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Прислівник - це частина мови, що вказує на ознаку дії або обставини, за яких вона відбувається. Прислівник відноситься до дієслова і показує як, коли, де і т.д. відбувається дія. У деяких прислівників ступені порівняння утворюють вищий ступень за допомогою суфікса -er і найвищий - за допомогою суфікса - est.
Прислівники, які закінчуються на -ly утворюють вищий ступінь за допомогою слова more i найвищий за допомогою слова most:
Cтупені порівняння прислівників quickly, slowly утворюються двома шляхами:
Деякі прислівники утворюють ступені порівняння не за правилами:
Exercise I. Join the following pairs of sentences using the conjunctions as... as. Use the adjective suggested. Make all the necessary changes.
Model: My watch keeps good time. So does Helen's, (accurate) My watch is as accurate as Helen's.
1. Thomas is very clever. So is his friend, (bright) 2. I'm twenty. So is my cousin, (old) 3. My room is 18 metres square. So is my sister-in-law's, (large) 4. I'm 167 centimetres tall. So is my friend, (tall). 5. My son is fond of noisy games. So is Peter's son. (noisy) 6. Jane is pretty. So is her sister, (attractive)
Exercise 2. Join the following parts of sentences using the construction not so... as. Begin your sentences with the subject of the second sentence. Make all the necessary changes.
Model: Volley-ball is popular. Tennis is not so popular. Tennis is not so popular as volley-ball.
1. My suit is new. Your coat is not new. 2. That lamp is bright. This lamp isn't so bright. 3. My brother is diligent. I'm not so diligent. 4. This book is interesting. That book isn't so interesting. 5. Her voice is deep. Ann's voice is not so deep. 6. Our flat is cosy. Your flat is not so cosy.
Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.
Model: Which is shorter: February or March? February is shorter than March.
1. Which is faster: an airplane or a ship? 2. Which is smaller: Europe or Asia? 3. Which is colder: April or May? 4. Which is bigger: Washington or New York? 5. Which is warmer: autumn or summer? 6. Which is easier: English or Russian? Exercise 4. Join the following sentences according to the patterns. Begin your sentence with the subject of the second sentence.
Model: November is cold. January is colder. January is much colder than November.
1. Her sister is pretty. Alice is prettier. 2. Your report is good. Your friend's report is better. 3. April is cool. March is cooler. 4. The daughter is beautiful. The mother is more beautiful. 5. His operas are famous. His songs are more famous. 6. My wireless is powerful. Your wireless is more powerful. 7. It's windy in April. It's more windy in March. 8. Handball is popular. Football is more popular. 9. You're tired. I'm more tired.
Exercise 5. Join the following sentences according to the model. Begin your sentence with the object of the first sentence.
Model: They are busy. I'm busier. They are less busy than I am.
1. Your room is cosy. Your brother's room is cosier. 2. Your essay is interesting. Mike's essay is more interesting. 3. May is sunny. June is sunnier. 4. My little girl is noisy. My son is noisier. Exercise 6. Join the following sentences according to the model. Begin your sentence with the subject of the first sentence and use the following antonyms:
better - worse more - less older - younger bigger - smaller more difficult – easier hotter - colder more - fewer lighter – heavier longer - shorter worse - better smaller - bigger
Model: My pen is good. Your pen is better. My pen is worse than yours.
1. My room is big. Your room is bigger. 2. I've got many relatives in Kyiv. You've got more relatives in Kyiv. 3. Your spelling is bad. My spelling is worse. 4. My aunt is old. Her husband is older. 5. I've much free time today. You've more free time today. 6. English is difficult. French is more difficult. 7. My bag is light. Your bag is lighter. 8. Our family is small. Your family is smaller. 9. It's hot in August. It's hotter in July. 10. The days in May are long. The days in June are longer.
Exercise 7. Fill the blanks with the conjunctions as...as, not so...as, than.
1. The bridges of London are... long... those in New York. 2. The climate of Ukraine is not... cold... that of Siberia. 3. The weather in early autumn is often... warm... in summer. 4. In winter days are shorter... nights. 5. Spring here is more pleasant... autumn. 6. The building of our school is... old... that of yours. 7. My friend is not... tall... I am. 8. You speak English... fast...I do. 9. Was it... frosty yesterday... it is today? 10. This book is not... interesting... that one. 11. Your room is... light... mine. 12. I have less spare time... my sister has. 13. The first-year students are going to take fewer examinations this term... we. 14. This year Peter has made more progress in his studies... he did last year. 15. Today Bess looks much better... she did yesterday.
