Example 2:  There will be a lecture on physics tomor-    row. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Example 2:  There will be a lecture on physics tomor-    row.




ТЮМЕНСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Кафедра иностранных языков естественнонаучных факультетов


Тюмень 1996

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка, предназначен для студентов I курса естественнонаучных фа­культетов. Он включает 11 грамматических тем: "Глагол to be", "Глагол to have", "Структура There + be", "The Prono­un", "Degrees of Comparison", "Modal Verbs and Their Equi­valents", "The Indefinite Tenses", "The Continuous Tenses", "The Perfect Tenses", "The Passive Voice", "Interrogative


Сборник не ставит своей задачей изложение грамматичес­ких правил, т.к. имеется достаточное количество учебников по грамматике английского языка, рассчитанных на учащихся с различной подготовкой. Авторы предлагают таблицы, иллюстри­рующие грамматические правила, которые, несомненно, окажут помощь при выполнении упражнений. Даны образцы выполнения заданий. Может использоваться на практических занятиях и при выполнении самостоятельных работ.


Глагол to be The Present Indefinite (Simple) Tense.







am a teacher

am not a teacher

Am I a teacher?


a student





is not a student

Is she a student?


a book

(isn't) a book

it a book?



 are not



are students


Are you students?



 (aren't) i


The Past Indefinite (Simple) Tense.


Составители: Елесина М.А., Латфуллина И. Д., Мельникова Л.В., Перцевая В.В., Похожаева Г.Г., Сады-кова Л.Ю., Фомина Е.В.

Ответственный за выпуск: Латфуллина И.Д.














 at the club

 was yesterday.

on the table


at the club was not yesterday. (wasn't)

on the table

I at the 

Was he club yes-

she terday?

it on the 








in the count-

 were ry last week



were not in the country (weren't) last week

we in the Were you country they last


- 2 -

The Future Indefinite (Simple) Tense.











shall be at the

library tomorrow

shall not (shan't)

be at the library tomorrow. 

Shall I be at the

library tomorrow?


at home

will not be at

he at home


will be at 5

home at 5

    at 5




(won't) be on the

Will she be o'clock?    it on the


on the desk




shall be at the

shall not(shan't)

Shall we be at the


library tomorrow

be at the library tomorrow 

library tomorrow?              


at home

will not be at 

you at home


will be at 5

home at 5

Will be at 5




(won't)be o'clock

they o'clock?


ise 1. Say the

same sentences abo

ut persons or sub-

Exercise 1. Say the same sentences about persons or sub­jects given in brackets: Example: I am here (my dog, parents, Nick)

My dog is here.

My parents are here.

Nick is here. 1. I am late (he, my friend, they). 2. He is good at langu­ages (you, Mary, I). 3. She is from Canada (Dick, they, you). 4. I am Russian (we, Kate, he). 5. They are pleased with their travelling (I, he, they). 6. She is cold (you, I, my cat). 7. I am fond of music (my friend, my parents, you). 8. We are at home (my dog, I, my sisters). 9. My sis­ter is afraid of mice (I, girls, we). 10. He is busy (teac­hers, I, a boy). 11. We are proud of our library (I, she, my parents). 12. They are going to travel (I, my brother,

- 3 -

my friends). 13. I am happy (she, you, Nancy). 14. He is free (I, my father, they). 15. I am tired (my mother, you,

my dog).

Exercise 2. Say what was in past and will be in future using the words given in brackets: Example: a) I am here (a year ago). I was here a year ago.

b) I am free (in a week) I'll be free in a week 1. My friend is fond of collecting post-cards (some years ago). 2. They are pleased with their travelling (last sum­mer). 3. Our teacher is always busy (yesterday). 4. I am go­od at mathematics (when I was a pupil). 5. She is a student (next year). 6. We are free (on Monday). 7. The girl is af­raid of darkness (when she was a child). 8. I am happy (when I met him). 9. Our dean is at his office (in ten mi­nutes). 10. We are at home (at three o'clock). 11. My fri­ends are pupils (two years ago). 12. My Father is a good driver (when he buys a car). 13. Our new building is very nice (in a year). 14. Her mother is a teacher (some years ago). 15. She is busy (tomorrow).

Exercise 3. Express doubt or surprise using the word "real­ly". Give short answers. Example: You are late.

- Am I really late?

- Yes, you are.

