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Angle on Brody, nervously watching the beachСодержание книги
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He is studying everything, trying to make sure he has it covered as well as possible. He almost doesn't hear the approaching roar of a small helicopter until it settles down behind him, and a Flying Officer gets out, starched, pressed fatigues, a flawless fatigue baseball cap, and slick dark aviator's sunglasses. The Steve Canyon of Amity. He presents Brody with a clipboard.
OFFICER Martin Brody? (Brody nods) I'll need your signature here... here... and here.
BRODY What is this?
OFFICER Authorization for direct payment of flight expenses not directly connected to a normal mission of this command. (Brody doesn't understand) You pay for the gas.
Brody signs. The Officer shakes his head as Brody makes an error.
BRODY I signed on the wrong line...
OFFICER Just erase your signature and initial your erasure.
Brody complies, shaking his head. The Officer snaps him a salute, jogs lightly back to his idling copter, buckles in, and gives Brody a "thumbs up" as he lifts off in a flurry of sand and ice-cream wrappers.
And this is it -- the Dawn Patrol, the only forces that the frantic phone calling produced. Hendricks, and the regular summer extra deputies. The lifeguards. Half a dozen state troopers. Some deputies from neighboring towns, and a Coast Guard ensign with a handful of regulars in work dungarees.
Some of Hooper's friends from the institute.
Brody and Hooper, badly in need of sleep, are watching the crew straggle in. Already the first of the holiday beach- goers are piling out of their cars in a brightly colored cascade of beach balls, umbrellas, blankets, portable bar-b- ques, radios, sun visors, reflectors, rafts, balls, tubes, and newspapers.
Hooper watches one such group: A Family of Ten getting out of a camper-van. He watches in dismay as the family bumbles onto the beach for a day of fun in the sun.
Brody addresses his troops, such as they are.
BRODY I want to thank you guys from local agencies for cooperating, and I hope we won't actually be needing your services. But I'm glad to have you here.
The Men ad lib responses: "Happy to do it," "Any time," "When's lunch?" "I hate holidays," etc.
ENSIGN I want to get our lines and repellent out, so we better shove off.
He nods to his men, who head for some Boston Whalers (or similar boat with surf-riding capability) and push off into the surf to patrol the swimming areas.
BRODY (a last caution) We're all on one channel, so let's keep radio traffic to a minimum, okay?
Everyone kind of nods acknowledgment.
HOOPER I hope we get some more help.
BRODY I wish it would rain...
In a shed near the bandstand, a half-dozen pinball and arcade machines sucking quarters from holiday beach-goers. A mechanical shark traverses the screen, is hit with an electric harpoon and red "blood" blossoms from its side, indicating a hit.
Sounds of electronic gadgetry, people having fun. Meadows is there writing it all up for the paper. A move away from the screen of this particular machine reveals the arcade, the parking lot, and, finally, the beginnings of the panorama of the beach that July 4th has created.
four foot surfer's swell curls and crashes on shore, riderless. The broad sandy beach is a mosaic of summer color as one thousand vacationers practice fun in the sun, but not in the water. Hot dog stands and ice cream vendors are
A half-dozen lookout lofts. As many handsome lifeguards with Walkie-Talkies strapped to their trunks and loud-hailers at arm's reach. Bored, two of the hot dogs train their binoculars on some local color.
A TV Mobile Unit Van is setting up: cables snaking to cameras, a camera with a big sports zoom sitting on the platform atop the truck, a spiffy announcer-type in a blazer with his station's call letters on the pocket. Inside the darkened control room, we can see the pale blue squares of monitors in a mosaic against one wall, facing the switcher.
Hooper is methodically patrolling in his boat. Tactically flanking a three-hundred-yard apron of black repellent are four small watch-boats. A tiny pleasure boat darts around the repellent line. Farther out, crossing back and forth, are patrol boats. To top it all off, a Coast Guard helicopter hovers and patrols three hundred feet above.
At least eight monitors, reflecting the outputs of three cameras and two tape machines, as well as line, preview, and effects monitors.
MONITOR: CAMERA 1: Holding on a group of happy citizen-bathers as they unpack their gear, wave to camera, run into the water.
MONITOR: CAMERA 2: The Repellent Line, set in place by Coast Guardsmen in small boats, setting out floats, dumping repellent into the ocean.
MONITOR: CAMERA 3: Close on the Bandstand, where Amity's band is playing lilting patriotic airs.
After we've seen this activity, we can take a look at what's going on: the preparation of the tape segment for the six o'clock news.
TV DIRECTOR Put 1 on the line. In five. 4. 3. 2. 1. Roll.
On the "Tape 1" and "Line" monitors, we see Vaughn being interviewed by the Announcer in the blazer.
ANNOUNCER ...and with me is the Mayor of Amity, Lawrence Vaughn. Mr. Vaughn, how about those rumors?
