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Task III. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.


1. WTO members consider the introduction of risk management techniques in Customs procedures as a means to expedite clearance of goods.

2. Inspection selectivity programmes make use of risk profiles, which have been established in a process of risk analysis and assessment.

3. Risk profiles encompass various indicators, such as; type of good, know trader and compliance records of traders, value of goods and applicable duties, destination and origin countries, mode of transport and routes and are built based on characteristics displayed by unlawful consignments (or offending passengers).

4. Risk management techniques are a useful means to ensure enforcement, security and trade facilitation at the same time.

5. By selectively categorizing goods and passengers for verification a more rapid release and clearance can be achieved.

6. Consignments and persons considered as ‘low-risk’ based on the risk profile attract minimal attention and intervention from Customs and can be processed quickly.

Task IV. Match left and right.

1. система управления рисками carrying out Customs control
2. недостоверно декларированные товары Kyoto Convention
3. таможенные органы (the) level of severity of the measures applied
4. Киотская конвенция compliance with the basic principles
5. снижение уровня безопасности risk management system
6. проведение таможенного контроля false declared goods
7. соблюдение основных принципов Customs bodies/agencies
8. степень «жесткости» применяемых мер the decrease in the level of security

Task V. Translate the following text into English using the word-combinations from the previous tasks.

Таможенный контроль

Внешнеэкономическая политика Российской Федерации направлена на интеграцию с мировой экономикой, активное включение в международную торговлю, которое предписывает соблюдение Российской Федерацией основных принципов Киотской конвенции. При этом возрастает риск пропуска через таможенную границу недекларированных или недостоверно декларированных товаров, что может привести к снижению уровня экономической безопасности государства.

Эффективным механизмом, обеспечивающим удовлетворение интересов государства и участников внешней торговли при проведении таможенного контроля, в настоящее время выступает распространенная практически во всем мире система управления рисками в таможенном контроле.

Применение тех или иных способов проведения таможенного контроля, степень «жесткости» применяемых мер определяются необходимостью обеспечения соблюдения таможенного законодательства и обстоятельствами каждого конкретного случая его применения. Однако избрание формы таможенного контроля является исключительным правом таможенных органов.

Task VI. Translate the following text into Russian.

Most of the antiques on sale in Britain are either stolen or fakes and international legislation has so far “proved toothless” at fighting the problem.

Art and auction houses in London have spent several years tightening security and the Cultural Objects Offences Act made it illegal to trade in goods thought to be tainted. Auction houses are as liable as banks for making sure that they are not being used to launder suspect money and the Art Loss Register, the company with a database of 160,000 stolen items, suggest the number of stolen works being sold at auction has fallen.

One of the most famous fakes acquired by the British Museum was the Crystal Skull, supposedly an Aztec symbol of death, bought in 1897. Recent analysis showed it was cut and polished with a type of rotating wheel used in 19th century Europe.


Task I. Read the following text and answer some questions in writing:

1. When was HS Convention adopted?

2. What is the HS multipurpose goods nomenclature used as?

3. What does HS Convention comprise?


The HS Convention

The International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS Convention ) was adopted in 1983 and came into force in 1988. The HS multipurpose goods nomenclature is used as the basis for Customs tariffs and for the compilation of international trade statistics. It comprises about 5000 commodity groups, each identified by a six digit code arranged in a legal and logical structure with well-defined rules to achieve uniform classification. The HS is also used for many other purposes involving trade policy, rules of origin, monitoring of controlled goods, internal taxes, freight tariffs, transport statistics, quota controls, price monitoring, compilation of national accounts, and economic research and analysis.

The Nomenclature governed by the Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, commonly known as “HS Nomenclature”, is an international multipurpose nomenclature which was elaborated under the auspices of the World Customs Organization (WCO). At present there are 138 Contracting Parties to this Convention, however, it is applied by more than 200 administrations worldwide, mostly to set up their national Customs tariff and for the collection of economic statistical data. The European Union and its member states together represent a block of 28 Contracting Parties to the aforementioned Convention.

Task II. Find the words synonymous to:

Monitoring, freight, compilation, research, tariff, purpose, application, collection, accounts, control, elaboration, nomenclature, mentioned, regulation, freight, to suppress.


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