Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Exercise 10. Write 5 sentences about things which have just happend. Examples: We have just done exercise 9.

ШИТ 8.

The Continuous Tenses.

to be + Participle I





I am + playing


sne is + playing




you are + playing



I he was + play-

she  ing




you were + play-

thev ing


I shall be + playing he she will be + play-it     ing

we shall be + play-



they will be + play-


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Exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Use am /is /are.

1. Listen! Helen ... playing the piano.

2. They ... building a new hotel in the city centre now.

3. Look! Somebody ... swimming in the river.

4. The children ... doing their homework at the moment.

5. Don't go out now. It ... raining.

6. "Where are you, Ann?" "In the kitchen. I ... cooking a meal".

7. "... you watching TV?" - "No, I ... not."

8. "What ... the girls doing?" - "They ... playing in the garden."

9. Please don't make so much noise. My brother ... study­ing.


10. Nick is in England now. He ... learning English.

11. Can you hear those people? What ... they talking about?

12. That machine ... not working. It broke down this mor­ning.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

l.Are you sitting in the laboratory?

2. Are you looking at the blackboard?

3. Are you writing notes?

4. Are you thinking about your lesson?

5. What are you thinking about?

6. What are you looking at?

7. Who is sitting to the left of you?

8. Who is sitting to the right of you?

9. What are you doing now?

10, What lesson are you having now?

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Exercise 3. What's happening at the moment? Write true sentences. Example: I/wash/my hair.

- I am not washing my hair now.

1. It / snow. -

2. I / sit / on a chair. -

3. He /learn / English. -

4. My mother / listen / to the radio. -

5. the sun / shine /. -

6. I / smoke / a cigarette. -

7. We / read / a newspaper. -


8. I / wear / shoes. -

9. They / eat / apples. -


10. We / have / dinner. -

11. I / watch / TV. -

12. The telephone /ring. -

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions. Say what people were doing at the time mentioned. Example 1: What were you doing yesterday morning? (to have an English lesson). -Yesterday morning I was having an English lesson.

1. What was Fred doing at 7.30 this morning? (to get ready for the trip).

2. What were the children doing all Sunday afternoon? (to


3. What was your daughter doing at 8 last night? (to watch


4. What were your family doing the whole Saturday? (to

sunbathe on the bank of the river).

5. What were Peter and John doing in the afternoon? (to
  play football).

6. What was your friend doing at 2 today? (to write a let­

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7. What were you and your groupmates doing all the mor­ning? (to file the programme on the disc).

8. What was Mary doing when you. rang her up? (to have bre­akfast).

9. What were the girls doing when the teacher came in? (to discuss the latest news).

10. What was Jack doing in the library in the morning? (to get ready for the report).

Example 2: What were you doing on Sunday when it was raining? (to get ready for my lecture). - When it was raining I was getting ready for my lecture.

1. What were you doing while your children were doing the­ir homework? (to work at my report).

2. What was Henry looking through while you were talking to the chief? (to look through the prospect).

3. What were they listening to when we came in? (light mu­sic).

4. What was Jimmy reading while he was waiting for you? (a magazine),

5. What was your wife listening to while she was cooking dinner? (the concert).

6. What was your son doing on the bank while you Were
• swimming? (to play tennis with Jack).

7. What were they doing when it was snowing yesterday? (to drive home).

8. Who were you waiting for while I was having a talk with the professor? (to wait for his secretary).

9. Who was discussing the plans for the coming week-end when George returned home? (his parents).

10. What was Mr. Wilson doing when 1 entered the classroom? (to answer the questions).

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Exercise 5. Are you going to do these things tomorrow?

Example: To buy a car. - 1 am not going to buy a car or I am going to buy a car.

1. To get up at 6.30.   7. To buy some books.

2. To have lunch.                          8. To write a report.

3. To watch TV in the morning. 9. To phone you tonight.

4. To cook a meal.                       10. To play the piano.

5. To ride a bicycle.  11. To pass an exam.

6. To visit me again.   12. To lend you money.

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences. Use to be going to +

one of these verbs: Example: My hair is dirty. I am going to wash it.

watch rain lie leave eat walk give pass study rain

1. I don't want to go home by bus. I ...

2. John's university course begins in October. He ....


3. Take an umbrella with you. It ...

4. I'm hungry. I..... this sandwich.

5. It's Peter's birthday next week. We ....  him a pre-


6. I feel tired. I.... down for an hour.

7. Carol is very busy now. She.... an examination.

8. The sky is overcast. It .....

9. There is a very interesting TV programme tonight. We ... ... it.

10. It is 8.00. Tom.... his house at 8.15.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences.

1. "Can you help me for a minute?" "I'm sorry, I ... (work / am working)


2. How many languages ...? (do you speak / are you spea­king)

3. "What ... ?" "I am looking at the weather forecast". (do you do / are you doing).

4. "What time ... ?" "At seven o'clock, usually" (do you get up / are you getting up)

5. Pete ... football most weekends. (plays / is playing)

6. "What ... ?" "Chocolate" (do you eat / are you eating)

7. "Have you got a cigarette?" "Sorry, I ..." (don't smoke / am not smoking)

8. I usually ... on Saturdays. (work / am working)

9. "Is John here?" "No, he ... tennis (plays / is playing)


The Perfect Tenses.

