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XII. Make five sentences with each expression.Содержание книги
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XIII. Make sentences using It's your turn to do smth – твоя очередь делать что - либо.
Topic 'Our Institute'
I. Read this text. Look up all unknown words in the dictionary and learn them. Translate it into Russian. What do you know about education? * Education – образование – Primary / elementary education; Children from seven till nine or ten go to a primary school. Secondary education children get at schools beginning in the fourth or fifth forms (Am. grade). They get basic secondary education after finishing the ninth form. Then they can choose the way to get secondary education: to stay at school for two years more, to enter any specialized school or college to study academic subjects plus to get a profession or to go to a vocational school also studying academic subjects and getting some trade. All three ways give the possibility to get higher education in future. When children study two years more and pass their final exams at school they get their certificates of general secondary education. Then they can go up to a university or an institute. Institute – институт – a pedagogical institute; a geological institute; an agricultural institute; a medical institute. Usually people study at any institute for five years. We can get higher education at an institute. I am a student of the Institute of International Relations. University – университет – a State University; a humanitarian university; a polytechnic university; My brother is a student of the Gorky State university. He graduated from the university last year. College, academy, conservatoire – колледж, академия, консерватория – The merry-go-round of college life is something that one never forgets.Who is the student of the Law Academy? – My brother is. My friend studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, she will be a painter. And my cousin studies at the conservatoire, she is going to become an opera singer. My brother is a cadet of a military college. Faculty, department – any university usually has several faculties. The faculty of foreign languages has three departments –the English department, the French department and the German department. Our institute has two faculties – of Linguistics and of International Economic Relations with two departments – Public Relations and International Economy. Who reigns? – Кто правит? – The head of any higher establishment is a rector. He or she has a vice-rector. The head of a faculty is a dean. His assistant is a subdean. The heads of departments organize the work of the teaching stuff: professors, associate professors, assistant professors, lecturers, assistant lecturer. And senior lecturers and tutors organize the work of students of the course. Examinations – exams - экзамены – to enter = to go up to a university / academy / institute / college; entrance exams; final exams; to take an exam; to pass an exam; an examination session; to give a pass; to graduate from a university…. Students – When you pass your entrance exams you are not a student yet, but only an applicant. But when you can see your name in the list of people enrolled you begin to feel being a student a little. Then at the meeting of freshmen you get your student membership card, your student record book and your library card. But you can name yourself a real student only after the first exam session when all tests, passes and exams are in the past and you have a long-waited vacation. Sometimes there are failures. It happens when you hardly read up for your exam or cram, or crib. Some students are hard-working while the other ones play truant having no good excuse.
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