Exercise 8. Write down the appropriate degree of adjectives and adverbs. 1. London is one of (large) cities in the world. 2. The Kremlin is (beautiful) part of Moscow. 3. This boy is (fat) than that one. 4. My brother is (tall) than my sister. 5. Where does your (old) brother live? 6. We heard (late) news over the radio. 7. Did you read his (late) novel? 8. This box is (heavy) of all. 9. Your test paper is (bad) than mine. 10. June is (good) month of the year. 11. Whose translation is (good)? 12. Our teacher lives in (far) part of the city. 13. Your hands are (big) than mine. 14. This street is (noisy). 15. Peter is (small) of the family. 15. She will get (thin) when she gets (old). 17. Your dress is (fashionable) of all. 18. She did the work (well) than my brother. 19. My grandfather is two years (old) than my grandmother. 20. His watch is 5 minutes (fast) than yours. 21. Where is (near) bus stop?
* the... the — чим... тим
The more we study, the more we know. The more we know, the more we forget. The more we forget, the less we know. The less we know, the less we forget. The less we forget, the more we know. So, why study?
Exercise 9. Answer the following questions.
1. Who is your best friend? 2. Which subject do you find most difficult? 3. What most interesting film did you see last? 4. What is more important for you: to know how to translate English texts or to be able to speak English? 5. Do you listen to the latest news every day? 6. Where is the nearest bus stop here? 7. Who is the best student in your group? 8. Is your friend as tall as you are? 9. What is the biggest city in the world? 10. What is the longest river in the world? 11. What is the highest mountain in the world? 12. Who works harder in your group? 13. What kind of sport is most useful? Is it running? 14. Can you run as fast as your friend? 15. What is the most beautiful underground (subway) in the world? 16. Is the traffic in the centre of Kyiv the busiest? 17. Who is the youngest in your group? 18. Which of you is the oldest? 19. Who studies better than you? 20. Who studies worse than you? 21. Which is the easiest subject for you? 22. Is mathematics more difficult for you than English? 23. Is English easier for you than German? 24. Are you as young as your friend? 25. Is chemistry as difficult as physics? 26. Who is the tallest in the group? 27. Who is the shortest in the group? 28. Which is the most interesting subject for you? 29. What is the quickest means of transport? 30. Is life easier (more difficult, more dangerous) now than it was some years ago? 31. Are we much more fortunate today?
Exercise 10. Translate into English
1. Вiн вищий за свого батька. 2. Ви старшi чи молодшi за вашого брата? 3. Наша вулиця бiльш тиха, нiж ваша. 4. Яка найвища гора у свiтi? 5. Англiйська мова не важча французької. 6. Липень — найжаркiший мiсяць року. 7. Де тут найближча зупинка метро? 8. Хто був кращим учнем у вашому класi? 9. Я прочитав також багато книг, як i ти. 10. Сьогоднi у нас менше роботи, нiж учора. 11. Фiльм не такий цiкавий, як книга. 12. Ця вулиця така ж довга, як i та. IЗ. Аня взяла найбiльше яблуко. 14. Моя кiмната не така свiтла, як ваша. 15. Це оповiдання цiкавiше, нiж оповiдання, що ви менi дали учора. 16. Лютий — найкоротший мiсяць року. 17. Це найцiкавiща книга у моїй бiблiотецi. 18. Сьогоднi жаркiше, нiж учора. 19. Цей диктант простіший за диктант, який ми писали учора. 20. Ця вулиця найдовша в мiстi. 21. Волга довша, нiж Днiпро. 22. Вiн старший за свого брата. 23. Наш будинок вище вашого будинку. 24. Його доповiдь була краща, нiж ваша. 25. Його кiмната поганiша за вашу. 26. Ваш диктант найкращий у класi, а диктант Петра — найгiрший.
Exercise 11. Choose the right word in the brackets.
1. My brother is five years... than I (older, elder). 2. He is the... in our family (oldest, eldest). 3. Have you read the... book of this poet (last, latest)? 4. We should get off at the... stop (next, nearest). 5. Where is the... department store (nearest, next)? 6. I think we'll continue our discussion... time (next, nearest). 7.... information is unnecessary (further, farther). 9. The... edition of this text-book is sold out (last, latest). Exercise 12. Translate into English
1. Чим швидше ви почнете завзято займатися англiйською мовою, тим бiльшого успiху ви досягнете. 2. Чим ранiше ми розпочнемо роботу, тим швидше ми її закiнчимо. 3. Чим бiльше я займаюсь цiєю проблемою, тим цiкавiшою вона менi здається. 4. Чим бiльше я слухаю цю пiсню, тим бiльше вона менi подобається. 5. Чим довше вiн говорив, тим сильнiше вiрили йому люди.
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