Underline the correct words. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Underline the correct words.



1. Could you tell me what are your terms of payment/your terms of payment are?


2. Do you know where the marketing seminar is/is the marketing seminar?


3. I'd like to know how can we/we can finance this project.


4. Could I ask you why you left/did you leave your last job?


5. Do you think could I/I could use your fax machine?


Work in pairs. Role-play a phone conversation between A and B. A is phoning a club. B is a receptionist at the club. Use the patterns and the useful language tips from the lesson, the information from the internet sites in the list below and your own ideas.


1) http://www.ifitnes.ru 11) http://www.konkvest.ru
2) http://www.palestrasport.ru 12) http://www.pirogovo-club.ru/
3) http://worldclass.ru 13) http://www.pestovogolf.ru
4) http://www.fitnessliga.ru 14) http://www.topspinclub.com
5) http://scubaclass.ru 15) http://www.club-pro.ru
6) http://www.delphin.su 16) http://www.clubtennis.ru
7) http://www.kimberlyland.ru 17) http://dune-chessclub.narod.ru
8) http://www.chayka-sport.ru 18) http://etud-otradnoe.ru
9) http://www.rusminigolf.ru 19) http://www.latino-club.ru
10) http://www.mcgc.ru 20) http://www.club-perspektiva.ru


Exchanging Information



Work in small groups. Discuss these questions.


1) Is it easy for you to understand foreign names by ear? What do you do if you need to write them down?


2) What differences between the Russian and the English ways of saying dates and telephone numbers do you know?


Read the text and memorize the codes.



Names, Dates and Numbers


Have you ever talked on the phone with someone who was trying to phonetically


convey to you a confirmation code or a name and they were having trouble coming


up with words to correspond with each letter? “Um…d, as in ‘dog’…um…b, as in


‘boy’…um…n, as in ‘nancy’…” It’s quite frustrating – at both ends – and entirely


unnecessary. There is a much more elegant and standard solution, the International


Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet.


When reading off serial numbers, or spelling anything technical out over the phone,


one should use the most widely used radiotelephony phonetic alphabet. The official name


is the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) spelling alphabet. It assigns


code words to the letters of the English alphabet acrophonically (Alfa for A, Bravo for B,


etc.) so that critical combinations of letters (and numbers) can be pronounced and


understood by those who transmit and receive voice messages by radio or telephone


regardless of their native language, especially when the safety of navigation or persons is


essential. The paramount reason is to ensure intelligibility of voice signals over radio


A - Alfa F - Foxtrot K - Kilo P - Papa U - Uniform
B - Bravo G - Golf L - Lima Q - Quebec V - Victor
C - Charlie H - Hotel M - Mike R - Romeo W - Whiskey
D - Delta I - India N - November S - Sierra X - X-ray
E - Echo J - Juliette O – Oscar T - Tango Y - Yankee
        Z - Zulu

When involved in business activities you will hear a lot of dates. See the way the


dates below are to be spoken and practice saying them.


1 March 1998 ‘the first of March nineteen ninety-eight’


17 November 2000 ‘the seventeenth of November two thousand’


2 June 2005 ‘the second of June twenty oh five’


In America, and sometimes in Britain, dates are written with the month first: November 17 2000; June 2005. Be careful! Dates are sometimes written in number form only: 3.7.08. In Britain this would mean ‘the third of July twenty oh eight’; in America, and on many computers, it would mean ‘the seventh of March twenty oh




Phone numbers are pronounced in groups. The digits are said separately. Your voice should go up for each group, except for the last one, when your voice goes down to signal that it is the end of the number. '0' is usually spoken as oh in BrE, but as zero in AmE. '11', '22', etc. is usually spoken as double one, double two in BrE, but


one one, two two in AmE.


International dialing Country code Area code Local number
      403 5571
double oh two seven one two four oh three, double five seven one




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