Kosovo – Islamic Demographic Warfare from 1900 to present 

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Kosovo – Islamic Demographic Warfare from 1900 to present


The new situation arising from the unilateral Kosovo declaration of independence shapes a new reality that will have multitude and mostly negative consequences for countless nations across the globe. It is important also to illuminate around the existence of the Kosovo issue as a demographic one, shaped by the expansion of one group of people (Albanian Muslims) versus the other one (Serbian Christians). Moreover the existence of facts on the ground as resulting from the population growth of the former, signify a real precedent for other regions in the world.[1]


In 1913 when Kosovo & Metojia became a part of the Serbian state the population of Christians exceeded 50%, whilst the Albanians counted around 350,000 souls, approximately 40%, the rest being occupied by Roma, Bosniaks, Turks and people of mixed origin. A generation later in 1948, after WW2 that resulted in the killings of 20,000 Serbs and the expulsion of some other 150,000 by the Nazi Albanian collaborators, the balance tilted in favour of the Albanians. In addition, the Tito administration willingly opened up the border up to 1949 and accepted 150,000 illegal immigrants in order to deliberately change the population makeup of the province as a counter-measure against the Serbs. Tito’s motto was “For a strong Yugoslavia we need a weak Serbia”.
Thus, in 1961 the Albanians numbered 650,000 people, and the analogy was 65% Albanians, 28% Serbians. From that period onwards a dramatic –And basically unexplained- population expansion derived from the Albanian community. In the mid-60’s the Albanian population had a 6.5 children per woman ratio, whilst the Serbians around 2.5. Although the second number is enough to replace the previous generation, it was much less and that resulted in a virtual takeover of the land by the Albanians.


In 1981 just after Tito’s death and the start of the first rebellions in Pristina, the Albanians numbered 1.2 million, a 100% increase in less than 20 years. The pressure exercised by them against the Serbian farmers that took the form of homicides, arsons, rapes and vandalism obliged to an exodus a considerable part of the Christian populous.[1]


Since 13/06/1999, 350,000 Serbians, Roma, Gorani and other were forced to flee from Kosovo. It was a flight of survival, considering the 1,500 homicides against Serbs in the coming months, up to early 2000. Around 80 UNESCO “protected” Christian monuments were blown up by the Albanians in front of the eyes of 40,000 KFOR personnel. It has to be stressed once more that even during the days of the Ottoman Empire and the numerous battles in the eparchy, nowhere close did the destruction of shrines came that close. Another 1,300 Serbs were killed up to 2003, 80,000 houses and estates were grabbed by the Albanians along with 20,000 automobiles and 15,000 shops, barns and commercial property. Some other 30,000 houses were burned to the ground in well-organised arson a campaigns another method regularly exercised by Kosovo-Albanians over the 20th century. It is also interesting to point out the situation in Pristina, the capital of Kosovo. Until 1999, Serbians constituted some 20% of the population. Nowadays there is a mere 0.1% having being entirely wiped out. In 2004 the last phase of the most recent genocide in a European soil (By Muslims against Christians) took place. In a space of 2 days, 27 Churches were burned to the ground, 7 Serbian villages, 40 people dead, 1,000 wounded and 4,000 refugees on their way to Serbia.


Destruction of monasteries and churches in Kosovo[2]

According to the data from the Serbian Orthodox Church, nearly 150 churches and monasteries have been destroyed for the last five years in Kosovo and Metochia, the cradle of Serbian Orthodoxy.


Wahabism in Kosovo[3]

In 2002, soon after the invasion of Albanian terrorists in Macedonia, the local government presented a 79 page report to the CIA, which highlighted the collaboration of Albanians and Al Qaida on the Balkans. Since 1999, in Kosovo, there have been built 24 Wahhabi mosques, 14 orphanages, and 24 elementary schools all sponsored by the Wahhabi network. The situation in Albania is similar where the religious leader is a disciple of the Wahhabi’s of Saudi Arabia.



1. http://bnp.org.uk/category/news/serbia-kosovo/

a. Images depicting destroyed Churches in Kosovo: http://www.interfax-religion.com/kosovo/#kosovo

b. RADIO FREE EUROPE Research, RAD Background Report/186
(Yugoslavia), 4 August 1983
EMIGRATION AND DEMOGRAPHY IN KOSOVO, By Steve Reiquam: http://files.osa.ceu.hu/holdings/300/8/3/text/118-2-80.shtml

c. Counter Punch Magazine, March 4, 2008.
Kosovo and the Press, By MIKE AVERKO: http://www.counterpunch.org/averko03042008.html
d. The Hamilton Spectator, February 25, 2008
Kosovo — A dangerous precedent, By Michael Biljetina: http://www.thespec.com/Opinions/article/329935
e. Arutz Sheva -Israel National News.com-, February 25 2008
Kosovo and Us, By Atty. Elyakim Haetzni: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/7790

f. University of California, Berkeley-Departments of Anthropology and Demography-
Anthropology Today 9 (1): 4-9, Feb 1993 Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Demography and the Origins of the Yugoslav Civil War, By E. A. Hammel: http://www.demog.berkeley.edu/~gene/migr.html

g. Videos of cultural genocide in Kosovo www.youtube.com/

Excerpts from “Albanian Nazi troops in WW2 Launched a Wide Spread Terror Against Kosovo Serbs”
By Carl Kosta Savich: http://www.michaelsavage.com/kosovo-genocide.html

