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Exercise 2. Match the words in Column A with the correct definition in Column B.Содержание книги
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Drugs into three groups. capsules cream garglelotion lozenge ointmentpillpowder serumtablet vaccines In most cases drugs are: 1) taken by mouth; 2) injected into the body; 3) applied to the body surface. Exercise 4. Choose the right answer. 1. The nurse put a …… on the wound. a) bandage b) cloth c) material d) towel 2. Take two of these …… three times a day after meals. a) capsules b) drugs c) placebos d) prescriptions 3. Illness can be stopped before it happens by means of …... a) after-care b) prescription c) therapy d) vaccines 4. The doctor gave me some …… for my rheumatism. a) gargle b) lozenges c) pastilles d) pills 5. The doctor gave the woman a strong ….. to calm her down. a) antidote b) antiseptic c) bromide d) sedative 6. He was in terrible pain, so he was given a(n) …... a) injection b) scratch c) stab d) wound 7. Doctors write a ….. for medicine which chemists or dispensers make up. a) certificate b) prescription c) receipt d) recipe 8. If you’ve got a headache, why don’t you take a couple of …... a) serum b) aspirin c) vitamins d) antihistamine Exercise 5. Your basic first aid kit It is important to have a well-stocked first aid kit in your home to deal with minor accidents and injuries. Your first aid kit should be locked and kept in a cool, dry place, out of reach of children. Medicines should be checked regularly to make sure that they are within their use-by dates. Many people also keep a small first aid kit in their car for emergencies. Your task is to find the right Ukrainian equivalents to the items of a basic first aid kit using the words from the box.
Exercise 6. Explain the difference between the pairs of words below and translate them into Ukrainian. Make up sentences with these words. Consult a dictionary if you need. a) infusionand tincture; b) vaccine and injection; c) mixture and solution; d) sedativeand painkiller; e) drug and medicine. II. Listening Vitamins Pre-listening Some healing means cure the diseases, some of them help to keep our body systems in balance. Read the list of healing means. For each item write CD (cure the diseases) or KBSB (keep our body systems in balance). The first one is done for you. Painkillers CD; iodine____; vitamins____; drugs____; antibiotics____; sedatives____. Read brief information about vitamins. Much of our good health depends on the cooperation between substances. When they work together, chemical reactions take place smoothly. Body systems are kept in balance. Some of the most important helpers in the job of good health are the substances we call vitamins. Scientists say vitamins help to carry out chemical changes within cells. If we do not get enough of the vitamins we need in our food, we are at risk of developing a number of diseases. Read the list of the key words. Good health cooperation substances work together chemical reactions body systems in balance helpers vitamins chemical changes within cells enough of the vitamins at risk of developing a number of diseases Look at the key words and repeat the information. Read the list of some items and tick the items that vitamins are supposed to participate in. The first one has been done for you.
While-listening Listen and fill the gaps. 1) Many jobs must be done with two people. One person takes the lead. The other helps. It is this cooperation that brings success. So it is with the …………….. Much of our good health depends on the cooperation between ……………. When they work together, ………….. take place smoothly. ……………….. are kept.................... Some of the most important helpers in the job of good health are the substances we call ………………... The word "vitamin" dates back to Polish scientist Casimir Funk in nineteen-twelve. He was studying a substance in the ……….. that covers rice. This substance was believed to cure a ………….. called beriberi. 2) Vitamin A helps ……………. skin and other tissues from …………………. It is also needed to make a light-sensitive substance in the ………. People who do not get enough vitamin A cannot …………………………….. They may develop a ………………. that dries the eyes. This can result in …………………. and lead to ……………. Vitamin A is found in …………………. It also is in the ………………. Sweet potatoes, ………….. and other darkly colored ………………… contain ……………… that the body can change into …………………. Vitamin B-one is also called thiamine. …………… changes ……………. into …………... It also helps the ………. and …………… work smoothly. Without it, we would be ……….. and would not ………….. We also might develop ……………. Thiamine is found not just in …………….. like brown rice, but also in other foods. These include ………… and ……….., ………, and ……… and ………… After-listening Answer the questions 1. Who are the 2 scientists to have studied vitamins? What did they do and when? 2. How many kinds of vitamins do you know? 3. What do you know about vitamin supplements? 2. You should be divided into 2 groups. During 5 minutes each group is supposed to fill in the chart:
III. Reading
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