VAUGHN How about them indeed. I'm pleased and happy to repeat the news that we have, in fact, caught and killed a large predator that supposedly injured some bathers here. As you can see, it's a beautiful day, the beaches are open, and the folks here are having a wonderful time. Amity, y'know, means 'Friendship.'
MONITOR: CAMERA 1: As Vaughn speaks to us on the monitors, the monitor for Camera 1 pans over to show a Sightseeing Bus pull up in the parking area, and a horde of media vultures spilling out, carrying cameras with long lenses and tripods, telescopes, sunshades and parasols, all the equipment of the curious and none of the equipment of the holiday bather or swimmer.
TAPE 1 AND LINE MONITORS: Close on the Announcer, Vaughn out of the picture.
ANNOUNCER Also here today is a Marine Biologist and Research Fellow from the Oceanographic Institute, Matthew Hooper. Mr. Hooper, what've you heard?
HOOPER What I've heard and what I've seen are two different things. I believe there is a large Great White Shark -- Carcharodon Cacharias - in the waters off this very beach, that he has killed and that he will kill again...
Hooper's voice fades off as someone at the mixer panel dials his mike off, and brings up the Announcer's lavalier.
ANNOUNCER (moving into center frame) And there you have it -- two different opinions, by men of good will. The holiday crowd here at Amity seems to be making up its own mind...
The camera pans off him to a happy family headed for the beach.
MONITOR: CAMERA 3: Zooms in on the puffing face of the tuba player.
MONITOR: CAMERA 2: Brody and the Announcer.
MONITOR: TAPE 1 and LINE: Back on the Announcer, his lips moving, but his sound turned off. We hear, instead, the sound from Monitor Camera 2, Brody and the same Announcer.
BRODY I'm sorry, I just don't have the time.
TV DIRECTOR Recue the machines. 2, pan off the Chief and show me some tits and ass. 1, get me some cute kids. 3... see if you got a shot at the water.
MONITORS: CAMERAS 1, 2 and 3: The cameras seek out the appropriate activity as the Director calls for it.
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (holds up stopwatch) Mayor, 43 seconds, Biologist 45 seconds. That's equal time, right?
DIRECTOR Right. (he presses "Talkback" button to his announcer) Jerry, come on in and look at this. (to his headset) Roll 2. In five, 4. 3. 2. 1.
Starts showing us the assembled interview segment we've just seen, starting with the Announcer's opening remarks.
ANNOUNCER (V.O. MONITOR) Amity Island is famed for its clear air and white sand beaches. But a cloud appeared...
His voice is dialed under as the Announcer himself appears in the control room to watch himself on the monitors.
ANNOUNCER (LIVE) Look at that shine on my nose. It's a beacon.
DIRECTOR Close enough for remote.
As Vaughn begins his spiel again, the other monitors show us the action on the beach.
VAUGHN (V.O.) ...I'm pleased and happy...
DIRECTOR Think we ought to stick around?
ANNOUNCER What else you got?
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Teachers' strike downtown.
CAMERAMAN'S VOICE (O.S.) Christenson, this is Al. Union says time for Engineering Five.
DIRECTOR That's five minutes, guys. Coffee.
Vaughn is in his shirtsleeves, having slipped out of his jacket.
He mops his brow, and surveys the beachfront. At this moment, there's nobody swimming. He approaches a familiar Selectman, nods hello, and squats beside him on the sand.
VAUGHN Why don't you get in the water?
SELECTMAN I don't want to wash off my suntan lotion. I'll get a burn...
VAUGHN (some urgency) Nobody's going in!
On an adjoining blanket, a spirited Ruth Gordon type is sitting, watching brightly as her manservant, a polished Eric Harrison type, prepares some tea from a thermos.
WOMAN Is there nobody going in? What a shame. Arthur, should I be going in?
ARTHUR (THE BUTLER) (pouring tea) If you'd like.
He puts down the tea service, and leads her towards the water.
At the edge of the sea, she stops, and he walks in.
ARTHUR (as he enters the waves) It's very nice. Not too cold... Quite refreshing... Very pleasant....
He ducks his head under for a final look around. His dripping head rises triumphantly from the surf.
ARTHUR No sharks, m'lady.
She starts into the water, he takes her parasol, escorting her the rest of the way into the ocean.
WOMAN This is marvelous! Arthur, I want to come back to this very spot. Will you make a note of where we are?
Encouraged by the sight of the Woman and Arthur, and Vaughn's quiet urgings, people begin to wander into the surf, a few at first, and then a rush, as people plunge in and begin enjoying the pleasures of ocean bathing. The Selectman goes in, his family follows, Vaughn watches it all, beaming.
Hendricks is on the radio while a Coast Guard spotter works the sonar.
HENDRICKS Anything? Thought I saw a shadow. Over.
Pan to the water.
As before, 400 pairs of enticing, yummy swimmers' legs, kicking like animated hors d'oeuvres.
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