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atha kadācit kaścid vṛṣala-patir bhadra-kālyai puruṣa-paśum ālabhatāpatya-kāmaḥ.


yadā tu parata āhāraṁ karma-vetanata īhamānaḥ sva-bhrātṛbhir api kedāra-karmaṇi nirūpitas tad api karoti kintu na samaṁ viṣamaṁ nyūnam adhikam iti veda kaṇa-piṇyāka-phalī-karaṇa-kulmāṣa-sthālīpurīṣādīny apy amṛtavad abhyavaharati.

Wanting food from taking wages for work from others, and thus engaged by his brothers in farm work, he did the work, but did not recognize level or uneven soil, less or more. He ate grains of rice, oil cakes, chaff, wormy beans, and rice burned at the bottom of the pots as if it were nectar.

When he wanted food from wages, then his brothers engaged him. They thought, “If we engage others all day in work and give only food, we can engage him in the same way without getting a bad name.” They engaged him in wallowing in the mud. He did not understand that by scattering the dirt, the field would become level, and that by digging it up, the field would become uneven. Piṇyāka is the remainder after a machine takes oil from the sesame seed. Phalī-karaṇa is chaff. Kulmāṣa is bean eaten by worms. Sthālīpūrīṣa is the burnt remnants on the pots. This type of food was given by his brothers.

|| 5.9.12 ||

atha kadācit kaścid vṛṣala-patir bhadra-kālyai puruṣa-paśum ālabhatāpatya-kāmaḥ.

At one time, the leader of the thieves, desiring a son, started a sacrifice with a human being as an offering to Bhadra Kālī.

Vṛṣala-patiḥ means a leader of śūdras or thieves. Alābata means that he began to sacrifice.

|| 5.9.13 ||

tasya ha daiva-muktasya paśoḥ padavīṁ tad-anucarāḥ paridhāvanto niśi niśītha-samaye tamasāvṛtāyām anadhigata-paśava ākasmikena vidhinā kedārān vīrāsanena mṛga-varāhādibhyaḥ saṁrakṣamāṇam aṅgiraḥ-pravara-sutam apaśyan.

The sacrificial human of the leader of the thieves had escaped by chance and his followers were pursuing his path in the night. Not catching him, at midnight, covered by darkness, they suddenly saw the son of the Aṅgira brāhmaṇa, who was protecting the fields from wild boars and deer, seated on a raised platform.

The sacrificial human had by chance escaped. Bharata was seated on a platform in the field (vīrāsanena).


|| 5.9.14 ||


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