A. 1. He is at home now. 2. She is absent today. 3. I am very busy today. 4. She is fond of football. 5. My friend is pleased with his work. 6. The English students are here. 7. My friend is good at natural sciences. 8. You are on du­ty todav. 9. Dick is from Brasil. 10. We are going to work

- 4 -

in the language laboratory. 11. These people are English. 12. Our lab is well-equipped. 13. You are free. 14. I am afraid of darkness. 15. His work is well-done. 16. My brot­her is poor at languages. 16. The film is worth seeing. B. Example: I was late for a lesson yesterday.

Were you really late for a lesson yester­day?

Yes, I was. 1. The famous scientist was absent at the conference. 2. She was unwell yesterday. 3. The students were present at the meeting. 4. He was interested in the history of this place when he studied at school. 5. My cousin was in London last year. 6. I was going to enter the faculty of Law two years ago. 7. My mother was free yesterday. 8. He was very busy last week. 9. They were from England. 10. My friend was angry with me. 11. She was poor at English at school. 12. Kate was afraid of darkness at her childhood. 13. He was glad to see me. 14. The dean was at his office yester­day.

C. Example: I shall (I'll) be late for a lecture to­morrow.

- Will you really be late for a lecture?

- Yes, I shall.

1. I shall be a teacher, after qraduating from the Univer­sity. 2. You will be on duty tomorrow. 3. He will be in London in some days. 4. Mary will be at home at 5 o'clock. 5. We shall be ready for the lecture. 6. The dean will be at his office in some minutes. 7. The teacher will be angry if we don't come. 8. This laboratory will be well-equipped next year. 9. I shall be free in two days. 10 The weather will be fine tomorrow. 11. They will be late for a bus if they don't hurry. 12. I shall be eighteen in a week.

- 5 –

Exercise 4. Disagree with . the following statements using the phrases "you are not right", "you are wrong", "you are mistaken" and the words in brackets.

A. Example: You are late (in time).

You are wrong. I am not late. I am in time. 1. He is French (English). 2. Your sister is afraid of dogs (mice). 3. Dick is fond of classical music (pop-music). 4. My brother is angry with me (his friend). 5. Your sister is at home now (at the library). 6. You are good at languages (at natural sciences). 7. They are busy today (free). 8. Nick is going to Canada (the USA). 9. You are cold (warm). 10. He is here (at home). 11. You are on duty today (Pete). 12. They are from London (Liverpool). 13. She is interested in informatics (in physics). 14. I am late for the meeting (just in time).

B. Example: He was at home yesterday (at the Universi-


No, you're wrong. He wasn't at home, he was at the University yesterday. 1. These students are from the USA (Great Britain). 2. Your sister was good at English at school (at literature). 3. You were at home yesterday (at the library). 4. The dictio­nary was on the table (on the shelf). 5. He was fond of de­tective stories (historical novels). 6. Your parents were in England last year (in France). 7. She was free last week (busy). 8. They were pleased with the results of their work (the equipment). 9. He was late for the English lesson (for the lecture). 10. The dean was at his office (at the labo­ratory).

С Example: He will be at home at 5 o'clock.

You're mistaken. He won't be at home, he will be at the meeting at 5 o'clock. 1. He will be a teacher after graduating from the Universi-

- 6 -

- 7 -


ty (a scientific worker). 2. They will be busy tomorrow (free). 3. It will be hot on Sunday (cool). 4. He will be here in ten minutes (in the reading hall). 5. I shall be on duty tomorrow (Dick). 6. They will be in London in some da­ys (in Glasgow). 7. This lecturer will be present at my lecture (at her lecture). 8. She will be sorry. 9. Nick will be absent at the conference (present). 10. The dictio­nary will be on the shelf (on the desk). 11. Your friend will be late for the lecture (in time). 12. The child will be sleepy at such a late time.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with to be.
1. My family ... not large. 2.There ... five people in the
room. 3. My mother ... a doctor. 4. My father ... a very
busy man. 5. My parents ... always busy. 6. My sister...
nine years old. 6. She ... a nice girl. 7. I ... a student
now. 8. Last year I ... a pupil. 9. I ... fond of natural
sciences but my friend ... interested in history. 10. I  ...
good at English when I ... a pupil. 11. My parents ... from
Tobolsk. 12. Next week they ... going to Tobolsk. 13. They
..... there in a week. 14. We....... at home tomorrow.

Exercise 6. Give first short, then full answers. He's a student. What about you? A. Example: So am I. I'm a student, too ( I'm also a student.

We are in the classroom. What about them? So are they. They're in the classroom, too).

