Функции будущих времен в английском языке 

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Функции будущих времен в английском языке

Future Simple to be going to Present Continous Present Simple
1. Спонтанные ре- шения I’ m thir s t y. — I’ll make you I cup of t ea. — Хочу пить. — Я приготовлю тебе чашку чая. 1. Действия за- планированы, реше- ние о них было при- нято заранее, прои- зойдут в ближайшем будущем. I’m going t o s tudy Mat h i n th e uni v ersi- ty. — Я б у д у и з учать мате матик у в уни- в е р ситете. 1. Действия запланированы и произойдут в бли- жайшем будущем I’m seeing my research advisor this afternoon. — Сегодня днем я встречаюсь с на- учным руководи- телем. 1. Речь идет о по- стоянном расписании, распорядке и т. д. The tr ain leav es at 6 PM. — Поезд отправляет- ся в 6 вечера.
2. Предположения о будущем, предска- зания (уверенность отсутствует) M a yb e w e ’l l g o the r e in spring but I’m not sure yet. 2. Очевидно, что действие произой- дет, есть прямое до- казательство Look! The sky is overcast, it’s going  to rain. — Смотри, небо затянулось, сейчас пойдет дождь.    



3. Действия, ко- торые не поддаются нашему контролю, произойдут в любом случае H e wil l b e si x n e xt y ear. — В с ле д у ю щ ем г од у е м у исп о лнит ся шесть.      
4. Обещания, предупреждение, предложения, угрозы, выражение надежды и страха: со словами beli e v e, hope, af r aid, e xpect, etc. I hope we’ll get home by five. — Надеюсь, мы доберемся домой к пяти часам. Просьбы и предло- жения W il l y o u fi nis h the tas k fo r me, please? — Н е м о г б ы т ы з а к о н- чит ь з а д а ни е з а меня?      

F uture Continuous will + be doing will be playing

1. Действие будет в процессе выполнения в определенный момент в бу- дущем

This time on F r ida y I’ll be sitting in the plane. — В это время в пятницу я буду сидеть в самолете.

2. Способ вежливо поинтересоваться о чьих-либо планах (особенно при

обращении с просьбой)

Will you be using your computer tomorrow? — Вам завтра понадобится ваш компьютер?



3. Речь идет о заранее запланированных процессах, рутинных действи- ях I can’ t joi n y ou, I’l l b e doin g th e g ene r a l cleaning. — Не смогу к вам присоеди- ниться, буду делать генеральную уборку.
Future Perfect will + have + Past Participle will have written
Действие завершится к определенному моменту в будущем Don’ t w o r r y, w e ’l l ha v e fi nishe d e v e r ythin g by midnight. — Не волнуйся, к полу- ночи со всем управимся.
F uture P e r fect Continuous will + have been + -ing will have been writing
Действие началось и продолжалось до определённого момента в буду- щем, подчеркивается длительность данного действия N e x t mont h i s ou r sil v e r w eddin g — we’ll have been living together for 25 years. —  В следующем году наша серебряная свадьба — мы живем вместе уже 25 лет.



Grammar practiсe


Translate the following sentences.

a. The museum opens at 10 am daily.

b. My suitcase is so heavy. Will you carry it for me, please?

c. What time are we going to meet Harry? I need to prepare the car.

d. I believe it’ll snow in the mountains tomorrow. I hope to go skiing.

e. The prime minister will be visiting Spain next month.

f. This time tomorrow we will be driving to Penza.

g. I will have been waiting here for three hours by six o’clock.

h. Wait! Don’t catch a taxi. I’ll drive you to the station.

i. I’m afraid, I’ll be a little hate. The traffic is terrible.

j. The sun is shining, it’s going to a lovely day.


Will or be going to?

a. In 2020 people will buy/are going to buy more hybrid cars.

b. Unfortunately Sam can’t go with us: he will have/is going to have a math lesson.

c. My sister will have/is going to have a baby.

d. That won’t happen again/is not going to happen again, I promise you.

e. We’re sure we will be very happy/is going to be happy to see you.

f. Be careful! The tree will fall/is going to fall.

g. The Smiths are selling their flat. They ar e going to buy/will buy a house.

h. Would you like tea or coffee? I’ll have/am going to have coffee.


3. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple, be going to).

a. Be careful! You…......................... (hurt) yourself.

b. The weather forecast says it..................... (snow) tomorrow.

c. Simon is carrying two tires — he …………(change) the tires on the car.

d. Can I borrow your tablet? I promise I...................... (return) it soon.

e. The lesson.................... (start) at 2 PM and finishes at 3.30 PM.

f. It’s Monica’s birthday. We....................... (bake) a special cake for her.


g. We............................ (get married) next week! I’m so happy!

h. I’m afraid, we...................... (be able) to help you today.


4. Complete the following sentences using Future Simple or Future Continuous.

a. Next summer the author still                              (work) on the new book and                                                 (probably finish) it in September.

b. He                               (ring) you up and provide you with all the nec- essary information.

c. He can’t join us tomorrow because he                                       (work) at that time.

d. I think hе                        (be) tired after work, it has been a hard day.

e. She                                  doesn’t like modern art.

(not, go) to the exhibition with us — she

f. Have we invited John? Oh, I’ve forgotten, but I                              (call) him now.

g. I hope Simon                          (return) the book tomorrow because I really need it for my exam preparation.

h. Oh, such a big  suitcase! I                       (carry) it for you.

i. I                              (get) a job as soon as I leave school.

j. We                              (drive) along the seaside when the sun rises.


5. Complete the following sentences using Future Simple, Future Per- fect or Future Perfect Continuous.

a. I hope by the end of the year we                            (learn) to speak English.

b. By 2018 we                             (live) in Washington for 20 years.

c. We                              (finish) our meeting by 11 o’clock so we’ll still have plenty of time to take in the sights.

d. Do you think the teacher                             (mark) our works by Fri- day? I am really nervous and I want to know the exam results as soon as possible.

e. Wait! I                            (help) with this stuff.

f. I hope the weather                            

                             (enjoy) your holiday

(be fine) and you



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