You relished building of a dam 

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You relished building of a dam



Oh! precious One residing at ThiruveLLakkuLam populated by very many auspicious Vedic Scholars! You relished the building of a dam over the ocean with stones to cross over to Lankaa to fulfill Your avatAra kaaryam as Raamachandran. Please bless adiyEn and destroy all the obstacles that adiyEn faces in my efforts to gain the Parama PurushArtham of Moksham.



The prayer of Kaliyan has its echos in the Rg Veda Mantram IV.32.1:

Aa tU na indra vrutrahann asmAkam ardham Aa gAhi |
mahAn mahIbhir Utibhih ||

(Oh Mighty resplendent Lord! Dispeller of SamsAric darkness and nescience! May Thou come to help us with Your mighty protections!)





kOlAl nirai mEyttha yemm Kovalar kOvE
naalAhiya vedhiyar manniya naangUr
sElAr vayal soozh ThiruveLLakkuLatthuL
maalE, yenn valvinai theertharuLAyE


Oh Lord who enchants every one with Your soundaryam (malE)! Oh Lord residing amidst the beautiful rice fields of ThiruveLLakkuLam and among the BrahmaNAs, who are expert in reciting the four Vedams! Oh Lord of cowherds, who took the shepherd’s crook to graze the cattle at AaypAdi! Please destroy my fierce sins that cling to me!



This moving prayer of Kaliyan to the Lord as Raaja Gopalan has its echos in the Rg Rk IX.4.3:

sanA dakshumutha krathumapa soma mrudhou jahi |
athaa nou vasyasaskrudhi ||

(Oh divine bliss, who enchants us with Your KalyAna guNams and dhivya soundharyam! Bless us with strength, give us wisdom, drive away our adversities and make us happy and rich with spiritual wealth!)

Lord of cowherds





VaraahamadhAhi immaNNai idanthAi
naarAyaNanE! nalla vedhiyar naangUr
seerAr pozhil soozh ThiruveLLakkuLatthuL
AarAvamudhE! adiyERku aruLAyE


Oh insatiable nectar to experience! Oh naarAyaNaa living among the utthama adhikAris of Vedaas! Once You took VarAha avathAram and lifted up Your divine consort BhUmi Devi from the bottom of the ocean! Oh BhU VarAhA! Please shower Your blessings on adiyEn.



Kaliyan’s prayer is to Bhu VarAhan this time. He remembers the VarAha Charama slOkam blessed to us at the request of BhUmi PirAtti to uplift us from the SamsAric ocean and appeals for the karuNA katAksham of BhU VarAhan to fall on him. He wants to be the beneficiary of those dayaa laden glances.

Kaliyan’s prayers has the echo in the Veda mantram that we come across in three vedams (Rg Rk: I.4.3, UttarArchika Saaman: 1089; Atharva mantram: XX.57.3, 68.3):

athaa tE antamAnAm vidhyAma sumatInAm |
maa nO ati khya Aa gahi ||

(Oh Lord! Thou art always present in the thoughts of the virtuous and the right-minded devotees. May we all deserve Your nearness to us! May we not be left behind, while You reveal Your glories and bless others!)





Kalahalli-SrI Bhuvaraha PerumaL



PoovAr ThirumaamahaL pulliya maarbhA!
nAvAr puhazh vEdhiyar manniya naangUr
dEvA! ThiruveLLakkuLatthuRaivAnE
Aavaa adiyAn ivan yenRaruLAyE.


Oh Lord living in the dhivya dEsam of ThiruveLLakkuLam known for its dense population of celebrated Vedic scholars! Oh Lord with the sacred chest chosen by MahA Lakshmi for Her eternal residence! Please welcome me to Your sannidhi and recognize me as one of Your devoted servants!



Oh Lord! You are dear to me and therefore I adore You (mithramiva priyam sthushE). Having been praised by us, come before us, Oh adorable Lord and be seated in our innermost heart (first Saaman)! Oh Liberal giver of boons! Please recognize adiyEn as one of Your devoted servants and shower Your blessings on me.





nallanbhudai vEdhiyar manniya naangUrc-
chelvan ThiruveLLakkuLatthuRaivAnai
kallin mali thOL Kaliyan sonna mAlai
vallarena vallavar vaanavar thAmE.


The mighty armed Kaliyan presented this garland of ten songs to the darling of ThiruveLLakkuLam populated by benevolent minded Brahmins, who are experts in the four vedAs. Those who master the recitation and the deep meanings of these ten paasurams will qualify to be recognized as the best among the celestials.



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