Supplement: Demographic indicators for Kosovo
“498,000 (68.5%) in 1948; 647,000 (67.2%) in 1961; 916,000 (73.7%) in 1971; and 1,227,000 (77.5%) in 1981. (Albanian population) The Serbian population of Kosovo, in contrast, increased in only absolute terms (171,000, 189,000, 227,000, and 228,000 in 1948, 1953, 1961, and 1971, respectively), while initially stagnating and then declining in relative terms (23.6%, 23.5%, 23.6%, and 18.4%). By 1981, however, there were 209,792 Serbs in Kosovo, comprising only 13.2% of the total population. Therefore, between 1971 and 1981, the number of Serbs in Kosovo decreased by 18,472 in absolute terms.” “The Montenegrin population of Kosovo increased during the first three censuses after World War II (28,000, 31,000, and 37,000 in 1948, 1951, and 1961, respectively), while in 1971 and 1981 their total population dropped first to 31,500 in 1971 and then to 26,000 in 1981. In 1981 the Montenegrins accounted for only 1.7% of the total Kosovo population. The pressure exerted on Serbs and Montenegrins by Albanians, including “many cases of physical attack, attempted rape, damage to crops, [and the] desecration of Serbian monuments and gravestones,” has created a tense atmosphere conducive to Slav emigration from the area.”

II. http://www.vor.ru/Kosovo/history_eng.html

“Kosovo was annexed to Serbia after the Balkan war of 1912-1913 when the number of Serbs and Albanians was nearly equal. Albanians began to arrive in Kosovo in great numbers during the Second World War after the province was occupied by the Nazis. Thousands of Serbs and Montenegrins were forced to leave Kosovo while Albanians came to settle there from Albania.”ХA

III. http://www.eng.globalaffairs.ru/numbers/20/1132.html

“Before WWII, there were approximately an equal number of Serbs and Albanians living in Kosovo”

IV) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/inatl/longterm/balkans/overview/kosovo.htm

“By the time the Serbs reclaimed Kosovo in the Balkans Wars of 1912 to 1913, ethnic Albanians made up a significant portion of the population. They became a majority by the 1950s as their birth rate boomed and Serbs continued to migrate north”

2. http://www.interfax-religion.com/kosovo/#kosovo

3. http://iseef.net/latest/wahhabism-in-bih-1.html


Palestine for the Syrians?


By Daniel Pipes


The terms; Palestine and Palestinians are Islamic imperialist phenomenon. There is no such thing as a Palestinian people. Before 1948, they were referred to as Syrians. There was only Syria. The Palestinian phenomenon was created with the intention to justify Jihad.


During a meeting with leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) in 1976, Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad referred to Palestine as a region of Syria, as Southern Syria. He then went on to tell the Palestinians: "You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Do not forget one thing: there is no Palestinian people, no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria! You are an integral part of the Syrian people and Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrian authorities, who are the real representatives of the Palestinian people."

Although unusually candid, this outburst exemplifies a long tradition of Syrian politics, and one that has gained increasing importance in recent years. The Asad government presents itself as not just an Arab state protecting the rights of the Palestinians but as the rightful ruler of the land that Israel controls. According to this view, the existing republic of Syria is but a truncated part of the Syrian lands; accordingly, the government in Damascus has a duty to unite all Syrian regions, including Palestine, under its control.

The growth in Syrian military capabilities in recent years makes these ambitions a major source of instability throughout the Levant. Indeed, the Syrian claim to "Southern Syria" has become central to the Arab-Israeli conflict; Syrian has become not only Israel's principal opponent, but also the PLO's. Damascus is likely to retain this role for many years, certainly as long as Hafiz al-Asad lives, and probably longer.

When Asad uses the term Southern Syria, he implicitly harks back to the old meaning of the name "Syria." Historically, "Syria" (Suriya or Sham in Arabic) refers to a region far larger than the Syrian Arab Republic of today. At a minimum, historic Syria stretches from Anatolia to Egypt, and from Iraq to the Mediterranean Sea. In terms of today's political geography, it comprises all of four states-Syria, Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon-as well as the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and substantial portions of south-eastern Turkey. To distinguish this territory from the present Syrian state, it is known as Greater Syria.

Until 1920, Syria meant Greater Syria to everyone, European and Middle Easterner alike; For example, an early nineteenth-century Egyptian historian, 'Abd ar-Rahman al-Jabarti, referred to the inhabitants of El Arish in the Sinai Peninsula as Syrians. Palestine was called Southern Syria first in French, then in other languages, including Arabic. The 1840 Convention of London called the area around Akko "the southern part of Syria" and the 11th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (published in 1911) explains that Palestine "may be said generally to denote the southern third of the province of Syria." These examples could be multiplied a thousand-fold.


Creating a separate Palestinian state is as ridiculous as creating a separate state called Kosovo. There are only two rightful claimants of Kosovo. Albania and Serbia. Just like Syria and Israel in the Palestinian conflict.








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