Additional input from Sri V Sadagopan 

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Additional input from Sri V Sadagopan


mangaLASAsanam as "valvill rAman": " viRal vALarakkar talaivan tann vaRppAr tiraL tOLL aiyinAngum tuNitta valvill rAman". kaliyan created the name of "valvill rAman" for the Lord of this divya deSam through this pAsuram passage. kaliyan says that Lord rAmacandra cut the powerful twenty arms of the ten-headed haughty rAvaNan with His mighty kOdanDam. govardana giridharan (kall eduttu kall mAri kAttAn) is also saluted here.






maiyAr taDam kaN karum kUndal
Aycci maRaiya vaitta tayir
neyyAr pAlODu amudu seyda
nEmi am kai mAyan iDam
seyyAr Aral irai karudic
cem kAl nArai cenRaNaiyum
poyyA nAvin maRaiyALar
puLLam bhUta'nkuDitAnE.


The dark-haired yaSodha was always applying collyrium to her eyes because of her fear for baby kaNNa, who might become frightened if she looked any different. She was always concealing ilk, yogurt etc from kaNNa's sight. Is there a place that He does not know? Is there a place He does not exist?

That emperumAn, who was adorned with tiruvAzhi [discus] always discovered the hidden goodies and consumed them with delight. He always went along with her plan and pretended as if He did not know the hiding places and at the same time ate them all. The place where that perumAL resides is puLLambhUta'nkuDi.

In the fields, a kind of fish known as 'Aral' were in abundance; thinking of them as 'meat', red-legged cranes would approach these fields. A lot of brAhmaNa-s, who chanted veda-s with their faultless tongues, lived in this place. Thus, this was a truly great region.



maiyAr taDam kaN karum kUndal Aycci –

yaSodhai, who had wide eyes decorated with collyrium and had dark hair

maRaiya vaitta tayir neyyAr pAlODu amudu seyda –

had hidden the yogurt, ghee and milk in secret an unexpected places (for example, she would keep yogurt in a vessel meant for keeping sandalwood); but, He detected them and devoured them all.

nEmi am kai mAyan iDam –

that mAyan, who works wonders and is decorated by the charming discus on His hand, lives in this place. In order to avoid His mother becoming annoyed that He stole and ate all the food, kaNNan would wear a discus on His hand, dance before her and enlighten her (thus distracting her).

seyyAr Aral irai karudic cem kAl nArai cenRaNaiyum –

cranes with red-hued legs go after the fish that are abundant in the watery fields with a desire to eat them all.

poyyA nAvin maRaiyALar –

honest and truthful brahmins, who chant vedams, live here; since they are all constantly chanting vedams that expose only the truth, their tongues utter nothing but the truth.

puLLambhUta'nkuDitAnE –

this is the divya dESam, tiruppuLLambhUta'nkuDi.



emperumAn will give His darSanam in this place with discus in His hand to devotees who are truthful and flawless.

Just as the cranes go after and eat the fish, He goes looking for food hidden by the AyppADi women and eats them all, without their knowing. Feeling elated that there is no one on earth who has given birth to such a son, yaSodhai was always decorating herself. The AyppADi women dress themselves to please kaNNan. Even though they are all givers, they do not want to give it all and conceal some things from Him. As long as they are all standing right in front of Him, He enjoys looking at their collyrium-applied- eyes and dark hair; the minute they leave the place, He goes seeking after the hidden foods and eats them. If they re-enter before He finishes eating, He changes Himself into emperumAn wearing tiruvAzhi – discus, and gets out, making them all wonder if they all sighted the mAyan (lord vishNu Himself). This was one of the several wonders He performed.



Even though He is avApta samasta kAman [One Who has all His desires fulfilled], He presents Himself as one who has wants and steals yogurt, milk etc and swallows them all.



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