They're also in the classroom. 1. She's a typist. What about Mary? 2.. You're an engineer. What about him? 3. He is fond of pop-music. What about his friend? 4. They are absent. What about Nelly? 5. He's busy today. What about them? 6. Your brother is good at mathema-

tics. What about you? 7. You are afraid of darkness. What about your sister? 8. He's often late for the lessons. What about her? 9. She is at home now. What about her parents? 10. He's pleased with his job. What about you? 11. They're in the laboratory. What about the teacher? 12. He's angry with me. , What about his friend? 13. He's away. What about his wife? 14. They're businessmen. What about you? B. Give first short, then full negative answers. Example: She isn't a student. What about you?

Neither am I. I'm not a student either. We aren't doctors. What about them? Neither are they. (They're not doctors either). 1. I'm not a clerk. What about Pete? 2. She isn't a teach­er. What about her sister? 3. We aren't fond of sports. What about them? 4. He isn't in the laboratory. What about his girl-friend? 5. I'm not a pupil. What about him? 6. I'm not angry (with you). What about you? 7. She isn't busy. What about her parents? 8. They aren't in the laboratory. What about her? 9. She isn't good at languages. What about her boy-friend?  10. Dick isn't late for his lessons. What about you? 11. The dean isn't at the office now. What about his secretary? 12. I am not fond of pop-music. What about you?

Exercise 7. Say it in English.

Example: I'm no longer your friend.

1. Я больше не дежурный.

2. Я больше не школьник.

3. Она уже (больше) не болеет.

4. Она больше не боится темноты.

5. Мы больше не опаздываем.

6. Они больше не увлекаются спортом.

7. Он больше ни сердится на вас.

- 8 -

8. Она больше не хочет спать.

9. Я больше не интересуюсь детективами.

Exercise 8. Say it in English.

Я - студент(-ка) первого курса. Я - из маленького го­родка. Мои родители - учителя. Мой отец всегда очень занят. Моей сестре - двенадцать лет. Я увлекаюсь музыкой и спор­том. Моя сестра увлекается поп-музыкой. Она не интересуется классической музыкой. Мне хорошо дается математика, а моя сестра способна к языкам, но ей не дается математика: Мои родители сейчас дома. Я - в этом большом городе сейчас, Я никогда не опаздываю на занятия. Я собираюсь стать матема­тиком (физиком, химиком, биологом, географом).


Структура There + be


 There is






pen   chalk

in my hand 

on the blackboad

 There are







on the table   



 There is

 There are


soap   pencils

 in the bathroom

 in my bag

There isn't


a any



in that room on the shelf


There aren't



in this book

- 9 -


is there

a picture

on the wall?





any chalk

in the class-












Are there

any students

in room ten?











What is there in your beg? What's there on that shelf? How many pencils are there          on the desk?  

 There is a note-book there  There are some books there

 There are six

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with suitable noun-phrases:

a dean's office; a computer; a lot of stu­dents; English - Russian dictionaries; a lot of snow; a few exams; many historical places; a meeting; old houses; a library; not much furniture; modern conviniences; journals; Eng­lish classes.

1. There is _  on the second floor. 2. There are __  in

the corridor. 3. There is __ in the classroom. 4.There are

_  in the bookcase. 5. There are _  in our town. 6. There

are __  in the library. 7. There was _  on the ground last

winter. 8. There were __ last week. 9. There was___ at

our University. 10. There will be _  this spring. 11. The­
re were__ in this street. 12. There is ___  in the room.

13. There are all__ in our house. 14. There is _  on the

first floor of this building.

Exercise 2. Ask questions to get information. Use the words in brackets. Example 1: There are (were) many churches in this town

(your town)

- 10 –

- Are-

there many churches in your town? Were- A: 1. There is a fine picture gallery in our town (in your place). 2. There is a bus-stop near the department store (in the next street). 3. There are a lot of bridges over the Thames (the Tura). 4. There are a lot of monuments in Tobolsk (In your town). 5. There were a lot of old buil­ dings in our town some years ago (in this street). 6. There is a church in this street (in some other place). 7. There is a computer - class on the ground floor (a dean's offi­ ce). 8. There are a lot of English - Russian dictionaries in our library (in the reading-hall). 9. There were many flowers in our garden last summer (your garden). 10. There are some interesting articles in this newspaper (in this journal). 11. There was a concert after a meeting (dance). 12. There was a lot of snow in January last winter (in Feb­ ruary). 13. There are twelve faculties at our Institute (at the University). 14. There was much work to do yesterday (a week ago). 15. There were many rainy days in August (last summer).                                                                                        


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