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Ext. On the beach at Avril Bay - dayСодержание книги
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Two older Seascouts look on with stop watches and clipboards, while some Parents shade their eyes from the sun, watching their offspring. Brody pulls up in the Amity Police jeep, and starts toward the people. Behind him, Vaughn's Cadillac pulls up and skids to a stop. In it are Vaughn, Meadows, the Doctor, maybe a Selectman, and Hendricks, with his arms still full of sign material. Vaughn intercepts Brody, the others circle around him, effectively slowing his progress through the sand to the scouts.
VAUGHN Martin! (he catches up with him) Are you going to shut down the beach on your own authority?
BRODY Do I need any more authority?
MEADOWS Technically, you need the instruction of a civic ordinance, or a special meeting of the town selectmen...
VAUGHN (the good guy) That's just going by the book. We're just a little anxious that you're rushing into something serious here. This is your first summer.
BRODY Now tell me something I don't know.
VAUGHN All I'm saying is that Amity is a summer town -- we need summer dollars, and if they can't swim here, they'll use the beaches at Cape Cod, or Long Island.
BRODY So we should set out a smorgasbord?
MEADOWS We're not even sure what it was.
BRODY What else could've done that?
VAUGHN (to Doctor) Boat propeller?
DOCTOR I think, possibly... sure. A boating accident.
VAUGHN Some weekend tramp accidentally goes swimming too far, she's a little drunk, a fishing boat comes along --
MEADOWS Remember when Fred Ganz went scalloping in his BVD's? He was going to swim to New Bedford, he said.
The men all laugh, ad lib their remembrances of this foolishness.
MEADOWS ...and Bill Mayhew almost caught him in his net...?
BRODY (interrupting the merriment) Doctor, you're the one who told me what it was!
DOCTOR I was wrong. We'll have to amend the report.
MEADOWS We never had that kind of trouble here.
VAUGHN I don't think you can appreciate the gut reaction people have to these things.
BRODY I was only reacting to what I was told.
Brody looks out to the water where the scouts are rounding another buoy on the home stretch.
VAUGHN (taking Brody aside) It's all psychological, anyway. You yell 'Barracuda' and everyone says 'huh'. You yell 'Shark' and we've got a panic on our hands. I think we all agree we don't need a panic this close to the 4th of July.
Vaughn indicates the beach where the Scouts are flopping out onto the sand, exhausted, glad to be finished.
BRODY I can't work in a vacuum. Why don't you make Hendricks Chief? His family's been here since the Puritans -- half this island are his cousins.
VAUGHN Martin, we hired the best man we could find.
All ad lib agreement.
VAUGHN We need someone who isn't prejudiced by old feuds or family ties, someone who can referee things.
MEADOWS You have our complete support.
VAUGHN Now then. We've got a vandalism problem we ought to talk about...
The others surround Brody as Vaughn leads the way back to the cars, ad libbing their problem with the little karate choppers.
Hendricks puts the signs back into the trunk of Vaughn's Cadillac. Vaughn waves casually to the Scouts and swimmers who are vigorously toweling off in the background.
In front of Amity's only Music Store, a battered old pick-up
truck pulls in to the curb. Quint and his mate cross silently heading into the music store.
A gently tinkling bell tolls Quint's entrance. Inside the store, a ten-year-old boy is being shown a clarinet. He is playing a mellow low tone, and running "Ode to Joy." Quint looms past him like Neptune rising from the deep, and lets his hand drop on the counter with a slap that sounds like a club on flesh. The Shopkeeper abandons the little boy and meets Quint.
SHOPKEEPER Hello, Mr. Quint.
QUINT Four spools of Number 12 piano wire, Okay? I ordered them.
SHOPKEEPER (finding them under the counter) Yessir, right here. What do those fish do, eat this stuff?
QUINT They choke on it.
Without waiting for it to be wrapped, he picks up the gleaming wire in his gnarled fist, and drops a bill on the counter.
No answer from Quint, who stops and sings along with the boy.
The little kid's music degenerates into a series of awkward squeaks and blurps, as Quint stares at him. Quint continues out the door, threading his way through the people in the street like some great fish. As he gets up into the cab of his pick-up, its door swings open so we can see a crude stylized shark decorating its side. It slams behind him as Quint gets in and drives away.
A plump jelly-bowl of a woman plunges into the ocean. There's enough there to satisfy the most gluttonous shark. Buoyant, joyful, she splashes away in abandon. From her, we pan off to reveal other cheerful bathers enjoying that last uncluttered weekend before the season starts in earnest.
A Man and his dog are romping at the water's edge. The Man is throwing a stick out into the surf, the dog, a happy retriever, is bounding into the waves after it.
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