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Ex. 14. Look through the text once again and say which of the given below aspects of the topic “Advertising” are reflected in the text and which are not.



1. Advertising is one of the methods of promotion of goods and services.

2. The objectives of advertising.

3. The requirements an advertiser should fulfill while making an advertisement.

4. The factors to be considered for choosing effective advertising media.

5. The ways of planning an advertising campaign.

6. Main advertising media.

7. Benefits and disadvantages of advertising.

8. The means by which consumers should be protected from being deceived and misinformed by




Ex. 15. Give the reason for your opinion of the following statements. What do you think?


1. Advertisements are everywhere.

2. Ads make us believe that we should be ashamed if we don't buy advertised goods.

3. The message of an advertisement is to buy a product if you don't want to be left behind.

4. Advertisers use lots of tricks.

5. Some advertisements help us to choose right things.


Ex. 16. Read the text and find the definitions of the following notions.


Advertising, advertisement, advertiser, classified ad, personal ad, commercial, commercial break, billboard, poster, flyer, slogan, campaign.


Advertisement is an announcement informing people about an event, a service or a product on TV, radio, Internet or in a newspaper that aims at persuading us to buy it. Plus, we have a person who advertises – he\she is called an advertiser. Sometimes the word advertisement can be shortened to advert or ad.

Do not mix up advertisement with advertising. The latter is the business of making advertisements. Classified ads are small advertisements in a newspaper or a magazine, often placed by individuals rather than by large companies. A more informal word for classified ads is small ads. If you open a section in a newspaper or a magazine where people advertise that they want to meet someone to have a relationship, know it is personal ads.

We also have commercials, which are advertisements on TV or the radio. A short interruption in a television or a radio programme when advertisements are broadcast is called a commercial break.

Billboard is a large outdoor sign used for advertising. It is usually placed in a busy area. Poster is a piece of paper, a big one, often with a picture on it that illustrates an advertisement. In the street we usually get flyers advertising a product, service or event. They also make us clean our mailboxes as often as we can. To catch our attention advertisements use a short sentence – a slogan.

A good campaign, i.e. a planned series of posters, advertisements, etc. and events used for advertising, aims at getting us interested in a product or a company and making us buy something.



Ex. 17. Underline the stressed syllable in the following words.


ad ver tise ad ver ti sing ad vert ad ver tised ad ver tise ment


Ex. 18. Fill the gaps with the words from Ex. 17.


1. Do you think that _______________________ is a form of art? Why (not)?

2. How much does it cost to ___________________ in a newspaper, on the radio or on TV in

your country?

3. Tobacco ____________________ in the UK is banned on television and radio and in

magazines and newspapers. Is it banned in your country? Do you think it should be?

Why (not)?

4. Do you think that tobacco, cigarettes etc. should be __________________ near schools?

5. What are funniest three ________________________ you have ever seen?

6. What factors do you think make a good ______________________________?



Text 3

Read the text. What is it about? What is your variant of the title? How many parts does the text consist of? What is each part about? Define the key sentences of each paragraph.


The advertising business is composed of two main groups – advertisers and agencies. The advertisers (or clients) are the companies that advertise themselves and their products. Advertisers range in size from small independent stores to huge multinational firms and in type from small industrial concerns to large service organizations. Assisting them are the advertising agencies that plan, create, and prepare advertising campaigns and materials for the advertisers. In addition to these two groups are the media, which sell time (in electronic media) and space (in print media) to carry the advertiser’s message to the target audience. And finally, there is another group as the suppliers. These include the photographers, illustrators, printers, video production houses, and many others who assist both advertisers and agencies in the preparation of advertising materials. Many of us think of advertising people as the copywriters and art directors who work for the advertising agencies. But in reality, the people who work for the clients are also very much involved in the advertising business. In fact, the majority of people in advertising are employed by the advertisers. Virtually every company has a department of some size, even if it just one person who shares the advertising responsibility with other job functions. The importance of the company’s advertising people varies, depending on several factors: the size of the company, the type of industry in which it operates, the size of advertising programme, the role of advertising in the company’s marketing mix, and most of all, the involvement of the firm’s top management in the advertising function. Company presidents and other top executives, who are naturally quite interested in how their company or product is portrayed, are often directly involved in advertising decisions. Sales and marketing personnel frequently provide input to the creative process, assist in choosing of advertising agency, and help evaluate proposed advertising programmes. Large companies may have a separate advertising department employing from one to several hundred people and headed by an advertising manager. These departments often resemble advertising agencies in structure and function. Creative people – artists, writers, and photographers – are employed by the advertising departments of large companies and by independent advertising agencies to produce the ads. Their work is coordinated by someone who takes responsibility for the entire campaign or product – perhaps a creative director or a product manager. Product engineers and designers often make recommendations about product features or provide information about competitive products. Similarly, administrative people in accounting and purchasing help determine appropriate budgets for the next campaign.





1. Would you like to make ads?

2. What personal qualities are necessary to become a good agent? What education does he need?

3. Have you ever dreamt of opening your own advertising agency?

4. What do you think are the good and bad parts of working in advertising?

5. What products (services, events) would you never advertise and why?

6. Advertising is an art.



Ex. 19. Mind the use of the words brand and make and the words trademark and logo.

They are not exactly the same in meaning.


Brand and make are very similar words and refer to the names of products.

Make tends to be used to refer to the name of the firm that produces the product. The product itself is usually one that requires assembly.

e. g. Indesit is a make of washing machine.

Mercedes is a German make of car.

There are hundreds of makes of micro-computers.

Brand is not necessarily the name of the manufacturer. However, the expression brand name identifies a group of products sold by the same firm.

e. g Unilever markets many brands of washing powder and foodstuffs.

Сamel is a famous brand of cigarettes.

Miele is the brand name of a line of household appliances.

Trademark is the word or symbol that a manufacturer always uses on a product or range of products to distinguish them from others. It is usually registered and protected by law.

e. g. Coca-Cola and Coke are registered trademarks.

Logo is the symbol, design or special way of writing a company uses on its products, notepaper, advertisements, etc. This word is very similar to trademark. However, we would probably prefer the word logo when referring to an emblem or purely pictorial representation.


How important is branding?

Are there any brands you like and brands you dislike? Explain your feelings.

Ex.20. Read the article from The Marketer’s Guide and answer the questions:



By Peter Vane

I think that branding is the most important point your company can consider.

It’s not enough just to have everyone recognize your brand name or your logo. The best brand has a rational as well as emotional appeal, and speaks to your customer’s head as well as his or her heart. You want your brand to be something the customer knows is the best – and feels is the best too.

Today, everyone’s talking about iPods, and not just as musical devices. When young people talk about their iPods, you might think they’re talking about a best friend: “I’d never go anywhere without it!” Despite the number of me-too products designed to compete with the iPods, the original still has the largest market share. Why? Brand loyalty.

And remember, once you’ve inspired brand loyalty in your customers, you can’t betray them and change the story of your brand. Cadbury, for example, has a reputation for their chocolates. But when they introduced Cadbury’s soup, it failed. The problem was that the product was off-brand, and didn’t fit with the expectations people had about Cadbury’s products.

So remember that when you’re telling a story about your product, the story has to be consistent. Very few products live forever. But establish your brand, and people will remember it. When Apple introduces its next new idea, millions of people will be paying attention, ready to fall in love again.


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