Глаголы в формах Perfect указывают, что действие за­кончено или будет закончено к определенному моменту в нас­тоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени.

Формулы образования и сводная таблица.



Perfect Active to have + Participle II


Perfect Passive to have + been + Parti­ciple II




He has received a letter

Он получил письмо.

He had received a letter by the evening yesterday.

Он получил письмо вчера к вечеру.

The letter has been receiv­ed Письмо получено.

The letter had been receiv­ed by the evening yester­day.

Письмо было получено вчера к вечеру.

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He will have received a letter by the evening tommorow

Он получит письмо завтра к вечеру.

The letter will have been

received by the evening


 Письмо будет получено

завтра к вечеру.


Exercise 1. Point out the verbs in the Perfect Tenses.

1. a) are working, b) worked, c) has been worked

2. a) turn, b) were turning, c) has turned

3. a) will have mentioned,  b) mentions, c) will mention

4. a) will be installed, b) had installed, c) was installed

5. a) are added, b) will be added, c) has added

6. a) was discovered, b) has been discovered, c) discovered

7. a) are coming, b) will come, c) had come

8. a) had been offered, b) offered, c) shall offer

9. a) is translating, b) have translated, c) has been


10. a) makes, b) will be made, c) will have been made

Exercise 2. Choose the sentences in the Perfect Tenses and translate them.

1. They have carried out the plan successfully.

2. The plan has to be carried out.

3. The group will have carried out the plan by the 1-st of November.

4. The plan has been carried out.
5. The plan is being carried out.

6. The plan had been carried out by the 1-st of November.

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Exercise 3. Translate the sentences using the dictionary.

1. He has entered the Institute this year.

2. He has already returned to Moscow.

3. I have passed my examinations successfully.

4. I have attended lectures on history since January.

5. They have, not got any good results.

6. The new equipment had already been installed in the la­boratory when the delegation arrived.

7. He has never been there.

8. They had not checked the results of the experiments.

9. They will have done the research before the beginning of the experiment.


10. The experiment had been completed by the end of the last month.

11. He will have done his lessons by 6 o'clock.

12. He has been offered a very interesting job.

13. All necessary information had been stored in the compu­ter.

14. He has lived in Tyumen since 1965.

Exercise 4. Ask the questions in the way shown. Example: I have lost my key. Have I lost my key?

1. Peter has left his book at home.

2. This writer has lived in England for a long time.

3. i have told you the answer to the question.

4. The teacher has corrected his homework.

5. They had done the work well.

6. 1 have written a letter home.

7. Alex has read this book.

8. 1 have smoked 10 cigarrettes today.

9. He has just left for the University.

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Exercise 5. Make negative sentences using the statements in Exercise 4. Example: I have lost my key.

I have not lost my key.

Exercise 6. Change the verbs in these sentences from Past Simple into Present Perfect. Example: I recognized Mr. Johnson.

I have recognized Mr. Johnson.

1. I read the book.

2. He wrote a new book.

3. He told me the answer to my question.

4. They went away with their friends.

5. The students wrote some short stories.

6. We saw a play by Shaw.

7. We spoke about the play before.

8. John left his book at home.

9. All the students left their books at home.

Exercise 7. Put the verbs that are in brackets into the Fu­ture Perfect Tense. Example: When they get there the film (start) already. When they get there the film will have alrea­dy started.

1. By half-past seven we (have) supper.

2. I (finish) my woFk before you go away.

3. By this time next week you (take) your examinations.

4. When we see you next week we (buy) a new car.

5. He (finish) the building of the house before summer.

6. We (leave) your house before it gets dark.

7. By the end of the year I (read) two books of Essential  English.

8. The dance party (start) before we get there.

9. The birds (fly) away before the winter comes.

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10. I hope you (not forget) all about the Future Perfect Tense by the next lesson.

Exercise 8. Put in the right tense: Past Simple, Past Per­fect, Persent Perfect or Present Simple.

1. I ... John yesterday (saw / have seen).

2. Did you? I ... him for weeks (didn't see / haven't se­en).

3. I ... Mary since 1975 (know /have known).

4. I think I ... her very well (know / have known).

5. ... to India? (Have you ever been/Did you ever go).

6. How long ... that watch? (have you had / did you have / do you have).

7. John ... a new car two weeks ago (bought / has bought).

8. Molly lives in Dublin. She ... there all her life (li­ves / has lived / lived).

9. John and Mary are married. They ... for 10 years (are married / have been married / were married).


10. I ... tennis when I was on holiday last summer (didn't play / hadn't play).

11. The woman was a complete stranger to me. I ... her be­fore (didn't ever see / hadn't ever seen).

Exercise 9. Put in since, foror ago.

1. We've lived in London ... eight years.

2. I've only known her ... yesterday.

3. I entered the Institute three years ....

4. She's been a teacher ... fifteen years.

5. It's been raining ... three days.

6. I first went to the USA about seven years ....

7. Mary phoned a few minutes ... .

8. I haven't seen her ... weeks.

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9. I haven't visited them ... June.
10. He hasn't smoked ... two years.


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