ex. 2. Indicate with a tick which group of goods the next products correspond to.
Text 1 The role of product in the marketing mix VOCABULARY
Marketing Mix – маркетинговый комплекс channels of distribution – канал распределения meaningless – бессмысленный, не имеющий смысла to develop a product -разрабатывать товар to fulfill - исполнять to determine – определять to provide benefits – приносить пользу reliable – надежный to last – служить (в данном контексте) consumer goods – потребительские товары producer goods – средства производства accounting agency – бухгалтерская фирма advertising agency – рекламное агенство to enable- давать возможность to be appropriate - соответствовать
Having selected the target market, the firm must take steps to satisfy the consumer’s need. We can do this by offering the right Marketing Mix: The Four P's: the right Product at the right Price; available through the right channels of distribution - Place; presented in the right way - Promotion. - Product: a good, service, or idea to satisfy customer’s needs. - Price: what is exchanged for the product. - Place: a means of getting the product into the consumer’s hands. - Promotion: a means of communication between the seller and buyer. The four P’s are the elements of the marketing mix. The product itself is probably the most important element in the marketing mix – without the product, the rest of the marketing mix is meaningless. Some businesses are product-orientated. They will develop a product and then try to decide who might buy and use it. Today most companies are market-orientated when developing new products. They spend a lot of money researching consumers’ buying habits, their likes and dislikes, to see if they can design a product which people will want to buy. After deciding the market segment for the product, the other parts of the marketing mix – price, promotion and place – will be determined. Large companies often have a department which spends all its time developing new products. It will also look at competitors’ products to see what they are successfully selling. The important thing about the product is that it must fulfill a want. Consumers buy products for the pleasure, satisfaction or benefits they provide. The satisfaction given to consumers can be different. For example, some products are bought because they satisfy a basic need, like food that stops hunger. Other products, like a refrigerator, in addition to keeping food cool, would be expected to be reliable and last for a long time. An expensive perfume would give a certain image to the consumer when they used it and it would be expected to be of high quality.
Text 2 Types of product
There are several types of product. Some products are sold to consumers and some can be sold to other businesses. In addition to goods, services are also sold to consumers and to other producers. Products are usually grouped into the following types. · Consumergoods These are goods which are consumed by people. They can be goods that do not last long, such as food and cleaning materials. Some goods last a long time and give enjoyment over a long time, such as furniture and computers. · Consumerservices These are services that are produced for people. Examples include repairing cars, shoe-repairing or education. · Producergoods These are goods that are produced for other businesses to use. They are bought to help with the production process. Examples include lorries, machinery or components. · Producerservices These are services that are produced to help other businesses. Examples include accounting, insurance and advertising agencies. Producing the right product at the right price is an important part of the marketing mix. · The product needs to satisfy consumer wants and needs. If it does not then it will not sell. · The product also needs to be of the right quality so the price is what consumers are willing to pay. · The costs of production must enable to have a price that will produce aprofit. · Design of the product is obviously very important. Not only does the quality need to be appropriate for the brand image, i.e. high price = high quality, cheaper price = lower quality, but it also has to last a reasonable length of time. If the product is not reliable and breaks down, or breaks soon after it is purchased, then it will get a bad reputation and is unlikely to sell well. The product also needs to perform to a standard expected from it, i.e. soap powder for washing clothes should do so effectively. WORD STUDY
Ex. 3. Study the different meanings of the words and word-combinations and use them to translate the sentences. to provide (v) 1. снабжать; доставлять; обеспечивать (кого-л. / что-л.) 2. давать, предоставлять; обеспечивать 3. обеспечивать средствами к существованию (кого-л.) 4. принимать (защитные) меры в отношении (чего-л.), готовиться к (чему-л.) 5. обусловливать, предусматривать (что-л.)
provision (n) 1. обеспечение, предоставление; снабжение 2. положение, условие (договора) 3. провизия; запасы провианта, съестные припасы Study the following word-combinations.
to provide smb. with goods - снабдить кого-л. товарами to provide housing -предоставлять жилплощадь to provide for a family - содержать семью treaty provisions - условия договора with provision that... - при условии, что...
Ex. 4. Translate into Russian
1. There is no way that we can provide another teacher for that class. 2. People who were injured in the accident were provided medicine aid. 3. He has well provided for his family. 4. I’ll give you this book with provision that you give it back in a week. 5. The expenses are provided for in the budget. 6. The new law provides for equality of human rights. 7. Provision of public transport is one of the business activities controlled by the government. 8. Steps can be taken to provide against a severe winter. 9. His father provided him with good education. 10. The Parties didn’t agree on some treaty provision. 11. After the earthquake on Haiti provisions has been run out within some days.
Ex. 5. Match the words and word-combinations given in the box with their Russian Definitions.
1. Процесс выяснения и удовлетворения потребностей ____________________________. 2. Процесс разделения рынка на субрынки, каждый из которых образован группой потребителей в чем-то похожих друг на друга __________________________________. 3. Товары, покупаемые для непосредственного удовлетворения потребностей покупателя, а не для производства других товаров _________________________________________. 4. Создавать идею и образец нового товара ______________________________________. 5. Услуги, предоставляемые предприятиям и фирмам с целью обеспечения их производст- венной деятельности _____________________________________. 6. Совокупность независимых организаций, участвующих в процессе продвижения товара или услуги от производителя к потребителю. _____________________________ 7. Потребительские услуги, предоставляемые населению врачами, парикмахерами, химчистками, механиками, водопроводчиками, услуги по доставке товаров и т. д.) _________________________________. 8. Комплекс, состоящий из продукта, системы его распространения, цены и рекламы _________________________________. 9. Товары, которые покупаются и используются для производства других товаров ______________________________.
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