SrI Rukmini SatyabhAmA samEta SrI KrishNa under PArijAtA tree 

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SrI Rukmini SatyabhAmA samEta SrI KrishNa under PArijAtA tree




In this Paasuram with deep tatthvArthams, Kaliyan pays tribute to the multifaceted Lord of ThirukkAvaLampAdi divya desam known for its fragrant groves with dancing peacocks in each of them comforted by the gentle winds (mandhamAr pozhilkaL thOrum mada mayil aalum gandhamAr kAvaLam-pAdi).

Sinthanaikiniyan – kaliyan's Aradana perumal


The samastha roopam of the Lord is beautifully captured and enjoyed by Kaliyan:

“santhamAy samayamAgi-samayvaiymbhUthamAgi
anthamAy AdhiyAgi arumaRayavayum Anaay”

Let us enjoy the deep meanings hinted by Kaliyan in these two lines:

  • santhamAy - He becomes the svAtantrya sakthi for the Jeevan and confers on
  • the power of Jn~Anam, icchai and Prayatnam.
  • Samayam aahi - becoming kAla dravyam with its aspects (pariNAmams) of second, minutes, hours, days, months, ruthus and samvathsarams.
  • Samayam iym bhUtham aahi - becoming pancha bhutha prapancham that comes after Mahath and ahankAram among the tatthvams.
  • antamAy - becoming many types of deluges
  • Aadhi Aahi - becoming upAdhAna KaraNam for many kinds of srushtis
  • Aru MaRaiyum AanAy - You became the beginningless Vedams that are behind all these tatthvams. You are that Parama Purushan saluted by these eternal VedAs.

Oh Lord of ThirukkAvaLampAdi! adiyEn seeks Your protection as a SaraNAgathan.





mAvaLam perugi mannu maRaiyavar vAzhum, nAngaik
kAvaLam pAdimEya kaNNanaik kaliyan sonna
pAvaLam patthum vallAr pArmisai arasarAgi
kOviLa mannarthAzhak kudainizhal polivar thAmE.


This is the Phala Sruthi Paasuram. After covering GajEndhra Moksham in the first Paasuram, Yaachakam of three steps of land from MahA Bali in the second, Vaali’s destruction in the third, RaavaNa samhAram in the fourth, KaaLiyamardhanam in the fifth, Kamsa Vadham in the sixth, reduction of BhU bhAram in the seventh, Indhra garva bhangam in the eighth, and His Sarva KaaraNathvam in the ninth pAsuram, Kaliyan points out the phalan for reciting these pAsurams on ThirukkAvaLampAdi EmperumAn.

Those who recite and mediate on the ten pAsurams will become an Emperor in this earth and will be saluted by other kings and princes and will be known as yEka- chakrAdhipathy (patthum vallAr pArmisai arasar aagi, kOiLam mannar thAzha kudai nizhal thAmE polivar) and live long enjoying their glories.

In the first two lines of this Paasuram, Kaliyan describes the Vaidhika and loukika SrI of ThirukkAvaLampAdi, a place cherished by VaidhikAs as their preferred place of residence and that he (Kaliyan) sung about this divya desam, where KaNNan is residing as the SarvalOka SaraNyan.


TirumangaiyAzhvAr thiruvadigaLe SaraNam

Sri KrshNAya tubhyam nama:



Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan





TirumaNi mADakkOvil vaibhavam

(tirunAngur divyadEsam)

Tirumangai AzhvAr’s


PAsurams 3.8

Annotated Commentary in English By

Smt. KalyANi kRshNamAcAri





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