Taxes throughout Russian history. Any owner has to part with what has fallen from the cart”
Содержание книги
- Варламова А.И., Дигтяр О.Ю, М.В. Мельничук, В.М. Осипова
- Варламова А.И., Дигтяр О.Ю, М.В. Мельничук, В.М. Осипова
- Complete these sentences using the base word given at the end of each sentence. You need to form an appropriate word. The first one (0) is given as an example.
- Exercise 7. Match the words below to their definitions.
- In the text, find the answers to the following questions. 1. What was Russia warned about?
- Fill in the following prepositions where necessary. on in (x2) from for
- Exercise 2. Find a word in the text that matches each definition below. The words appear in order.
- Exercise 7. Match the words below to their definitions.
- Taxes throughout Russian history. In November, the Russian prince and his warriors went to the lands of Slavic tribes to collect tribute
- In the text, find the answers to the following questions.
- Fill in the following prepositions where necessary. from at by within on of for to
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- Taxes throughout Russian history. Any owner has to part with what has fallen from the cart”
- Practice reading the following words and collocations.
- Fill in the following prepositions where necessary. to (x2) at of for in with without
- Exercise 2. Find a word in the text that matches each definition below. The words appear in order.
- What type of business expense is recognized as tax deductible in your country?
- You're Buying (or Selling) One
- Topic focus: Classes of taxes
- What are the Pros and Cons of a Regressive Tax?
- Complete these sentences using the base word given at the end of each sentence. You need to form an appropriate word. The first one (0) is given as an example.
- Exercise 5. Match the words below to their definitions
- Read the article and answer these questions.
- Corporate Profit Tax in the Russian Federation
- In the text, find the answers to the following questions. 1. Who is a taxpayer for profit tax purposes in Russia?
- Discuss these questions with a partner. 1. What is Corporate Income Tax?
- Exercise 4. Text completion.
- Topic focus: what is an ICO.
- Discuss these questions with a partner. 1. What type of tax on products and services is levied in your country?
- Report on your partner when you complete the interview.
- In pairs, ask and answer the questions from the exercise above.
- Heavy taxes and burdens under Peter the Great
- Practice reading the following words and collocations. a) ambiguity; authority; issue; legislation; license; nature; register; requirements; scheme; threshold; through;
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- Discuss these questions with a partner.
- Report the information to the class.
- Topic focus: how interest rates affect property values
- Exercise 3. Find a word in the text that matches each definition below. The words appear in order.
- Fill in the following prepositions where necessary.
- In the text, find the answers to the following questions. 1. What is the difference between the roles of the government’s legislative and executive branches?
- Exercise 6. Match the words to their meaning
- Read the article and answer these questions
- Taxes throughout Russian history
"Any owner has to part with what has fallen from the cart”
In the period of feudal fragmentation of Russia, the duty for transportation of goods through the territory of landowner was a popular tool to increase the revenue. The fee for transportation was charged for each cart. In those years the first attempts to optimize taxes could be traced: to reduce the tax amount, the owners loaded their carts with goods in such a way that sometimes goods fell from carts. As a countermeasure, the local princes devised the rule to increase their revenue: the product fallen from the cart became their property. Thus was born the saying: "Any owner has to part with what has fallen from the cart”.
Make up the summary of the text using the questions to organize your answer:
1. How did the feudal act to increase the revenue while allowing to pass through his territory?
2. What was basis to charge the transportation fee?
3. What did the merchants do to reduce the tax amount?
4. What was the countermeasure devised by local princes? Does the saying reflect the situation with transportation fee?
Vocabulary notes
to part расставаться
cart телега
duty for transportation пошлина на перевозку
revenue доход
fee for transportation плата за перевозку
to trace проследить
countermeasure контрмера
devise разрабатывать
Russian road duty “Myto”
Myto is one of the oldest Russian road duty levied on trade from the end of X century. In the period of feudal fragmentation of Rus in the XII - early XIII centuries myto becomes one of the most profitable domestic trade taxes. Originally, the word meant a place where carts and boats stopped, and then it was used to designate the road duties for transportation of goods through external or internal outposts.
The right to set road duty rates belonged to the state, but often the right was sold to individuals or clergy. In the latter case, proceeds from the tax normally went to the maintenance of roads and bridges. The tax amount was determined by special certificates. Illegal outposts were abolished or attached to the treasury.
Tax evasion was punished with a fine, and the person who committed the act got punished with whip. The penalty for failure to pay the tax amounted to double duty sum.
Tax collectors were unpaid by the state but they were considered as the most honorable persons.
In XVII-XVIII centuries, this duty in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod amounted to 5% of the value of the goods (except grain) and was levied at special places called “Mytny yard”. Moscow’s Mytnaya Street has kept this historical name: it is at this place where the cattle yard was located in XVIII century and duty on cattle for sale was collected (so-called “myt”).
Make up the summary of the text using the questions to organize your answer:
1. What is the name of the oldest Russian road duty levied on trade?
2. Who had the right to set road duty rates?
3. Where did proceeds from the tax go?
4. Was there a special document specifying the tax amount?
5. What was located at the place of the today’s Moscow Mytnaya street?
Vocabulary notes
road duty дорожная пошлина
outpost застава
duty rate размер пошлины
clergy духовенство
proceeds доходы, выручка
attach прикреплять, присоединять
treasury казначейство
tax evasion уклонение от налогов
fine штраф
punished with whip наказывать хлыстом
cattle крупный рогатый скот