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Test 10. Fill in some, any, no, every.Содержание книги
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1. I’ve met ______ people, but I don’t have ______ real friends. 2. ‘Is there ______ petrol in the tank?’ ‘Yes, there must be ______ left.’ 3. I’m sorry but there are ______ cookies left. 4. Have you ______ idea what time it is? 5. She had ______ games, but she didn’t have ______ computer games. 6. ‘Have you got ______ matches?’ ‘Yes, I think I’ve got ______ in my pocket.’ 7. I can’t talk to you now. I’ve got ______ time. 8. Could you give me ______ examples? 9. I see him at work almost ______ day. 10. Everything was correct. There were ______ mistakes. 11. We get ______ letters from her month. 12. There weren’t ______ potatoes left. 13. There were ______ tomatoes left. 14. Would you like ______ milk? 15. I’d like to ask you for ______ advice. 16. Her car wasn’t ______ better than ours. 17. ______ of the information has already been used. 18. ______ country has a national flag. 19. It hasn’t made ______ difference. 20. ______ child can learn to read and write.
Test 11. Fill in some, any, no, every or their compounds. 1. Is there ______ meat in the fridge? 2. There isn’t ______ fish, either. 3. Can I have ______ coffee, please? 4. Take ______ book you would like to read. 5. She said ______ but I didn’t understand it. 6. He went to the shop but he didn’t buy ______. 7. There is ______ in the box. It’s empty. 8. I can do this job alone. I don’t need ______ to help me. 9. They’ve got ______ cheese but they haven’t got ______ bread. 10. I’m looking for my keys. Has ______ seen them? 11. ______ has taken my camera. I can’t find it. 12. He hasn’t got ______ eggs to make an omelette. 13. I heard a noise. There is ______ in the cupboard. 14. Look! ______ is sitting at the train station, waiting for a train! 15. ______ knows anything about her concert. 16. There was ______ selling tickets near the hall. 17. ______ Is in the room? 18. ______ student has to obey school regulations. 19. ‘Have you got ______ to tell me?’ ‘No, really’. 20. I walk with my friend’s dog ______ Sunday.
Test 12. Fill in some, any, no, every or their compounds. 1. There’s ______ milk in that jug. It’s empty. 2. She wanted ______ stamps but there weren’t ______ in the machine. 3. I’m afraid there isn’t ______ coffee left. 4. Is there ______ here who speaks Italian? 5. I’d like to buy ______ clothes but I haven’t got ______ money. 6. Would you like ______ juice? 7. She put her handbag down ______ and now she can’t find it. 8. Haven’t you got ______ friends in London? 9. We had to walk home because there was ______ bus. 10. Does ______ want a cup of tea? 11. I’ve looked ______ for my passport, but I can’t find it ______. 12. Come and have supper with us if you aren’t doing ______ tonight. 13. Are there ______ letters for me? 14. I’d like to make ______ friends, but I haven’t met _________ young people yet. 15. Jane is getting married to ______ she met on holiday. 16. Tommy is so nice. ______ likes him. 17. I can’t talk to you now. I’ve got ______ time. 18. I don’t know ______ about economics. 19. The accident looked serious but fortunately ______ was injured. 20. I am hungry. I want ______ to eat.
Test 13. Fill in some, any, no, every or their compounds.
1. I did Exercise 1 without ______ help. 2. ‘Would you like ______ more mineral water?’ ‘I don’t want ______ more.’ 3. It was a public holiday, so there were ______ shops open. 4. My sister never has ______ trouble learning foreign languages. 5. This evening I’m going out with ______ friends of mine. 6. When we were on holiday, we went to the beach ______ day. 7. Why don’t you ask your father to lend you ______ money? I haven’t got ______. 8. Does ______ want a game of tennis? 9. What’s that smell? Is ______ burning?
10. I asked if ______ wanted an ice-cream, but ______ did, so I just bought one for myself. 11. Did ______ phone me while I was out? 12. Your face looks terribly familiar. I’m sure I have seen you ______ before. 13. She left the room without saying ______. 14. This doesn’t look a very nice restaurant. Can we go ______ else? 15. I have ______ more to say to you. Goodbye. 16. I have never been ______ more beautiful than Scotland. 17. ‘What do you want for supper?’ ‘ ______. I don’t mind.’ 18. It was Sunday, and the town was deserted. ______ was in the streets, and ______ was open. 19. ‘Who was at the party?’ ‘ ______. Pete, Anna, James, Kathy, all the Smiths, Sally Beams and Sally Rogers.’ 20. ‘Where do you want to go on holiday?’ ‘______ hot. I don’t care if it’s Greece, Spain, Italy or the Sahara, but it’s got to be hot.’ NUMERALS Test 1. What is the next number? Write it out in words.
1. 2, 4, 6, ______. 11. 10, 20, 30, ______. 21. 21, 24, 27, ______. 2. 7, 8, 9, ______. 12. 20, 40, 60, ______. 3. 2, 5, 8, ______. 13. 30, 60, 90, ______. 22. 31, 33, 35, ______. 4. 11, 13, 15, ______. 14. 60, 70, 80, ______. 23. 47, 48, 49, ______. 5. 3, 6, 9, ______. 15. 100, 200, 300, ______. 6. 4, 8, 12, ______. 16. 90, 80, 70, ______. 24. 53, 54, 55, ______. 7. 5, 10, 15, ______. 17. 3, 2, 1, ______. 8. 16, 15, 14, ______. 18. 0, 1, 2, ______. 25. 64, 63, 62, ______. 9. 13, 15, 17, ______. 19. 70, 80, 90, ______. 10. 20, 18, 16, ______. 20. 10, 30, 50, ______. 26. 77, 76, 75, ______. 27. 88, 89, 90, ______. 28. 100, 99, 98, ______. 29. 25, 50, 75, ______. 30. 15, 30, 45, ______.
Test 2. Write the following cardinal and ordinal numbers.
3, 4, 9, 11, 19, 30, 41, 42, 74, 85, 99, 100, 510, 900, 999, 1000, 2537, 5200, 10000, 1000000
Test 3. Use the ordinal numbers.
1. This is page one. This is the ______ page. 2. This is flat five. This is the ______ flat. 3. Where is chapter ten? Where is the ______ chapter? 4. He doesn’t remember page 20. He doesn’t remember the ______ page. 5. Book two is about travelling. The ______ book is about travelling. 6. He doesn’t understand lesson nine. He doesn’t understand the ______ lesson. 7. What picture is on page 21? What picture is on the ______ page? 8. She lives on floor eleven. She lives on the ______ floor. 9. Let’s talk about chapter eight. Let’s talk about the ______ chapter. 10. What is the date on page one hundred and one? What is the date on the ______ page? ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS Test 1. Write the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives.
1. cold – 6. comfortable – 11. new — 2. big – 7. easy – 12. expensive — 3. wonderful – 8. fat – 13. hungry — 4. happy – 9. bad – 14. hot — 5. good – 10. nice – 15. little —
Test 2. Write the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives.
1. cheap – 6. red – 11. difficult — 2. far – 7. noisy – 12. few — 3. hot – 8. terrible – 13. old — 4. cheerful – 9. late – 14. sleepy — 5. pretty – 10. bad – 15. thin —
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