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Синонимические трансформации


Упражнение 1. Замените синонимами выделенные слова, при этом старайтесь усилить их значение, придать высказыванию большую эмоциональность. Переведите полученные предложения на английский язык.

1. Эта картина удивила меня. 2. Пейзаж был очень красивый. 3. Незнакомец показался ему человеком недобрым. 4. Николай хотел успеть, он шел быстро. 5. Ирина радовалась. 6. Девушка плакала, умоляя о помощи. 7. Так поступить мог только неумный человек. 8. Чтобы разобраться в этом, нужно много работать. 9. Не пытайтесь меня обмануть. 10. Можно предложить много вариантов решения этой проблемы.


Упражнение 2. Подберите более точные синонимы к выделенным словам; исправьте предложения. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Немецкие инженеры соорудили ультразвуковой станок. 2. Самолет подвержен действию перепадов стужи и тепла. 3. Кровля была выполнена плохо. 4. С оттепелью придут для нас главные заботы. 5. Это возможно только на основе всемерной механизации работ. 6. Наталья - специалист высокого класса, она будет работать высококачественно. 7. Месторождения нефти в Среднем Приобье расположены далеко от железных дорог. 8. Приближалась ознакомительная практика, и студенты испытывали смятение. 10. С изумлением мы узнали свою группу крови. 11. Интерес к новой работе был настолько большой, что администрации пришлось сдерживать порывы многих рабочих переквалифицироваться. 12. До сих пор у нас применяется бензиновый двигатель, который потребляет дорогое топливо в значительных размерах. 13. Это препятствие нелегко одолеть. 14. В комнате пребывает большая группа людей, не ведающих об эксперименте. 15. В пресс-центре рабочая и в то же время хлопотливая обстановка.


Упражнение 3: Изучите английские синонимы и оттенки их значений, предложите русские соответствия:

1. Bob is absolutely the right person for the job.

ABSOLUTELY = positively; certainly; having no restriction, exception, or qualification.

conclusively There were some questions as to whether Bob was right for the job, and this puts an end to any debate.
consummately Bob has the highest degree of qualifications for the job.
decidedly There was never any hesitation that Bob was right for the job.
  easily Neither discussion nor considering other candidates was even necessary, because Bob is without question right for the job.
fully Bob is right for the job in every manner and degree.
  precisely For some or many reasons, Bob is exactly the right choice—even if he doesn’t match an original profile of who would be right.
unconditionally Bob is right for the job, with no conditions or limits on that perspective.

2.  Your decision will affect the outcome.

AFFECT = to produce a material influence upon or alteration in.

Alter   The outcome will be different in some ways, but without completely changing it into something new.
  Influence   You have the power or capacity to cause a change in indirect or intangible ways—presumably in your favor—and this may indicate negative interference.
  Modify   Your decision will cause fundamental changes to the outcome and may even give a new orientation to the end.
Prompt Your decision will spur on action
  Sway Your decision will have a controlling influence, possibly in a way that benefits you but not necessarily others.
Transform   Your decision will greatly change the outcome in a positive way.
Upset   Your decision will unexpectedly defeat an anticipated outcome.


3. The view of Bryce Canyon’s rock formations was awesome.

AWESOME= very impressive; inspiring; terrific, extraordinary.

Awe-inspiring The view inspired awe by its exceptional beauty.
Breathtaking   The view was exciting, thrilling, and astonishing, figuratively taking our breath away, because we’d never seen anything like this before.
Imposing   The formations were very impressive because of their great size, dignity, and stately appearance.
Impressive   The view gave us a feeling of respect and admiration for what nature had created.
Majestic   The view had an air of authority and dignity—superior to mundane matters.
Moving   The view was stirring and evoked strong feelings or emotions.
Wondrous The view is to be marveled at, and we appreciate


4. The military will begin the offensive in twenty-four hours.

BEGIN = to perform the first or earliest part of some action; to commence; to start.

Commence   The military is taking the first step to set the offensive in motion.
 Embark on The military is about to begin a major offensive.
Initiate The military will take the lead in the offensive.
Launch   The military will enter enthusiastically into the offensive.
Mount   The military will be increasing the amount or intensity of the offensive.
Plunge into   The military will forcibly thrust into the offensive, or perhaps it is moving ahead suddenly.
Undertake   The military is taking it upon itself to achieve its objective.


5. The outcome of the election was certain.

CERTAIN = confident; free from doubt or reservation.

  Assured   The sense is that the outcome was promised or guaranteed in advance, and this can have either a positive or a negative connotation.
Conclusive The outcome served to settle a question.
Evident   The outcome of the election is obvious and easily seen or understood.
  Fixed   This offers a negative connotation, implying that the outcome was arranged in advance privately and possibly dishonestly.
Irrefutable   It would be impossible to deny or disprove the outcome.
Reliable   People will be confident that the outcome is dependable, accurate, and honest.
Unambiguous The outcome has a single clearly defined meaning.


6. The loan committee asked us to develop our business plan.

DEVELOP = to bring out the capabilities or possibilities of; to cause to grow or expand.

  Augment   The committee likes what we have but wants us to give more detail to the information we already have included.
Enrich   We need to add or change information to make our plan more desirable.
Improve   We need to raise the quality of the information in the business plan.
Lengthen   The committee feels our plan is too slight and wants a more substantial document.
  Perfect   Our plan is pretty good, but the committee wants us to make it flawless—or as close as possible—to give us the best opportunity of approval.
Refine Our plan needs to be more precise or in clearer form.
  Strengthen   To increase our chances for a loan, the bank wants us to make our plan stronger—for example, by giving more information on our financial status. One thousand days to learn; ten thousand days to refine.


7. The speechwriter used very effective language.

EFFECTIVE = producing the intended or expected result; adequate to accomplish a purpose.

Compelling   The language had a powerful and irresistible effect, engaging us to keep reading.
Convincing   By the use of argument or evidence, the language brought us to a firm belief the writer intended for us.
  Efficient   The language functioned in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort; however, efficient doesn’t lend itself toward a creative feel.
Forceful   The writing was powerful and vigorous, as opposed to soft or gentle and coercing.
  Persuasive The language was able to persuade us into thinking, seeing, or feeling just as the writer intended.
  Powerful   The writer used language with great reason, authority, or influence and impacted us—an ideal goal for a speech.
  Practical   The language used achieved the intended effect, but practical doesn’t give the impression of a speech that was outstanding or that moved people to action.



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