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sa eṣa yarhi prakṛter


sa eṣa yarhi prakṛter

guṇeṣv abhiviṣajjate


kartāsmīty abhimanyate


When the jīva, in waking and dream state, becomes absorbed in the guṇas of prakṛti, bewildered by ego, he thinks that he is the doer.

Two verses describe saṁsāra due to false identity. This takes place during waking and dream states.



|| 3.27.3 ||

tena saṁsāra-padavīm

avaśo 'bhyety anirvṛtaḥ

prāsaṅgikaiḥ karma-doṣaiḥ


Unwillingly, the joyless jīva treads the path of material birth and death by faulty action arising from association with prakṛti, receiving birth in bodies of mixed happiness and suffering.


He undergoes saṁsāra by faulty action arising from association with prakṛti (prāsaṅikaiḥ).



|| 3.27.4 ||

arthe hy avidyamāne 'pi

saṁsṛtir na nivartate

dhyāyato viṣayān asya

svapne 'narthāgamo yathā


Though actions do not actually exist for the jīva, material life does not cease because he meditates on sense objects think himself a doer. It is like the experience of unreal actions in a dream.


How does the jīva end up bound by karma created by his bodies, even though he actually performs no action, since the jīva is not the doer nor has means of doing anything?  Even though action (arthe) does not really exist, the jīva meditates on sense objects by misconceiving himself as a doer. An example is given. It is just like a dream, in which unreal objects become experienced, because of intense thought of objects or actions a person identifies with.


|| 3.27.5 ||

ata eva śanaiś cittaṁ

prasaktam asatāṁ pathi

bhakti-yogena tīvreṇa

viraktyā ca nayed vaśam


Therefore, gradually one should bring under control the mind attached to the path of material objects by strong bhakti and yoga, accompanied by disgust for material life.


Since meditation on objects is the cause of action, the mind must be controlled. That is stated in this verse. Bhakti-yoga is a dvandva compound meaning bhakti and yoga. By strong bhakti and yoga one should bring the mind under control.


|| 3.27.6 ||


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