The Present Indefinite (Simple) Tenses. 

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The Present Indefinite (Simple) Tenses.



He was to attend the seminar. Он должен был присут­ствовать на семина­ре.


Обозначает действие, которое дол-жно было совершиться, но в действи­тельности не имело места. They were to have met. Они должны были встре­титься (но не встретились)

модальные глаголы, выражакще вероятность, предшлошше



С неопределенной формой инфинитива

С перфектной формой инфинитива


Выражает вероят-ность

Не must be working now.

Он, должно быть, (вероятно) сейчас работает. You must be tired after your work. Вы, должно быть, (вероятно) устали после работы.

He must have been working for some hours Он, должно быть, (вероятно) работает уже несколько часов. Не must have finished his work. Он, должно быть, (вероятно) закончил свою работу.



Не should be about 40.

The train ought to have left.


Выражает вероят-ность, предполо­жение.

Ему, наверное, 

около 40.

Не ought to be at


Он, должно быть,


Поезд, должно быть,уже ушел.


Выражает сомне­ние (обычно с отрицанием).

Не can't(couldn't) have said it. He может быть, чтобы он сказал это.



Выражает предпо-ложение с оттен-ком неувереннос­ти.

Не may be working


Возможно, он

работает сейчас.

Не may be at home


0н, возможно, дома


Не may have left the key on the table. 0н, возможно, оставил ключ на столе.

Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

1. She can play chess.

2. I could find these data only yesterday.

3. Soon he'll be able to speak English.

4. It cannot be done.

5. Can you hear this strange noise?

6. I cannot but agree with you.

7. You can prepare the report by March.

8. Can you correct his mistakes?

9. She couldn't sleep that night.

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10. They cannot phone us from there.

11. I looked everywhere for the book but couldn't find it.

12. My grandmother loved music. She could play the piano very well.

Exercise 2. Ask someone if he or she can do or can't do these things. Let them answer. Example: Can you play chess?

 Yes, I can /No, I can't. Play piano, paint, swim quickly, play guitar, cook cocktails, jump, knit, speak Spain (French, Serman) draw, write a report in English, translate from Italian, play fo­otball (voleyball, basketball), sing, dance, sew, go abro­ad.

Exercise 3. Say the same using can.

1. I'm able to help you.

2. He is unable to wake up so early.

3. You have a possibility to prepare the report by Septem­ber.

4. We are unable to wait for her any longer.

5. Are you able to give me any book to read?

6. Are you able to learn all these words?

7. She was able to do it at once.

8. Were they able to suggest it before these events?

9. We are able to translate into English without any help.
10. Are you able to speak any foreign languages?

Must, to haveto, to be to.

Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

1. They must discuss this problem.

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2. Let's hurry up. We mustn't be late.

3. The work must be done at once.

4. She must be working in the garden.

5. He must have done his lessons.

6. We must leave for Moscow tomorrow.

7. They must take the exam in winter.

8. Must he get up early in the morning?

9. She mustn't go to the library. We have this book.

10. You must wait for him out of town.

11. You mustn't tell anyone what I said.

Exercise 2. Say the same using to haveto orto be to.

1. He must leave for Odessa.

2. We must not discuss this material.

3. Must you speak English in your English class?

4. She mustn't go to the library on Saturday.

5. Must he get up early every day?


6. I must go there tomorrow.

7. What must we do now?

8. This text must be translated by Friday.

9. You must speak louder and more slowly.


10. Nick must meet me here today.

11. We haven't got much time. We must hurry.

May (Might).

Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

1. You may come tomorrow.

2. May I Smoke here?

3. You may take my book, I don't need it.

4. They may return tomorrow.

5. He may be taking his exam now.

6. You might have warned me before it.

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7. May they stay here for two days more?

8. May I ask him some questions?

9. Marry might come to us yesterday.

Exercise 2. Ask permission using may. Answer positively. Example: Will you allow me to come in?

- May I come in? Yes, you may.

1. Will you allow me to help you?

2. Will you allow them to ask you some questions?

3. Will you allow me to take your umbrella?

4. Will you allow Ann to wait for him here?

5. Will you allow me to phone?

6. Will you allow me to stay here for some days?

7. Will you allow him to go to the party?

8. Will you allow us to watch TV?

Exercise 3. Somebody is asking you about your plans. You have some ideas but you are not sure. Begin your sentences with t don't knew yet /I am not sure/ I haven't decided yet. Use may or might + one of these: go away, some shoes, Spain, fish, a letter, this evening, to a restaurant, tomorrow. Example: Where are you going for your holidays next  year?

- I'm not sure yet. I might go to Spain.

1. Where are you going tonight?

2. When will you see Ann again?

3. What are you going to buy when you go shopping?

4. When are you going to the cinema?
6. What are doing at the weekend?

6. When are you going to phone John?

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7. What are you going to have for dinner tonight?

Oughtto, should.

Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

1. You ought to be more attentive.

2. She ought to be in a good sport form.

3. He ought to help his friend.

4. You ought to look more respectable.

5. Chemists ought to make many experiments.

6. The young ought to respect old age.

7. It's a good film. You ought to go and see it.

8. He. doesn't look well. He ought to go to the doctor.

9. It's late I think we ought to go home.
10. You ought to master your English.

Exercise 2. Say the same using should.

Example: You ought to tell him your story. You should tell him your story.

1. You ought to work harder.

2. Ann ought to drill the pattern.

3. She ought to do her homework.

4. You ought to read more special texts.

5. They oughtn't to but agree with your arguments.

6. You ought to forget everything you've seen here.

7. You ought to phone your parents now, because it's very late.

8. That hotel is too expensive for us. I think we ought to find another one.

9. You ought to go to the library and choose any book you like.

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Exercise 3. Complete the sentences. Use should +one of

these verbs: have, clean, go, read, visit, watch, wear, сlean, buy, phone. Example: When you play tennis, you ... the ball. -

When you play tennis, you should watch the ball.

1. You look tired. You ... to bed.

2. You ... your teeth after every meal.

3. The city museum is very interesting. You... it.

4. When you are driving, you ... a seat-belt.


5. It's a good book. You... it.

6. It's a good camera. I think you ... it.

7. You work so much. I think you ... a rest.

8. The windows are dirty. You ... them.

9. Pete forgot to phone Dave last night. He ... him today.


Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

1. You need not come today.

2. He needn't hurry.

3. We needn't go there so soon.

4. I need this information just now. Call it please by a computer.

5. He needn't return the book on Monday.

6. We needn't stay here after supper.

7. This is a secret. You needn't tell anybody.

8. It's not going to rain, that's why you needn't take an

9. You needn't go to the bank. I can give you some money.
10. Today is Sunday, so I needn't get up very early.

Exercise 2. Give negative answers. Use need.

Example: Must we post the letter immediately? - No, you needn't.

1. Must I go there?

2. Must you go to the University on Saturday?

3. Must one always buy tickets to the cinema in advance?

4. Must I read this report by Friday?

5. Must he work in a lab every day?

6. Must they phone you once a week?

7. Must I do this exercise in written form?

8. Must Ann take a floor at the conference?

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.

1. What subjects must you study at your department? 2. Whom are you to meet at the station? 3. Can you lend me your text book? 4. May I ask her some questions? 5. Must one work hard at a foreign language if one wants to master it? 6. Can they take part in the conference? 7. Are you able to accompany me to the theatre? 8. May I use your dictionary? 9.Must your mother cook for the whole family every day? 10. Whom are you to visit to regularly? 11. Can the latest no­vel by N. be found anywhere? 12. Should your classes finish at, 5?

Exercise 4. Form questions to underlined words.

1. The problem shoud be discussed again.

2. Lomonosov may be considered as a founder of Russian science.

3. Not all the students will be able to take part in the


4. I can imagine her teaching children.

5. The sitting1 was to take place at 1 o'clock.

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6. It may cost me a lot of money.

7. My mother must do the shopping once a week.

8. We have to finish the translation by tomorrow.

9. You may smoke in this room.

10. They can check up your work today.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. Это очень интересная статья. Вам следует прочесть ее.

2. Я, должно быть, встречал где-то этого человека.

3. Нужно ли повторять это опять? Нет, не надо.

4. Вам следовало спросить разрешение, прежде чем взять эти документы.

5. Вы можете найти этот словарь в любом книжном магазине.

6. Вы могли бы сказать мне об этом раньше.

7. Не может быть, чтобы он отказался помочь вам.

8. Эксперимент, должно быть, закончен. Результаты должны быть опубликованы на этой неделе.

9. Анна может помочь ему перевести это письмо.

10. Вы можете приехать сюда в июле или августе. Вас будут ждать.


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Сводная таблица времен.





■ •

Continuous (Progressive)




Perfect Continuous






v, Vs



Я рисую


to be + Participle I

to have + Participle II

to have + been + Participle I


is + V-ing



Я рисую (сейчас

have has + V-3


Я нарисовал (сегодня,

уже, только что)



has + been + V-ing


Я рисую (уже час, с двух часов)


S т



Ved, V-2

Я нарисовал (вчера два дня навад)



were + V-ing

Я рисовал (вчера В 3 часа дня, когда он вошел)

had + v-3



Я нарисовал (вчера к 3 часам, до того,как он пришел)

had + been + V-ing



Я рисовал (уже два часа, когда он пришел)


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shall will + V

Я нарисую, буду рисо­вать (зав­тра)


will + be + V-ing

Я буду рисовать (завтра в 3 часа)



will + have + V-3

Я нарисую (завтра к 3 часам, до того как он придет)


shall will + have + been + V-ing

Я буду рисовать завтра уже три часа к тому времени, когда он придет.










V, V-3


Do + not + V Does + not + V


Do + V Does + V


Не She We You



write writes








do not write (don't) does not (doesn't) write do not

write (don't)







he she

 we write..? you they

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