PrahlAda samrakshaNam - SrI Narasimha avatAram 

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PrahlAda samrakshaNam - SrI Narasimha avatAram



kongai… vaNpuruDOttamamE –

there are only similarities between the town and the farmlands/forest lands. Everything around [folks or nature] has affinity to emperumAn. So, they all look like each other just as all mukta-s [in SrIvaikuNTham] look the same.


C. SrI UV:

The fact that even brahma worshipped Him during His trivikrama avatAram shows that He is puruDOttaman.

It all appears as if - the place, vaNpuruDOttamam, is wondering at and enjoying His generosity in giving us gangA; and so, it takes the form of several ladies by making the kOngu, red water lily and lotus flowers resemble their stanams, coral lips and lovely faces.



alam purinda neDun taDakkai amarar vEndan’ –

The Lord of the nitya-sUri-s has great, long arms that give without any limit. [tiruneDumtAnDakam pAsuram 6 on tirukkOvalUr perumAL] - His magnanimous, munificent hands grew by giving to others whatever they wanted.

Just as He let brahma worship His foot and created the holy gangA for purification, He is now living in vaNpuruDOttamam so we can worship His sacred feet and become purified.

The saMskRtam word ‘padmam’ got transformed into ‘padumam’; sometimes, it is also used as ‘paRpam’ as in PaRpanAbhan.




PAsuram 4.2.7 - uLaiya oNDiRal


uLaiya oNDiRal pon peyarOn tanadu uram piLandu udirattai
aLaiyum vencinattu ari parikIRiya appan vanduRai kOil
iLaiya mangaiyar iNaiyaDic cilambinoDu ezhilkoL pandaDippOr
kai vaLaiyil ninRoli malgiya nAngUr vaNpuruDOttamamE.


A. SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan:

He struck fear in the mind of hiraNyakaSipu, who was afraid of no one, any time, by renting apart his chest. hiraNyan died. Because of His love for prahlAdan, He was still mad at hiraNyan and His hand was stirring hiraNyan’s pool of blood. This place is where that narasimhan lives. This vaNpuruDOttamam is also the permanent abode of the benefactor and protector of PrahlAdan, who ripped apart the mouth of keSi the demon, who terrorized everyone by assuming the form of a wild horse.

Next, AzhvAr relishes the veda gosham at this divya dEsam. Young ladies dance here. The jingle-jangle from the anklets tied around their feet reverberate all over the place. Some young damsels are playing balls. The clinking from their bangles during their play fills the air. Thus, it is truly a great place. This AzhvAr appreciates everything in divya dEsam-s as he sees them as having connections to bhagavAn.



AzhvAr enjoys nRsimhAvatAram and kRshNAvatAram in this pAsuram.

uLaiya oNDiRal pon peyarOn tanadu uram piLandu udirattai aLaiyum vencinattu ari –

An extremely furious narasimha clawed open the chest of the mighty hiraNyan (‘pon peyarOn’ – hiraNya is gold; his name contains the word ‘gold’) and stirred (just as one would do to find butter in the churned buttermilk) his blood in anger, because of His love for prahlAda,

parikIRiya –

as kaNNan, He tore open the demon, who came as a horse.

appan vanduRai kOil –

emperumAn who takes care of me as a father, lives in this temple permanently.

iLaiya mangaiyar iNaiyaDic cilambinoDu –

the silambu-s (anklets/nUpuram) worn by young ladies in both feet, create a tinkling sound.

ezhilkoL pandaDippOr kaivaLaiyil ninRoli malgiya nAngUr vaNpuruDOttamamE –

The sounds emitted from the bangles worn by charming girls who play with their balls also resound in this place called nAngUr vaNpuruDOttamam. The jingling of dance bells and bangles subdue the other sounds in the place.


C. SrI UV:

AzhvAr says that nAngUr is the place where young girls play balls and sing about nRsimha’s greatness and practice bhakti like prahlAda.



In order to kill the foes of His devotees, He is living forever in vaNpuruDOttamam.





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